
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

New World

Boom! Thuk* Thuk* Thuk*

" Go go go! Don't fall behind! You there! Call the medics, we have an injured here!"

"Help! I don't wanna die! Please!"

"F*ck! Why did I even apply for the front lines?! It fucking hell here!"

"Oi! Call headquarters! We need reinforcement!"


"This is the headquarters. Reinfo—boom!" With a sudden blast, covering the area of 5 miles, every single life present in it dies. As the whole area, after some time, returns to silence.

It was a vast landscape, filled with mayhem and chaos. Dead bodies were littered everywhere. Cries of sorrow and agony could be heard ubiquitously. If one is sensible enough then he can tell that it's a place where war is at its peak.

On one side you could see armies of different allied nations or the UN while at the other side was single human standing. With a long sword, from which the blood was dripping with constant intervals. All around him where bodies of soldiers with misplaced and torn-off body parts.

The man looked quite bizarre with how he was standing alone in front of the whole army with nothing but a sword. But if one were to know the history of this man then they would realize that the one having nightmare was the opposite army and not him.

He had quite a build for a man who was only in his early twenties. Short black hair dripping over his face. He had currant colored long eyes and a tattoo on his neck with the same color as his eyes.

He walked with a big grin on his face enough to make someone piss their pants. And the fact that he was covered with nothing but the blood made it even more horrifying.

"Ma~ ma~, You people just don't give up, eh? Though I don't mind since I get to feel the thrill but still man..." he said as he kept walking towards them step by step.

The commander on the other side tightly grips the gun in hand 'Where the fu*k is the Worrier Unit! Dammit! Did they abandoned us?' he thought as he grits his teeth in anger. Looking towards the man that has brought this death march he shouted, "You will die a dog's death, you fu*king psychopath!" he raises his gun and fires.

The man that heard him had his grin getting bigger. He swung his sword so fast that it was impossible to see it with normal human eyes. You needed to be at least Saint Class warrior to even barely catch the outline of the sword. The slash cuts the bullet that passes both sides, "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a fully functioning sociopath. Do your research~." He said making a sad face as if he was wronged.

Reaching in front of the commander that was by now paralyzed from fear, sitting on the ground.

The man smiled as he puts the end of the sword on the commander's heart, slowly pushing it inside his body, "Well, let's meet again in hell." he said as the sword penetrates the heart of the commander, who has long lost his consciousness, taking his life.

He takes his sword out and looked at the sky as the hot wind brushes past his cheeks. The stench of blood polluted the battlefield. Agonizing howls of despair and terror could be heard now and then. Sighing he said, "Really, there is no fun. Can someone not just kill me already? Life is getting more and more shi**y with each passing day."

"Pluto, do you hear? This is Headquarters. You are ordered to retreat. Your mission is done! I repeat. You are…" Pluto was the codename of the man as he heard the orders of retreat from the South-east camp

Puzzlement showed on his face, 'Retreat order? Are they fu*king retarded? This is the best chance to push them when they are in disarray. If they are given the chance to relocate their forces, then the same sh*t going to repeat. Not that it matters to me as I just have to follow orders.' He grins as he started to walk towards the base camp.

Drop* he looked down and saw a cubic thing dropped on his feet. He looked up and saw nothing but cloudy sky with a slight hue of crimson. Looking down again he picks the cube, "WTF is this? A cube falling from the sky? Don't tell me that there's a castle up there?!" he said while analyzing the cubic.

Since he finds nothing worth in it, he was about to throw it again when he felt a tingling sensation in his hands. Looking there he saw a needle-like something protruding out of the cube piercing his skin.

Drip drip*

Drops of his blood started to fall on the ground as some, along the needle, went inside(?) the cube. Suddenly the cube started to shine. Pluto, for the first time in his life, felt a threat like never before. It was not a feeling like something bad is going to happen. It was the feeling that was telling you: You are dead! There is no way to save you.

Pluto kept looking at the cube as the feeling intensified. He didn't panic as he knew nothing could save him now. But since he was curious about the cube he kept observing it. He saw that the cube opened and divides itself into different sections. Inside the cube, he could see a sphere about the size of 1 inch with different colors swimming in it. He could see different stars and galaxy like things inside it.

Soon the cube shone enough that it light even overshadowed the sun. "Pluto! This is Headquarters! What is happening there? Do you copy? PLUTO?!" Boom* suddenly a huge explosion happened. It was the biggest explosion that humanity had seen as it shook the whole earth. It covered the area of more than 100 miles, disintegrating everything that stood in its way. The center of it was Pluto who smiles gently for the first time in 5 years as a sigh of relief was released from his lips. "Finally…" he whispered, softly, as his whole body disintegrated into dust.

Warrior Era, 3025. Pluto, God of Slaughter and War, died.


