
Random Hero (Boku no Hero Academia Fanfic)

What happens when you awaken memories from your past life? What if the way you died was really terrible. Could you get over it? What if your new life is bad as well. This is the tale of someone that tries make thing right with his Random Transformation ability. --- This is my first story that I have written. I don't own any of Boku no hero academia characters or the world. I am just playing in that world with my own character. Not my Picture, if asked I will remove. Found on Pinterest

Sandman78 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Phone Call

With the attack on the school, they let us have the next day off. So I was going to sleep in alit bit today to recover.



I woke up to my alarm going off. I saw the time was 6:00 Am. So with wanting to sleep in I het the top of the clock and was about to go to sleep again when I heard.


I then realized it was my phone ringing. I grabbed it to see who was calling and didn't recognize the number. Thinking it might be the school I answered.

"Hello." I said still half asleep.

"Good Morning, Tao-Chan!" a female voice said.

When I heard that voice I immediately woke all the way up and jumped out off bed. Realizing that she wasn't in my apartment I started to calm down.

"Why are you calling me? I thought we had a deal? You guys would leave me alone now." I said in serious voice.

"The deal is still going strong Tao-Chan! Don't you worry, you know I always keep my word." The female voice said in a playful tone.

"Then why are you calling me?" I asked.

"Can't one friend call another one?" She asked.

I didn't say anything and just kept waiting for her to talk.

"We are still friends right?" She asked with worry in her playful tone.

"Sigh. Yes we are still friends. You did save my life from your father and older brother. That's why we shouldn't be talking to much they might find out I am still alive." I said to her.

"Oh goody! We are still friends just like I thought. don't you worry about my father and bother they still think you are dead. Now it is time to get to business." She said losing her playful tone at the end she was now speaking business like.

"Your school was just attacked like it was in the memories you gave me. I now know you didn't just give me made up memories so I could save you." She said.

She was right I gave her my memories so she could help me get out of her father's organization. I was fine working for them until they wanted to kill me so I had to get out.

Lucky for me Sabrina was one of the people sent to kill me. She wanted to prover to her father that she could be more useful. Her Quirk is Exchange, she can exchange any one thing with another. For example if she is attack she can exchange the hardness of her skin with was steel or some other metal to make her skin as hard as steel.

But that not the scary part of her powers, they don't need to be similar to each other. She can exchange anything even Quirks. So if was wanted she could exchange the color of her hair for someone's Quirk. It will make the hair color she gave them the dominant color and she will get their Quirk.

Luckily so far when she uses her power on other people they need to willing exchange with her. But with the organization her father runs in the legal world and the underground world her can get people that are willing to give some thing up for something else. For he can make the want to exchange with them though darker means.

I gave her my memories of the future knowledge I had of this world for my life and freedom from their organization. The only thing I know is that this world used to be an anime that I saw in my old world. She now knows what went on in the show while I now nothing about it now.

"You know I wouldn't lie about something like that. So you know that the school was going to be attack?" I said.

"Yup. That's why I had you go to that school. Some interesting things are going to happen to the class you are in. I am going to use this knowledge to my advantage and you are going to help me do it." Sabrina said.

"I thought we were done and I don't need to work for you guys anymore!" I said.

"Come now. I know you are smarter then that. You won't be working for my father anymore. You will be working for me now. Your old life is dead, just like father believes.

Do you know how much it takes to give you your new identity that can pass the background checks that a hero school puts it's applicants though.

You Jamie Tao have no deals with my family anymore, you are feel to turn me down and nothing will happen to you. You have my word." She said.

I was about to reply and say I don't want anything to do with them any more but she cut me off before I could.

"Now before you just turn me down, I have a question for you. Have you managed to turn into a guy yet when you transform?" I asked.

"I thought you destroyed the blood contracts I signed. If they are still active your father knows that I am still alive…. Wait, no. I felt them break when you burned them. How are they still active?" I asked.

