
Ranshio Prelude

Terry_Bent · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Nine: Eikon The Legendary Fire Dragon

Darkness enshrouded the man in the hood as he continued to stare at Eikon with only a sinister smile being revealed to the Dragon. The domain in which Eikon was housed in was spacious and held multiple torches bolted to the walls. His throne was made out of the humans bones of his victims and set beside the left of it was a majestic dark blade that had bandages encasing the handle. The mysterious man shifted his gaze towards it. The blade in which he had sought was right in his grasps. He began approaching Eikon calmly with one foot placed before the other. A lion sized dragon had rose it's head from the side of Eikon's throne, unleashing a low growl from within it as it watched the mysterious man approach it's master with piercing eyes.

"Aren't you going to control your pet EIkon?" The man questioned walking continuing his stroll

"Calm down Embar," Eikon demanded, silencing the loyal dragon which proceeded in shaking it's head slightly.

"That's better," said the man as he finally stood before Eikon with a slight raise of his head "now then, I heard you wanted to see me."

"Yes Master, you see the other's haven't been taking my warning seriously. We are indeed being hunted by humans, possibly infected humans to be more precise. I don't believe the blade you entrusted me to keep safe should remain in my hands."

"I see, you fear you may be defeated by these humans?"

"I simply would not like to take the risk of losing such an important object Master," the man released a slight chuckle that caused a sense of uneasiness within EIkon. He knew what kind of man stood before him, the kind that would strike him down without cause. At this very moment Eikon began fearing for his life but he did not know what else to do.

"Very well Eikon, I understand completely the position you are in. But make no mistake," The man's sinister grin began spreading wider as he leaned towards Eikon with outreaching hands. "This doesn't give you permission to die, if you lose here and now I'll make sure your soul won't find rest in the promise land."

Eikon eyes widen by his master's threat, he knew to take them seriously and that even in death he would still not be safe from his wrath. The nervousness that swelled within his eyes soon settled as he began gritting his teeth slightly. A stream of sweat had ran down the side of his right cheek and his heart began to increase in pace slightly.

"I understand...Master," he said finally as he watched the man approach the dark blade, grasping it by the handle and staring at it in a mesmerized way.

"The Dark Kunasta, sister blade of the Kunasta. Once I've acquired both the next stage of my plan will be revealed. Do try to live until then," said the man with a slight chuckle. He noticed the presence of Yasmin appearing behind them at the entrance to Eikon's domain.

Her hefty breathing and astonishing gasp was enough to shift his gaze towards her, revealing his sinister smile upon her once again. Her body froze at the sight of the man as images of the past ran through her mind like a storm. Her anger swelled as lightly ran through her fidgeting hands, sparking at the fingertips.

"It's...you..." she said finally with a look hate swelling within her eyes.

"Well then Eikon, looks like you was right after all, we are being hunted..." said the man.

"Master please leave with the blade, I'll handle this intruder," said Eikon.

"Oh, is that so. Very well then I'll leave it in your hands," the man replied as the darkness started to emit from within his body.

"Yasmin wait up!" Koji shouted from behind the girl. He had finally arrived beside her in a heavy pant with his hands resting against his knees. He looked up and saw the man wrapped in darkness and instantly began feeling a surge of pain swelling within his head.

"Eikon, I would be careful with that one if I were you," said the man, his body, vanishing finally within the darkness.

"Who...who was that just now?" Koji asked while shaking his head slightly. Yasmin began gritting her teeth in frustration as the electricity finally enshrouded her body. She released a massive stream of lighting towards EIkon but his loyal pet, Embar, intercepted the attack with it's wings shielding it's body. Yasmin tightened her teeth as she halted her attack and stared at the creature before her.

"Dammit, I can't believe I let him escape," said Yasmin with clenched fists.

"Who was that just now, answer me!" Koji demanded while striking the air with his right hand.

"It matters not who that was, It's me your after is it not, or rather..." Eikon raised his left middle finger, revealing the Dragon Claw unto Yasmin and Koji who were both drawn to the green glow that it exudes radiance and beauty.

"Hey...is he actually flicking us off?" Koji questioned, breaking the silence that had filled the room. A slight chuckle had escaped from Yasmin as a crafty grin quickly replaced the menacing scowl she had on her aspect from before.

"You know what, I think he is," Yasmin commented while entering into her stance "you're correct Dragon, we are here for the Dragon Claw. Once we've taken care of your little pet you're next!"

"Embar, dispose of these two fools!" Eikon demanded while swiping the air with his right arm, signaling to attack. The loyal dragon drew in it's breath then unleashed a massive flame unto Yasmin, but Koji quickly intervened with the Flametongue placed before him. The flames of the blade swallowed the flames that were being spewed out towards them as Koji continued to hold his ground against the fiery blast.

"(Did I just see that correctly? That boy's blade it appeared out of nowhere in shimmering light then transformed into a Flametongue?)" Eikon thought as he continued to watch the action from his throne. "(It holds the same ability as the Dark Kunasta. Could it be that this boy...)"

"Blaze Scar!" Koji roared as he unleashed the fiery sword beam unto Embar who quickly grasped the energy beam by it's claws and directed it to the canopy up above. The blast had left a hole behind as numerous debris began cascading down in various directions. Koji returned to his stance with his Flametongue held outward and his hands clenching the handle tightly.

"Sorry but I won't let you lay a finger on my Master, she's someone very precious to me," said Koji with a confident smirk spreading across his face.

