
Random Meetings in Mt Makiling

"We should stop meeting like this."

Rick Trese looked up from the book that he was reading when he heard her voice. A breeze passed by to ruffle his short dark hair, white t shirt and her ivory dress. It seemed to him that the Maya birds sang to each other even more clearly and the entire world seemed to become brighter, almost Technicolor.

He closed the book and waited for her to finish walking towards his spot under the large branches of the Indian mango tree that provided him a cool shade under the late summer sunshine. She didn't need to ask for permission to sit on the plaid picnic blanket. But her eyes were asking him if she could sit even closer to his side.

"We're just hanging out." Rick told her in an amused voice. "If I bring my laptop then we could Netflix and chill over here everyday. If you want."

Maria Makiling rearranged the hem of her long dress around her legs and demurely placed her hands on her lap. Bright and cheerful brown eyes stared at her close friend's face. He could see the wheels on her head turning and analyzing his statement. Her curiosity of the modern age and it's wonders tickled him pink.

"I don't mind," she finally replied. "But what is Netflix and why do we need to chill? Is it because the weather is too hot? I can't do anything about the climate change..."

Rick chuckled before he slowly leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.