
Random Writing Practice

This is a Random Writing Practice book. You should expect some short stories of various qualities. All these are practices so please don't expect to much. I get the prompts from a Twitch Streamer friend called Okami_Eevee.

Kurama199 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Random Chapter V

Oneliner: "I've found so many worlds but none as marvelous as this."

Genre: Fantasy

A big bright, soft and gentle shone as a big blue transparent gate appeared. A big man stepped out of the gate, soon followed by a little pup. "Well, there's no place like home, am I right?" He looked slightly back, watching as Sam slowly jumped down the stairs, his tail wagging from joy. "You said it, Biggs. Even tho I was fond of the world we were in before, it had very delicious food."

"Can't argue with that." Biggs picked up Sam as he started to struggle with the stairs.

"We certainly don't have any time to waste, Sam-" A big explosion went off in the distance. "So, it has begun already? Dimension Travelling sure wastes a lot of time." Biggs started running, making sure not to drop Sam accidentally. "Nexon is surprisingly annoying. They keep up their criminal record like no other organization." Biggs was furious because he loved his city, sincerely. It was not influential, nor was it even especially tourist-friendly. It didn't own amazing attractions, good restaurant chains, or big drug stores. 'So why this city?' Biggs had more questions than answers, despite his curious nature.

"Biggs... calm down... I can't breathe!" As Biggs realized, he immediately decreased the strength, with which he was hugging Sam. He halfheartedly mumbled a nearly inaudible apology. As they reached the explosion site, they saw nothing but black flames. The people were screaming or already burnt. "Ah, Biggs. You never cease to disappoint me, do you?" A small, bald fat man in a neatly cleaned business suit. As he casually walked towards Biggs and Sam, he smirked maliciously.

"I've found so many worlds but none as marvelous as this. I mean, look at these people. They are weak, no magicians or witches, only scientists. Pathetic!" He stopped, staring daggers at Biggs. "No-one stood in my way more than you did, Biggs. I cannot and will not forgive you for that." He held out his hand and shot an enormous black fireball off in Biggs's direction.

Biggs teleported behind Darek tapped his shoulder. "Gotcha!"

"Oh? do you?" A football field big magic circle appeared on the ground, quickly creating a big black fire pillar. "You nearly got roasted, man! Get yourself together."

"Oh yeah? I was teleporting, around attempting to find an opening but, you just sat here, here enjoying the view!!!" Biggs was visibly exhausted, yet found the extra strength to yell at Sam. "Hey, conserve your strength, casting magic barriers isn't an easy job, you know!"

"Are you lovebirds done quarreling? Because I'm getting sick of fighting someone with decent teleportation magic. I don't know how your magic works, but I'll crush you guys anyway!"