In a dark alley with dirt and garbage, a boy of the age of 5 lays there. Covered in dirt and mud, breathing heavily. One could see different scars all over his body but because they were already closed, no blood leaked from them.

Any passerby would think that the boy was dead but if they looked closely and listen carefully then they would realize that he was alive, albeit close to death.

Suddenly a light showed near his chest area and a normal looking cube comes out of it. The cube breaks into many pieces and falls while a sphere-like object remains hovering above the chest of the boy. Slowly but surely the sphere starts to enter the chest area of the boy. Soon it completely enters inside the boy whose wounds mysterious starts to heal.

A minute later, the boy was back to health though he still looked like sh*t. The place where the sphere entered had a star-like pattern left with different words at every cardinal point of the star.

Suddenly there was a little movement in the body of the boy as he slowly opens his eyes. The boy looks up in the sky as confusion is evident in his eyes. He sits up, resting his back on the wall with the elbow of his right hand on the knee as it was dangling down.

He took a deep breath as he looked to his left where he could see people walking. Then he looked to his right where the whole place was filled with garbage. 'In a back alley where people throw garbage, huh. What a beautiful place to wake up.'

He looked in the sky as a deep sigh is released from his mouth and a bitter smile forms on his lips. "To think that I would end up transferring to a different world instead of dying." He said.

The reason he knew that this world was different from the one he was from is that he couldn't feel any spiritual energy users which were normalcy in his world. In fact, from the world he was from, even a newborn baby had certain spiritual energy inside them as it was a basic foundation to become a warrior or a mage.

The people who hadn't possessed any spiritual energy could be count on one hand. And he was one of those people but he was a little special. Though he couldn't feel any spiritual energy in them, he could still feel the mana in them. It was quite low but they still possessed it. Because of these reasons, he could tell that he was not in his world but a different universe since the concept of a parallel world didn't exist in his world. Not that people didn't know about it but it literally didn't exist. It was tested magically. So he was sure that he was not in his universe but a different one.

Looking at the sky he thought, 'It's probably due to that cubic thingy. Hehehe~ why do I survive every time I try to die. It quite ironic as I, who killed every single being who stood in my path, is asking for death.'

SFX: Sound of Sax and Parade

As he was contemplating his life, he heard the sound of footsteps with militia music being played. How he could tell? Well, he had spent more than a decade in the military so he was quite familiar with it and militia music never really changes. All those changes are form but the base or fundamentals remain the same.

He stood up but staggered on his steps. He thought that his body probably didn't have any energy to even walk. After struggling to walk and reaching the end of the alley, he saw a parade of the military with their national flags waving with the wind as they kept walking straight.

He was a veteran of wars who has killed enough people that he even forgot the counting. Just from the smell in the air, he could tell that whatever world he was sent to, it was in the waring era. He looked at his baggy clothes and then at the militaries and his trademark grin that had become a nightmare for his enemies in his previous life forms on his face.

'Since I am already here then let the mayhem began! Let the agonies of sorrow rise and fill the world! —Just kidding, it seems that the best option to live a stable life would be military.' he was not a psychopath but a sociopath. He would feel bad every time he did something bad and would feel sad when those close to him died. He would not kill innocents just because he was bored. But… in a world where only peace exists was just too boring for him.

Yes, you can feel thrilled from different things even in peace. Many things make you excited and feel alive. But since this world was already waring, him finding thrill in the war was not wrong. He was not causing it, it was caused and he was effect—or something like that.

And since he could tell that this world was already engulfed in an aura called war then he would only take part in it. Yes, only part. Everything happens after that would not be his fault since as a soldier it was his duty to help his nation. And to help the nation in waring time, killing or looting, manipulating or brainwashing, all are part of the war. He would be just a drop in the bucket but the only difference would be that the waves he would create—when falling—will be a hundred times bigger than normal soldiers.

The soldiers kept their parade as people started to gossip. He carefully heard them. Before doing anything else, he needed knowledge about this world and this world's Power System. Only by knowing these things could he move.

"It seems that the Empire is going to announce war against other nations." One of the men said.

"Not now, but there are indeed some clues of it. The Alliance might cross territorial borders." Another man said.

"I just hope it doesn't go wrong anyway." The first man said.

'It seems that war has still not started and by their conservations, it would take at least four something years for it to declare war.' Pluto thought.

Grrr* He looked down at his stomach 'I need to eat something. Too much low on energy.' He thought. Looking around him, he saw a man coming towards his direction. Narrowing his eyes, he started to walk in his direction.

Reaching close to him, he bumped into him as both of them falls. Hurriedly standing up he kneels and bow, "Please forgive me!"

The man stood up and shouted, "Are you fu*king blind brat! Look at my suite, you ruined it!"

"Please forgive me! I didn't mean to do that!"

The man kicks him in the stomach as he said, "Fu*king bastards laying here and there these days." He walked off without giving Pluto, who was laying on the ground-hugging his stomach, another glance.

