
Random Writing Practice

This is a Random Writing Practice book. You should expect some short stories of various qualities. All these are practices so please don't expect to much. I get the prompts from a Twitch Streamer friend called Okami_Eevee.

Kurama199 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Random Chapter III

Oneliner: "Let me just pass these out."

Genre: Rom-Com

It was a pleasant summer Saturday as Julia strolled down the street towards her favorite café for her daily cappuccino. She has visited almost all the café's in her city to determine which one made the best coffee. As Julia entered, Barry, the owner greeted: "Oh, hey Julia. You're earlier than usual, has something happened?" Julia chuckled: "Not really, I just got up earlier."

Julia sat down in her usual seat at the right corner and of the building. Her cappuccino, as always dangerously close to the edge of her table. She started to observe the other customers, scribbling something down every now and then. The notebook was labeled future storylines. Several of the conversations customers had, where filled side notes. Yet there have been a few conversations without any sidenotes or scribbles.

Most of them have been from couples, and Julia followed a strict rule: "One should only write about something, they experienced before. Well... at least in Non-Fiction." The second reason behind Juila hiding in a corner is because she tends to talk to herself.

The door to the café swung open as a boy casually walked in and greeted Barry. Julia's eyes were glued on the boy's face, she immediately recognized him. Alex. He is in the same university as Julia, and every time he tried to talk to her, she would stutter and always blush madly. Her hands are always fidgeting whenever she's spotted, Alex. Julia constantly feels tiny, next to the ace of the basketball club.

In all her daydreaming, she didn't notice Alex taking a seat next to her. "Hello, Julia." Scaring her out of her daydream, Julia dropped her pencil into her cappuccino. Panicked, she tried to fish it out, simply to burn her fingers and dropped her cappuccino onto her clothing. She instinctively stood up as the hot fluid touch "H-H-Hello A-A-Alex." Julia was blushing, not because of Alex but because she embarrassed herself in public.

She expected Alex to laugh, yet he stood in front of her, looked slightly worried, and offered her a handkerchief. "Hey, are you alright?" She was trembling as her hand reached for it. "I-I-I-... I'll be fine." She stopped reaching for it, turned heel, and ran away. The entire way her face was as red as a tomato.

Back at home, she tried to compose herself in front of the mirror. "You'll be alright, Julia. Just forget about that and move on. Next plan: writing..." She sat down, picked up, and started writing in her novel, however midway she, realized she left her notebook at the café. "Awww crap, now what do I do? Alex could still be there." Alone the thought of Alex brought back the embarrassing event at Barry's café. She decided to give him a call. "I-I'll get my notebook tomorrow... Oh please, don't remind me, Barry... Yes, I'm fine, I just embarrassed myself in front of Alex... Ok, thank you see you tomorrow."

The next day she made a bee-line towards the café, took her notebook and cappuccino and got stopped by Alex before she could leave. "A-A-Alex? I-I-I'm sorry for running away so suddenly." Alex simply laughed. "Don't you worry, I've been meaning to about something with you..." He started blushing even more than Julia. Barry went to the door and turned around the door shield to closed, prepared two cappuccinos, and before leaving, he simply chuckled: "You guys owe me one after all this!" With these words, he went outside for what was going to be a very long smoke.

Alex, still blushing, finally turned his head back to her. "Could you lean in a little closer?" Julia obeyed as if she was hypnotized. Right when Julia was close enough, Alex planted his lips firmly on hers. Julia was startled for a bit, yet soon recovered, leaned further in, and kissed back. This moment felt like an eternity, Julia wished it would never end. As they both stopped to get some air, Alex started fidgeting, much to Julia's amusement. "So... does this mean..." Before Alex was able to finish his sentence, Julia energetically nodded. "Yes, we are!"

A few days later

"And this concludes the lesson," the teacher started "Just let me pass these out. It's the home assignment!" Julia has been receiving curious looks from her friends all lesson long, so she decided to confront them. Anette was the first one to speak up. "So? How far have you two gone already?" Julia blushed: "It's been just a few days! I'm not a slut, Anette!

And besides, I'm still too nervous around him." Claudia was laughing at Anette's bluntness, but soon gave a reassuring smile towards Julia. "Don't worry about that too much, Jules! You'll get used to it in no time. I promise!"