"Koji..." Yasmin commented softly, her heart fluttering as the words Koji stated resonated within her.

"Just stand back and conserve your strength Yasmin, I'll take care of this one myself!" Koji charged the dragon with his blade held out towards the right. He quickly brought the fiery blade over his head then swung hard against the scaly skin of the dragon's right wing.

The creature glared at Koji as it pushed the boy back slightly then retaliated with a whip of it's tail against the boy's fiery blade. Unfazed, Koji deflected the tail whip then landed on both feet a few meters away from the beast. He charged once more while lashing out his blade in various directions. The creature continued to raise its wings in an effort to deflect each strike but found itself being backed into corner with no more room to falter.

Koji unleashed a massive battle cry as he swung hard from overhead but the dragon quickly swept the boy off his feet with his tail then slammed it's left wing against his body, propelling him back to the entrance wall with blood spewing out of his mouth.

"Koji!" Yasmin cried as electricity started to flow through her once more.

"Don't, I got this, trust me!" Koji stated with clenched teeth. His eyes, revealing the crimson glow of the Dragon Eyes as he wiped off the blood from his lips. He quickly reentered his stance while gathering the fire Ranshio essences around him.

He watched as the dragon took flight with it's wings beating against the air beneath it. Flames started spewing from within the creatures mouth in a form of fireballs that were directed at Koji. The young boy quickly roll to the side and then ran the nearby wall with his left arm pumping his stride and his right hand holding his blade outward. He glanced back to see another oncoming fireball being directed at him.

In quick haste he vaulted out of the way while looking down at the carnage to that took place from the fiery blast. He began gritting his teeth slightly as he swung hard against numerous fireballs that had met him in the air. Each swing he released a low grunt until he finally retaliated with a Blaze Scar from the tip of his blade.

The creature dove underneath the Blaze Scar then charged straight towards Koji who quickly held the face of his Flametongue before him as the metal met with the bridge of the creature's nose. A massive collision took place as Koji began gritting his teeth from being pushed back by the dragon's tackle.

"Are you concerned for your subordinate? Do you not trust that he'll get the job done?" Eikon asked suddenly, grabbing Yasmin's attention from the fight. "The boy has promise that is true, but he doesn't have what it takes to defeat a dragon such as Embar, not without assistance that is. Go on I won't stop you, just know you intervening will do more harm to the boy's pride than you could even imagine," Eikon stated smugly.

"I believe Koji will get it done, he is a Ranshio Warrior after all. He was born for this kind of thing," Yasmin commented, exuding confidence from her words. "I would worry less about my subordinate and more about the next five minutes. Cause once Koji's finished with your pet, you are next!"

"Heh, we shall see," Eikon scoffed as he shifted his gaze back to the fight.

All eyes were on Koji and Embar who continued to battle it out with everything they had. The sound of metal meeting dragon scales echoed throughout the domain as each strike Koji parried from Embar raised him higher and higher towards the canopy above. Koji's quick thinking had allowed him to develop a counter strike whilst in mid air. He quickly performed a backflip towards the canopy and planted his feet against the surface.

In quick haste, he pushed off against the surface and flew past the dragon with his blade severing the right wing of the creature instantly. An shrieking uproar was unleashed from the dragon as Koji landed on his right knee with the wing falling right beside him. He quickly looked up to see the creature flailing about with only one wing. Koji began mustering the essences that he had gathered earlier in the fight and quickly summoned two clones at his side. The clones placed their blades against Koji's as they all raised their swords simultaneously while gathering up energy within them.

"Blaze Scar!" Koji roared as he and the clones slashed the air above them, releasing a hellish sized Blaze Scar that collided with the dragon's body, ripping the flesh and severing the tendons as the energy consumed the remaining parts of the creature then shot out through the canopy leaving another massive hole behind.

The remains of the dragon's carcass began showering the domain as the sever head of the dragon landed right beside Eikon's feet. He glanced at it then returned his attention back to Koji who answered his glare with a confident smirk.

"Like she said, you're next..." said Koji finally, the rain of remains subsiding as he entered his stance.

"I must commend you on defeating Embar, but now it is time I show you true despair," said Eikon. He lifted himself from off his throne as a massive energy spike occurred almost immediately causing the ground the shake uncontrollably. Both Koji and Yasmin's eyes had widen due to the sheer pressure of Eikon's energy.

"Essences, there's so many fire essences surrounding him. It's too numerous to count!" Koji stated with clenched teeth.

"Stay calm, this is what we've been training for Koji. Believe it or not you are our ace in the hole in defeating this dragon," said Yasmin in a reassuring tone. She placed her right hand on Koji's shoulder and delivered a bright smile unto him "let's finish this."

"Yes, let's-" Before Koji could finish his sentence, a massive gathering of fiery energy had gained his attention as he shifted his gaze towards the fireball that was being form in Eikon's right hand.Koji's eyes widened as Yasmin's teeth tightened. The dragon released the massive fireball unto them forcing them to raise their arms in an effort to shield themselves from the oncoming blast. The waited, however, nothing had occurred. Yasmin lifted her gaze to see both Zack and Vincent deflecting the fiery blast with their blades.

The two stood before her with overwhelming confidence as Vincent rested his blade on his right shoulder and Zack hovering his right hand over the handle of his sheathed sword.

"Have no fear..." said Vincent, grasping the dragons attention as he began gritting his teeth slightly. "The Cavalry is here!"