As man vanished in the crowed, Pluto stands up. Spit* spitting blood at his side, he smirks. Looking at his hand where there was a purse. "Idiot, too busy paying attention to his suit." He said as he checked the content of the purse. He wasn't sure of the currency of the world but he thought it would be enough for a meal.

'Hm, now where do I find a place to eat. They are not going to let me enter a restaurant. I have to find a stall or something.' He thought as he started to walk the streets in search of stalls. People were giving him side glances from every now and then. He ignored them, paying no attention. He was too hungry to do that.

Walking for 10 to 15 minutes, he finally found a stall that was selling something that looked like a burger. Walking at it, he looked at the old man and passed the bill to him that had 100 written on it. "Old man, give me something to eat."

The man at the stall looked at him and frowned but when he looked at the 100??? Bill, his eyes shone, "Please wait, your order is coming." He said as he started to make a new burger for him.

Pluto looked around him and took everything he saw like a sponge. He had <Perfect Memory> that lets him save anything, he sees and read, in his brain like a data. He had read every single book that has been released in his previous life. He was a walking treasure trove of knowledge; especially, for the people of this world.

By looking at the structure around him, Pluto could tell that this world's technology was that of the early 19s', definitely before WW1.

"Oi Lad! Your burger is done." The stall keeper said, gaining Pluto's attention.

'So this was a burger, huh.' He thought as he took the burger and paid for it. He got 50 in the back but by seeing the smirking face of the man he could tell that he was being ripped-off. But there was nothing he could do since he didn't know the currency value of this world. So, as an intelligent person do, he ignored it. Instead of asking a person who scammed you, when you don't even know why you are being scammed.

Pluto took a bite and became wide-eyed, 'It's tasty! Or is it because this body hasn't eaten anything.' He thought. He started to eat a burger like a savage, he was just that much hungry. He didn't give a damn about manners. If not for his training in his previous life about how to be patient, even when you haven't eaten like for two days to three days, he would have done something unimaginable at this point.

People around him distance themselves from him with disgust on their faces. Though he didn't mind.

After done eating, he looked at the man and then at the money he had—about1000 something bill—he grits his teeth 'For my stomach!' he thought. "Oi old man, give me 10 of these burgers!" he said, much to the old man's surprise. The old man knew that this kid may look like a kid but he was smart enough to understand that he has scammed him. But the kid still asking for more was not in his mind 'Seems like he is that hungry. If this kid is this hungry then I… I… I should scam him as much as I can!' he thought.

"Coming!" he said enthusiastically.

Pluto looked at the man as his brow twitched. How could he not tell what the man was thinking? It was written on his face. 'This old face definitely going to hell.'

After eating to his full and paying 500, Pluto finally felt some energy coming back to his body. Taking a satisfying sigh, he looked at the old man. "Old man, since you have taken so much money from me that I have spent my sweat and blood raising, can you give me newspaper and knowledge about the closest orphanage?" he asked.

He didn't know how but he could read the language of this world, but he still could not read the currency for some reason 'Is it a bug? I want my money back!'.

As for the orphanage, he needed an identity, and the orphanage was perfect for that. Though he still doesn't know whether they would take a stray child in.

The old man hearing him yawned as he throws the newspaper, that was placed near him, to Pluto and points his finger towards the north, "Go straight there and you will reach the closest Orphanage, though they aren't gonna take ya'" he said.

Pluto just nodded and took the newspaper and started to read it.

After reading it thoroughly, he realized some key points. First, just as he guessed, he was in the early 19s'. According to the newspaper, today was 18th August, Unified Year 1918. And the place he was the capital Berun of the nation called Empire.

It was a country with both an expansive and militaristic doctrine. And the thing that made him happy was that it had Universal Conscription. 'It seems that entering the army would be easier.' Right now, it was not at war but that would not be happening soon as Empire was facing small skirmishes from the surrounding nations. With the small skirmishing happening between Alliance and Empire, the tension was already high.

Not that it had to do anything with him. As he said early, a life of peace was not something he craved for. He liked thrill; the feeling when your blood runs faster in your body.

By no means he wants to cause chaos intentionally, but it just comes with him; every time he tries to bring the thrill in his life—chaos is always present.

Humans are born greedy. It's one of the sins they are born with. No matter what they have or how much they possess; they will strive for more. He is the same: No matter how much fun he has, he strives for more and in the end, it all turns into chaos. Not his fault, he was born human.

Reading through the newspaper, he throws it. 'There was not much but enough for now. Let's search for an orphanage. Also, I need a bath, I stink sh*t.'

Hello everyone~! meatball-san here! this is the second fic that I started to write when I was looking to write something new. I haven't thought much when I was writing this one so it can end up as gibberish.

Thank you for reading. ENJOY~

PS. do not except consent update. I will upload it when I write.

meatball_sancreators' thoughts