

Year 157 Month 9 Day 25 of the Spoopy Calendar

Michael was amazed at how tasty it was, so he decided to bring it to the king's banquet.

When he got to the imperial castle, he showed the fat, ugly, greasy guards his invitation. It had a blue piece of wax with a dragon on it.

The guards slowly opened the castle doors, and within was a party that he could never imagine, with magical tools and precious metals that he could only dream about.

When Michael walked in, the King walked towards him saying "Hello, you must be the sandwich man."

"Indeed I am" Said Michael "My name is Michael Connors"

The king said "You should know me, I am King Jonah Scrub, and these are my children". At his side there were 3 teenagers, 2 boys and 1 girl.

"Hello I am Isabella," the girl said, "and these are my siblings, Noah and Mike"

This was Michael's first time meeting the royal family, but while he was talking to them, he suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom.

He put the water sandwiches down on the table, before running to the bathroom.

After he sat down, he felt a gut wrenching pain, as he spat out blood, and blood was pouring out of his bum. He felt that his intestines were moving, and when he looked in the toilet bowl, he was surprised to see his intestines coming out of his arse.

Before his eyes his life flashed before him, and he was wondering what he ate to make him defacate out is intestines. He realized that the only suspisicous thing he ate was the water sandwiches that he gave to the royal family to eat. He knew that he might cause the demise of the king, but before he could yell out to the king, he convulsed 3 times before falling over on the ground.