
Ranu gopalu

Magical Realism
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What is Ranu gopalu

Read Ranu gopalu novel written by the author modipiyush2180 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Magical Realism stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Curious Tales of Irregularity

January 1st, 1987. A huge catastrophic incident befalls upon the world, in such a normal holiday. In just the short time of 5 minutes, an estimated 7 million people from around the world were killed along with the destruction of trillions worth of properties. Referred to as the New Year Catastrophe it was the first instance of which the world was introduce to the anomalies that are Nightmares. Creatures of unknown that defies any logic and comprehension of what was known at that time. With the destruction that the Nightmares have laid upon the world, certain actions were taken to further prevent anymore causalities. Along with the introduction of the Nightmare’s also came the birth of the organization Federal Bureau for Nightmare Containment and Research (FBNCR). An organization that specializes in fighting, investigating, containing and researching Nightmares and activities relating to it. With the effort of the FBNCR and other organizations similar to it, humanity was able to fight back the loaming threat which are the Nightmares and learn more about it. With more knowledge obtained. Humanity came to understand the Nightmares more and along with it also came the surge and advancement of technologies. In present only 5 countries remain, with most have been either destroyed or have merge with the other 5. Procedures pertaining Nightmares and relating activities were also created and followed by most people. Mystical things that everyone thought where mere fantasies became the norm and not long after functioning societies returned but far different from what it was.

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【乐天沙雕脾气暴躁一撩脸就红的皇帝女主宋玄VS腹黑无赖病娇体弱占有欲爆棚的丞相男主君容】 坐标:沙雕甜文,小权谋,后期小虐~ 宋玄看书长评吐槽,醒来却穿成里面的悲剧女主,什么操作? 而且系统居然告诉她,若是不想走原书女主被丞相踹下皇位,折磨至死的剧情,就必须完成任务——让丞相爱上她。 天?啥玩意? 好吧,原女主虽未来会登基,但即位前简直弱爆了,宋玄只得糟心的开始一段搞事业的艰辛历程。 下毒,心疾,假圣旨,被质疑身份,争夺皇位……特么连个原书里的炮灰都想害她?! 可宫斗权谋也就算了,特么谁能告诉她,为何她的夫子,原书里严苛冷漠的太师卫谦,怎么动不动对她摸头笑脸额头吻? 原书里没讲这段啊,这是挖到隐藏剧情了? 可最难搞的还不是这位,而是终极Boss——丞相君容。 第一次见面,他居高临下,对她说:“君容一介区区臣子,能对金枝玉叶的公主做什么呢?” 第二次,他意外受伤,血流不止倒在她怀里,好巧不巧还被卫谦撞破。 无数次… 后来呢? 女皇帝宋玄横空出世,而她的丞相,那个大幽国人皆知最尊崇维护她的人,在她登上皇位的第三年,轰轰烈烈的反了。 宋玄:“人生如戏全靠演技,我演不过你,告辞。” 君容;“若我不准陛下走呢?” 宋玄:“滚!”

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