
Rare Breed

year 2046 the world is suffering through a deadly disease, researchers find a strain of unknown hidden human DNA while looking at potential cures for the disease, the hidden cells once brought to light unveils hidden ancient powers which gives humans powers only read of in mythology and fairy tales some powers can be traced to legendary mythical figures these humans are referred to as post-humans a powerful new race while the pre-humans remained weak and fragile in the new world the disease was cured but a new evil came to, the post-humans feel the pre-humans are a waste of space and resources and should be removed from the existence, a war erupts between the pre and post humans little did they realise all these acts they have done of unlocking the hidden cells the mistreating of lesser innocent beings and shedding innocent blood has broken all seals of the ancient evils inside the forgotten Pandora's box, all curses all myths, folklore, legends all make believe locations every monster ever told in stories have been released back into the world bringing destruction to the world, all hope was lost until a group of warriors appeared and changed the scales of war against the old evils of the world, a forgotten hunters bloodline brought hope to the new terrifying world and the hope is the Helsings academy. Forward 20 years into the future, a young orphan boy named Rhode Edge of the Trash-litter orphanage finds himself defending his home from a man eating monster, as he is facing death he is saved by the headmaster of the Helsing academy , Alrhyse Van Helsing and his units, injured and dying Rhode has been selected to be in the new batch of monster hunters in the New worlds most prestigious hunting academy.

Meesin · Fantasy
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6 Chs

2. Everyday life.

Its been 20 years since the release happened, the first 10 years was just a dark age of survivors scurrying around in the shadows looking for supplies and shelter while the stronghold was being constructed, countless attacks and raids happened on the survivors many lives lost until the day of the final wall being placed and the holy vatican veil being released repelling all evil entities from the region, man eating creatures still plagued the land but a safezone was firmly established and controlled and the hunters academy rose to start training the new age of monster hunters and fighters, Alrhyse Van Helsing teaching and reveling all his knowledge and information on the new age of monster hunter and handing out copies of his armoury to construct weapons affective against the creatures of the new world, the old world weapons worked on lesser creatures such as ghouls, zombies, orcs, elves anything humanoid but with the production of ammo and supplies cut from strongholds they became useless after fighting just a single mid range monster and had to find new ways to fight and survive, with the Helsings schematics released to the public no one could understand the language until a little persons bloodline activated, he read the language like it was English it was the lost langue of the dwarves and with this runes and dwavern engineers were resurrected from extinction the new age dwarves were given a section of the stronghold on a manmade river so they can run there new forges and blacksmiths with unlimited water supplies, with the weapons in mass production the hunting academy was in full force of training and sending out students to clear out the outskirts of the stronghold to branch out and establish more livable grounds for its residents, the livable areas was soon found as the maps show a road that's around the Vatican area which is strangely circular reaching this road and passing by it showed what it was, it was the limit of the holy veil protection and the border of holy and evil a hunter student passed the border and was immediately torn to pieces by an unknown being it was over in seconds and disappeared with the body with this new information Helsing personally erected the border himself with his handmade border patrol golems that only activate when a evil entity enters the borders of the stronghold, with this the the stronghold was built and was called Holy veil citadel.

even though the citadel accepted all races with no discrimination its human nature to avoid and refuse to help something that is a waste of time and resources, sick weak and injured were left to defned themselves and rejected from most protected populated areas and sent to the outer limits of the citadel on this edge an orphanage was built by a young woman Dimmity she was a foreigner to the lands she was travelling the world when the release happened since she wasn't from the area she was seen as an outcast and rejected from all populated areas, Dimmity was use to this side of humans due to her unusual look she had red hair with different color eyes one was grey and the other was yellow her family heavily religous seen it as a sign of the devil and put her into a orphanage she worked her way up enough to travel that's how she ended up in rome as the release happened, while she walked around the slums and outskirts of the citadel she came across and number of orphaned children she gathered them all and they set out looking for a safe area if that was possible they found an old ammo bunker on the edge of the border next to a river outlet this location was the birthplace of the Trash-litter orphanage family, Dimmity spent days putting up walls and reinforcing them she had spent years in a metal shop learning and her post human skill thanks to her eyes was appraisal and location she could find out the worth of material and locate objects hidden or buried in her view, with her skills she quickly built a walled community and had caught the eyes of merchants and high up authorities but she remembered how her and her family were treated and stayed a private community only accepting outcasts and rejected the little settlement grew and she was now referred to as Aunty dimmity with the rise of her settlement she got funded and help directly from the Helsing academy and even had one of her kids accepted into the academy being the first ever prehuman especially a orphan be accepted into the academy.

