
Random Oneshots

Random Oneshots that follow Random Pictures I found Some will be mature Some will be scary Some will be funny Some will be romantic All will be Random

DarkGay04 · Realistic
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8 Chs


Dada sat in the dining room, reading quietly at the table. Baby Girl walks in, a blanket dragging behind her and her Monkey stuffie in hand.

"Do we have any ice cream?" She asks with her monkey slightly covering her mouth.

"....shit..." Dada's eyes widen. He had been running errands all day and one of his tasks were to get ice cream.

"You forgot to pick up the ice cream?" Baby once again talks around her stuffie, but quieter, which slightly scared Dada. Baby girl sets her monkey on the table and quickly ties her blanket around her neck to make it a cloak


"Okay." Dada answers, not the least bit intimidated.

Baby Girl picks up the seat pillow, from the dining chair next to her, and throws it. Dada swiftly catches before it hits him, causing the Baby Girl to stare in shock.

Dada stands up, pushing his chair away from the table in the process. Baby Girl's eyes widen as she backs up and runs away, quickly grabbing the few stuffies resting on the couch.

Dada stays at the dining room table and looks at where his Baby Girl once was, turning his attention to the monkey still sitting on the table.

With her lips pursed and fingers fiddling in front of her, Baby walks back into the room. Picking up her monkey, she once again runs out, leaving a chuckling Dada behind.