
Randomness In My Comfy Life

Orion La Forgius is a child of the omniverse. now born into a fantasy world different from his previous one, all he wants to do is live out his life in comfort with his infinite luck. ================================= this is a work in progress, decided to see what I can do with writing and posting my works.

olympaforged · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

2. The Next Steps I Feel Like Taking

"good morning Freya."

"good morning Orion, I trust you slept well."

"Yeah, I did, but now I need to get the day started, and plan out some things."

"yes, it would be a good idea to have a sense of direction. You can mostly teach yourself various kinds of magic, but it would be good to see how things go in this world."

"yes, I can just assume there is an adventurer's guild-like all fantasy worlds but the possibility of some sort of guild is possible."

"yes, I think so."

I climbed out of his bed and used [mana sense] to feel around the house. Some creatures begging to settle down around on the flattened earth so he would hunt those down for massive boost and then see if he can sell them. I walked to the front of a mirror to and began to see the last gift from his starter pack: the Sharingan. As I unwrapped the bandage he wondered if it would be one or two tomoe because of the pain of integration. There is also the possibility of it also just skipping to a mature three tomoe either due to my luck or...who was I kidding I would be surprised if it were not fully matured. Luck worked in ways we cannot truly understand but I had its favor, and I was going to enjoy it.

When I was done with the unwrapping, I still had his purple yes which was good. from what I knew about the Sharingan, you channel chakra to the eyes. since I had all energy of the omniverse I was damn sure it would work. I took a deep breath, then let it out. I was excited and anticipating what was to come. I channeled his energy into his eyes and watch as the Sharingan appeared in all its red glory with all three tomoe. I looked around and everything seem clearer to him. The Sharingan was a favorite for him so being able to have it was amazing. I was sure this would be insane to have even along with [mana sense].

I walked out of his room and just purchase some food the shop and paid for it in gold, in fact I set his shop to always pay for food, clothes, shelter and that was not an ability or bloodline. So, while I did not want to pay for abilities for the moment he was paying for ingredients and stuff. I was sure this would change however when decided to make things more fun in his comfy life.

As I ate my meal I notice that for [earth manipulation lvl max] I did not have any skills. I would have thought what I did yesterday could give me skill but apparently it was not a skill and more of an exercise for control over the earth. So, while eating I decided to, he would get some skills today by hunting the creatures on his flattened earth. Ideas where already coming to him as I ate. He had asked Freya to get me some more sweatpants and shirts but to also add in some t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets. it did not matter what clothes I had but I liked the comfort these clothes brought me.

As I stepped out of his house to begin what would be an easy grind of level to tier up, I wondered what people would think and so decided to only kill one creature and see what I would gain in terms of stats and if he even got perks. So, I activated his Sharingan once again loving the clarity it gave and used [out of sight] and walked to the closest creature and placed in a [Genjutsu: Sharingan]. The creature did not move, so I molded the earth to make thin sharp spears into his head and killed it and I got a notice of increase stats that I needed to check. My new stats are as followed.


Level: 100

Tier: 1 (ready upgrade)

Job: none

Class: none

Health: 85,000[8500 per second]

Mana:8.5mil [850,000 per second]







Please note that health increase by 1,000 per level and MP by 10,000 by level. It normally isn't the case but you are broken and frankly no one wants to calculations on your sealed state when you can unseal yourself and be done with your foes.

Things looked good. it seems that I did not gain anything in my stats except for the bonus from my perk [strength of a dragon] which means my stats won't increase as I level up, but I have to work to increase it, which again just make the perk broken. My health and mana increased though and the regeneration seems to have changed. It seems it regenerates at a rate of a tenth of my total per second in my sealed state. Comfy life for the win. The most interesting thing I have seen though is I can automatically tier up which is good, means that I could probably farm stats for a bit before tiering up. Which gives me time to get use to my new strength and find out the benefits from tiering up. My intelligence is low compared to the other stats but that is understandable, since it is not a physical stat and I could probably boost that with a class or job. Now to see the perks he got

Beat'em up: getting into fights make you feel the thrill of it. Fighting using your fist deals increased damage. Perks from strength

Keep it going are you running out of stamina, well not anymore. Get a second wind when you are running low by using mana. Perk from vitality

Let's do this quietly: you are able to move quietly without your footsteps making a sound. Perks from dexterity

Instant comprehension: this one is just luck being on your side. You comprehend what you hear as soon as you do you understand new languages much faster. Basically, more hacks you walking GTA phone. Perks from intelligence

well, I'm not surprised that I didn't get a perk for luck and charisma. Those are already infinite so those will work in my favor. My perks do give me the freedom of how I would build myself as a fighter. I could use magic, or I could become a warrior. Obviously, I'm going to use both, no way I am going to let this opportunity and the perks sure seem like a blast. This means we gain some set perks when we level up, but I wonder if we get more through effort.

