
Random Oneshots

Random Oneshots that follow Random Pictures I found Some will be mature Some will be scary Some will be funny Some will be romantic All will be Random

DarkGay04 · Realistic
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8 Chs

Daddy's Naughty Little Ookami (DDLG?)



Sneaking out



Daddy said I'm not aloud to anymore but I need the money. I don't want to use Daddy's money anymore, it makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of him.

My name is Medeia (pronounced like 'media') and I'm 20 years old. I'm an Ookami (part wolf/ part human) and part of the CG/L community. DDLG/LB because I'm gender-fluid and I have a daddy.

His name is Daniel he's 25 and super handsome with short brown hair and pretty Blue eyes. He's very fit too.

"What should I wear?" I look through my dresser drawers for an outfit. "Oh wait! I know!!"

I run over to my closet and rummage through the hangers until I find the perfect outfit. I put the clothes on the bed and take a quick shower.

While I'm in the shower I rethink what I'm about to do.

What I'm about to do will go against everything daddy told me not to do.

Daddy and I first met because I was trying to steal from him, he took me in and we fell in love.

We've been together for about 8 months and I don't think I can fall anymore in love with him than I already am.

Though because I'm so accustomed with stealing and robbing people, due to living on the streets for most of my life, I hate using daddy's money. I feel like I'm stealing from HIM and I hate myself for it.

You know what, f*ck it!

I jump out of the shower and dry off before wrapping the towel around myself and walking back to my room.

I dropped the towel and pulled my little black dress over my head. It had Black ruffles on the short sleeves and neck and it stopped very high on my thighs, if I bent down you would be able to see my whole a** through my panties.

I sat on my bed and pulled my white thigh high socks that also have ruffles. I put on a mask that covers only my mouth before putting my hair up into 2 ponytails, one on each side, I check myself in the mirror and wink at myself.

Lookin' good.

I grab my bow and arrows, just in case, and skip down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab a granny smith apple.

I have to hurry before daddy get's home at 6:00.

I bite into the apple as I turn to the stove and see it's 5:00.

Okay, I have 30 minutes to get out, find someone(most likely a tourist), take their purse/wallet/bag, and get home.

I finish my apple and toss it over my head, hopefully making it into the trash can because I don't have time. I pick my bow and arrows back up and head for the door.

At the door, I put my black shin high boots on and undo the 3 locks.

Poking my head out I look up and down the paths, I live in a village where we don't use cars and everyone walks.

I slip out the door and climb up the rain pipe that's on the side of the house to the roof. I begin to sprint,run, and climb across all the roofs towards the market.

Since I lived on the street for 8 years I was able to self teach myself things like climbing things, that people can't usually climb, really well and also I'm agile enough to run across roofs of houses and other buildings. These abilities were and still are very useful.

I used a knife I found in the alleyway I lived in and carved a piece of wood, creating my bow.

I bought the black arrows with some extra money I had had when I pick-pocketed a bunch at a tourists during the annual green parade.

Which is a parade where my village celebrates nature by planting new seeds and trees all around the village.

I finally make it to the village and gaze down over the shoppers.

Let's see...I can choose between the woman with the tiny red purse and too-tight dress that doesn't even match with her skin color and that is screaming at and old lady or I can choose the old man that owns the fresh fruits and vegetables store that just gave a little girl and apple.

What the hell why am I even thinking this over??!

I hold up my bow and pull and arrow from my back holder. Putting the arrow in my bow I aim the arrow and let it go.

The arrow hits just right to pin the woman's hat against a near by wall. Everyone stops, including the woman and the lady she was yelling at, turn towards where the arrow came from.


I jump from the roof onto a portico and from the portico to the ground, everyone's eyes follow as I stalk over to the woman as if she was a sheep and I was a wolf.

"Is there a reason why you're picking on Ms. Bundoza?" I may be short but I make sure to stand at my full height as I interrogate her.

"W-well, this idiot t'thinks that I should pay her for these earrings when they are obviously fake." She holds up a pair of Blue earrings.

"Well, if they're so fake why do you want to buy them

"Well, if they're so fake why do you want to buy them." I push my bow under her chin and stare into her eyes.

"W-well...I don't have to explain myself to you!" She spits.

"Look lady, you can either leave this village and it's inhabitants alone or you can deal with me and..." I pull another arrow out of my holder and this time shoot it to pin her dress sleeve to the same wall as her hat

"You do not want to mess with me."

I walk up and pull both arrows out of the wall causing her hat and arm to fall. Picking up her hat and looks around as the bystanders stare, she blushes with anger and embarrassment before she puts her hat on crooked and storms off.

"Um! Hello, do you think I'm an idiot?!" I yell after her.

"I don't know what your talking about." She slowly turns around.

I shake my head as I pull one more arrow out and aim it for her face.

"I'm gonna give you one last chance before I let go of this arrow." I say as I slowly slide my fingers off the arrow.

"Okay! Okay!" She slowly comes back and sets down the package that contains the blue earrings.

"Thank you for your service." I lower the bow as she walks off, the crowd of people make a path for her walk of shame out of the village.

"Thank you little one" Ms.Bundoza comes around from her side of her booth and pulls me into a bone crushing hug as everyone goes back to there own business.

Wow, for a small old lady you would think this kind of hug wasn't possible.

"It was my pleasure, besides...I benefited from it too." I take off my mask and hold up the tiny red purse as I wink and stick my tongue out.

Ms.Bundoza chuckles before walking back to her booth and picking up the Blue earrings.

"Well I would be honored to give you these earrings." She hands the container to me and closes my fingers around it.

I look at her, shocked, before smiling and pulling her into another hug.

"Thank you, Ms.Bundoza."

We pull away and i smile one more time before saying goodbye.

"Wait I would like to know the name of my little helper." She hollers before I'm able to get out of earshot.

"Call me 'Little Ookami', but only you."

I press my finger to my lips before climbing up onto the roof of the local bookstore.

I sprint across the roofs back home and climb the rain pipe back down.

I run through the door and quickly close it before locking all 3 locks back and pressing my forehead against the cool wood.

"Well, well, well...look who decided to come home." I tense as I hear the familiar deep, sexy, husky voice.

Slowly turning around I see Daddy sitting at the foot of the stairs, which are right across from the front door, legs crossed and arms crossed over his chest.

"Daddy...?" I whisper and turn my head slightly right to look through the kitchen doorway. I look at the stove clock and see it's only 5:45.

"Yeah, I got off of work early." He says when he sees me looking at the clock. He stands up and stuffs his hands into his pockets.

I slowly back up as he stalks forward, my back hits the door but he doesn't stop until he has me trapped between his arms on both sides of my head. He leans down into my neck and nuzzles it.

"How much did you get?" He asks as he slowly takes the purse out of my shaking hand.

"I don't know, sir. I haven't checked yet." I whisper as I bow my head and clasps my hands behind my back.

"Good." He kisses my neck before pulling back and standing up straight as I lift my head a little

"I'm going to keep this for the time being." He says as he holds up the tiny red purse.

"Yes,sir." My ears flatten, I whimper and bow my head again as tears begin to gather in my eyes.

He walks back up to me and lifts my head by putting his finger and thumb under my chin.

"Next time, call me instead of sneaking out. And it better only be a time when someone is in need."

"Next time,sir?"

He smirks and leans down kissing me before pulling away and walking up the stairs.

"Yes, sir." I whisper.

"I'm proud of you, My Naughty Little Ookami." He says over his shoulder before turning down the hall towards his room.

I smile to myself and skip into the kitchen to make dinner.

Daddy's Naughty Little Ookami...? I like that name.