
Hi Hello.

Welcome Welcome Welcome. This is rants with me. I would say my name but... privacy. First there are warnings.

Warning one: These are my opinions. You can disagree and give me hate but they are my opinions.

Warning two: These are from my experience with these topics. I'm not going on a random topic and talk good or bad about them.

Warning three: Rants are usually bad. Well my rants are sometimes bad. So if I talk bad about something you enjoy, I apologize.

Warning four: I am a young adult who doesn't know everything. I'm still in school and I'm not paying attention.

Warning five: I might curse. I don't say slurs and I'm going to avoid slurs. And I don't know all the slurs so please educate me if I say one on accident.

Those are my current warnings. I might have more but my brain is dead. Hopefully you guys can enjoy my rants.

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