Now that I know what happens, I now have an idea of how people in this world improve and what I need to do. I spent a good amount of time my Sharingan active while getting used to it and understanding its abilities now. I studied animals and noticed how the stealth ones move that gave me the insight to get skills like [stealth]. I worked on [earth spear lvl 1] tried to max it out while also making [earth wall lvl 1] and [earth arms lvl 1]. My favorite out of all of them was [earth arm], I basically added to arms made from the earth onto my shoulders I could manipulate to block damage, but I could not use it while attacking. This has not prompted me to get [thought partition lvl 1] and [thought acceleration lvl 1] from the shop and max them. they both had a max level of ten and when maxed (which did not take long) I would be able to make partitions in my brain and even have a memory palace with [thought partition] and would come up with ideas and new skills at even more insane rate with [thought acceleration]. All in all, things were moving well in this comfy life of mine so far.

What I wanted now was to see if I can somehow get a perk from nature that would let me basically grow trees and while it would be easy to get the Senju bloodline from Naruto, I want to see what happens when nature comes to me. So, I would find an area that is full of dead trees and see what happens. But I need to get into town for that. This leads me to my next step: getting a mount.

As I am still a kid I think a wolf will do, there are some massive wolves in this forest, I am sure I can find a nice white or black wolf to be my trusty steed for the moment. So I walked out of the cave and moved through the forest as the sun began to set, perfect timing as most creatures tend to come out at night. As I moved to I release my energy around me to see how the plants would react, since I wanted to test acquisition this was the best time. I notice that the plants around me were looking brighter and grew slightly. This was good news for me because with my luck my plan might work and even if it didn't, I could at least restore and area back to its glory.

It didn't take me long to find a wolf. It was white as snow, its fur shining in the dimming sunlight. It was quite large, almost looks like a dire wolf. I focus so hard on it I got the one skill I completely forgot about [analyze]

Name: none

Level: 90

Tier: 1

Race: dire wolf

Health: 60,000

Mana: 4,000

STR: 400

VIT: 500


INT: 25


CHAR: 50

Interesting stats for a wolf and I was right it is a dire wolf. So now how to get it to listen to me. I could make this easy and cast a Genjutsu but I need some skill at the moment which I could buy and make my life super easy, but I might one day get nerfed or run into someone who says fuck your cheats and lucks me out of the system. I might be a child of the omniverse but I'm not too sure what is out there in the said omniverse. I pulled out the meat from the creature I killed to level up and began to walk towards the wolf. Instantly getting its attention. It began to growl at me, and I got the skill [danger sense]. I slowly walked towards it while releasing my mana at the wolf. It stopped growling at me but still looked cautiously at me, can't blame the wolf I have something it wants, and I could be trying to kill him. Once I was close enough, I placed the meat down and waited for the wolf to make its move. It approached the meal before him and sniffed it a few times before sinking its teeth into it. While this was happening, I never stopped releasing my mana so that it knew that I was not here to kill him and I was friendly. Once he was done eating, I walked closer to him and patted his head slowly and when he didn't resist, I picked up the pace. before long he started licking my face. I got a notification of a new class and I decided to check it out.

[beast tamer]

You are one of the few who can work with beasts and monsters. You can tame them to fight for you and become your companions. As a tamer you can bond your beast/beasts with you to make him grow with you. Max level is 100

Nice my first class. I equipped it and got a skill call [bonding of the beast] straight forward on what it does. I immediately use the skill and I felt a pull on my heart and then a strong pull toward the wolf in front of me. As I looked at him and decided to name the wolf alpha and the pull got stronger. He liked my face and I smiled. For me this was an experience, I had never done something like this before but I guess all the movies and anime I watched helped, let's not forget fanfictions. I scratched his ear and then climbed on his back and lead him towards my cave while looking over [bonding of the beast]

[bonding of the beast]

Used to make a tamed beast your own beast. You can name the beast during the process or after it is done. Once finished you and your beast can communicate with each other and can know where each other are. Newly bonded beast take a while before they can learn to speak.

"that a good class to have as of now if we think about it. You get to train a few beasts and not be alone."

"yes but I am never truly alone. I have you, Freya"

"you should have a skill called glib tongue," Freya said

"I am sure I would have but infinite charisma. I could just buy charisma skills but let's see how far I can get by"

"sounds good"

We reached the cave and soon enough the house. I opened the door for alpha and he walked in like he owned the place. I didn't have much to do at the moment, so I decided to meditate some more and work on creating the other element manipulation. By the end of the night, before I went to sleep and alpha tagging along, I got [fire manipulation] [water manipulation] [lighting manipulation] [wind manipulation] all at level one. It was an exceptionally good start for me.

lemme know what you think. leave your thoughts, corrections and critiques in the comments. already working on the 3rd and 4th chapters now.

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