Her fathers Quirk is Blood Contracts. Any contract that he wrights in his own blood and sighed by both party in their blood will become unbreakable. You would be unable to do anything that the contract says you can't do. I once offended Sabrina's older brother and he made my sign one of his father's contracts saying that I can't transform into any random male forms to humiliate me. I have only been able to transform into female forms since then.

The only other blood contract that I sighed said that I can't betray him or his organization. Once one of the signers of the contracts dies the contract will burn up in flames.

"Don't worry the contract that holds you to the organization is gone. I burned that one, but the one that is sealing your male transformations I didn't burn yet. Now hear me out before you get angry.

I want freedom just like you did. You know how my father and brother treat me. I can barely do anything because he doesn't want anything to happen to me. You know that is a lie. He just doesn't want to lose my Quirk so he keeps me safe where nothing can happen to me. Plus I was born a girl and those two are sexist pigs thinking I can't do anything.

I want you help building up my own organization with people I can trust. I can't use anybody from fathers because they will have to report back to him. I saved you because your and my powers are complementary. Plus we have got along well when you works for us. I have plan and I need your help. Once they are done I will be free and I will burn the other contract so you have your full powers back. Due we have a deal?" she asked.

I thought about what she said. We did get along well when I worked for her father. I know she is more trustworthy then they are. Because of one small slight that her brother thinks I did to him he wants to humiliate me, then kill me. Her father went along with it because he was getting afraid of my power.

She is holding part of my power ransom. I will help her but I will never sign another contract.

"Fine I will help you as long as you burn that last contract and I can walk away at the end if I want to. Do we have an agreement?" I asked.

"You can walk away if you want at the end. That's fine but I think you will stay when everything is over. I won't burn the contract now though because then I will have nothing to make sure you hold up your side of the deal. While I trust you I need insurance. I will even help you find out who was behind the destruction of your family." She countered.

Knowing I won't get a better deal then this I agreed.

"Deal. What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Get close to Midoriya. His power is interesting and he is very trusting. He will be easy to bend to our will from what know have him." She said.

"That might be a problem. Since I first met him I have been a big dick to him. He will find it suspicious if I just tried being friends with him all of a sudden. Plus he rubs me the wrong way. If you want him it will be easier if you do it." I said.

"You know I can't easily come to japan anymore. I will figure out some way to get close to him. But this is something you have to do. I want you to join the League of Villains. There are people in there that I want in my organization. With your Quirk infiltrating it will be easy." Sabrina said.

"I am trying to be a hero. I can't go around joining evil organizations anymore." I said.

"You are more of a villain then a hero. All the things that you have done. I just don't see you as a hero. I only wanted you in that school to confirm the memories you gave me and I thought it would be useful to have a Pro-Hero on my side.

You also think it will be easier if you were a hero, not because of a burning desire to help people.

I don't care how you do it but I want you to join the League of Villains." Sabrina said.

"I want to help people. It just might not be the way you think. I will find a way in. But you should be careful about relying on those memories to much. I know nothing now so thing might change because I can't keep thing as close to the original as before." I replied.

"I will take that into consideration. At first I thought you were messing with me when you offered me knowledge of the future and there was nothing in the information you gave me about my own future. But I will make use of this knowledge now that I know it is real.

I still can't get over the fact that this word was nothing but a tv show in your old world." Sabrina said.

"Don't look into it to much. My old world could have been a tv show for some other world out there and I was just some nobody that wasn't part of the show but was needed to keep that world working." I said.

"That was mean you just basically called me a nobody." Sabrina said going back to her playful tone.

"You know that wasn't want I meant." I replied.

"I know I was just playing with you. So here is the rest of the plan." Sabrina said.

She then told me the rest of the plan and what kind of organization she wanted he to help her build. She was going to send me some more money to help out. Luckily she is a couple years older then me so she can get things done that a kid can't.

After she hug up I look at my phone thinking this was not how I would start my day.