10 years later leads us to present day the trash-litter orphanage being one of the safest settlements on the edge of the border, our story of the 20th year of the New age starting with our hero Rhode Edge a 13 year old orphan coming home injured and bloody again after defending his siblings from older kids from a Named household, aunty dimmity checked to make sure everyone was fine and not seriously injured then slapped Rhode over the head for fighting again, 'how many times do I have to tell you to ignore what everyone says rhode or you'll be fighting til the day you die' rhode replied with 'they called you a useless mother for raising dirty and useless children and I'm the oldest boy and need to stand up for my family', Aunty dimmity smiled pinched his cheek and replied with 'we are called the trash-litter orphanage for a reason we were thrown away like trash but you are all my precious little kittens hence why I call you a litter we are what we are and we work towards a better future for the next litter so ignore the people that feel the need to bully children to make themselves feel powerful and better about themselves', rhode is a quiet shy guy due to his appearance, scars cover his body and face he never speaks a word to strangers or show himself but when his younger siblings are bullied or hurt he protects them even if it means he's going to be injured, rhode got his name because of where he was found, he was found walking on a deserted road In the worst part of the citadel bruised, bloody and beaten barely 4 years old how his injuries happened is still a mystery but he came from a part of town where mercenaries reside its the roughest most dangerous part of the citadel but they protect and patrol the outskirts even if they do treat everyone badly they risk there lives fighting anything that enters the citadels territory that is a deadly threat, aunty dimmity took the young injured rhode in and gave him a home, his injuries healed physical but mentally the damage was done he seen his face as a scarred mess and hides it with a cat mask, the mask was made for him by aunty dimmity its the only thing he had ever asked for, he helped out a lot with finding supplies, for a small fragile looking boy he was strong and had amazing survival skills he could repair and make weapons for the game hunters and fishers could repair any damages to the walls and also find and get into places other couldn't to find useful items, after washing and cleaning himself up rhode went outside to look for aunty dimmity to help prepare food for the children but as he came outside he could sense something wasn't right, it was extremely quiet and the air felt heavy and hard to breathe and a horrible rotten stench filled the air, a rustling noise was heard coming from the work shop rhode walked over to see what was making the noise, he found a game hunter hiding with a face that looked like he had just seen a ghost before he could ask whats going on he heard a deep goosebump inducing growl, rhode turned to face a behemoth of a monster that looked like it had been stitched and sewn from mutiple creatures and smelt of rotten flesh its cloudy white eyes locked with rhodes but it didn't move, it was as if the creature was blind and waiting to hear for movement rhode stood perfectly still didn't even breathe the creature put its disgusting deformed arm out to feel the area as it went to touch rhode it an iron wrench smashed the creature in the side of the head, aunty dimmity started screaming and throwing tools and loose items at the creature as did others in hiding the creature started looking around at all the people at first we thought it was overwhelmed by the movement and injuries it was taking in but everyone's chest suddenly went tight when they seen the horrifying creature give a huge grin revealing razor sharp teeth that did not match the rest of the body, before anyone could even see, it had dashed towards aunty dimmity and swung its arm at her the swing of its arm was so forceful it broke all bones in its arm turning it into a compound fractured club, the first swing missed and aunty ran towards the safe house to lock and protect the children it quickly followed and had its arm inside the door reaching around for anything to grab hold of, as it reached for one fo the children a bright flash lit of the area, rhode had gotten a acetylene torch and lit its back on fire to draw its attention, the creature turned and gave rhode a terrifying look, the look of hate and anger that froze rhode in place the creature kicked backwards sending rhode flying into the workshop, bloody, bruised and broken before rhode could even take a breath the creature was face to face breathing its revolting breath on him, his mask destroyed rhode barely conscious grabbed a piece of splintered metal and shoved it directly into its eye, hoping it would slow the creature down, it only made the creature grin, knowing he could not move or do anything rhode closed his eyes and smiled knowing his family would be locked in the safehouse, the smile made the creature furious and sent it into a frenzy as it lifting its arms to smash down on rhode a loud bang echoed the area and stopped the creature, a smoking hole was in place of where the monsters heart should, through the hole rhode could see a figure holding up a huge bladed gun with a cross and helsing academy insignia, the monster was face to face with the unknown hunter in seconds eyes couldn't even trace the creatures movement, the creature was now a bright red hulking mass of a monster the injury from the gun sent the monster into a terrifying rage it was already a huge creature before but now its standing 3 foot over the tallest of people, the hunter laughed stood aside just as a second monster spear tackled the monster to the ground and started throwing down the heaviest hits anyone has ever seen it wasn't just heavy it was fast, for every one hit you seen you missed 3, the second giant figure had a helsing academy insignia tattooed on its back meaning this monster was a hunter as well rhode couldn't belive what he was seeing as he slowly lost consciousness the fight ended with the creature being smashed into a barely recongisable state and the hunters announcing its safe to come out, the the hulking mass of a man started steaming and shrunk down to a fragile looking man, the man with the bladed gun annouched to the settlement that they were infact Alrhyse Van Helsing and Dr. Robert jekyll some of the founders and teachers of the Helsing academy 'i am alrhyse van helsing headmaster of the helsing academy we had heard of a highclass monster prowling and hunting in this area we came as soon as we heard of a settlement being attacked' aunty dimmity and the children ran to rhodes side to try and help but his injuries are to severe for them to heal aunty dimmity begun crying and saying how sorry she was for not being able to protect him and let him take on the creature alone, she hugged him and pulled him close his mask broken fell from his face showing his smile, alrhyse approached them and gave them an offer that no one ever expected to hear, 'let him attend the academy as my thanks for defending and protecting the area from a deadly creature that only high ranking hunters can hunt successfully, he will have everything paid for and fully backed and funded by myself my Dr. jekyll for anything he needs and wants' aunty dimmity eyes red from crying accepts the offer and lets them take rhode to the inner walled city to recover, she knows rhode will be safe there as she has already let one of her boys join and succefully graduate the academy.

as the pair are leaving the settlement aunty dimmity eyes widen and tears of joy flow as she sees a little wave and thumbs up from rhode as they fade from view hunters enter the settlement to contain it and clear the creature from it as rhode loses consciousness once again.