
Rampage of Armies

[ Have you ever wondered what Pride really is? The most beautiful of all seven sins. The ugliest of all seven sins. THE MOTHER OF ALL SEVEN SINS. That is what pride is, why do you think wars are waged? why armies rampage through lands. Do they like blood, do they love killing their kind, DO THEY NOT FEAR DEATH !! Or because they think they are a better Empire, That they are the only ones who believe in the true god, That they are born superior so they have the right to rule others. "Hey, this year's harvest is lacking we wouldn't have enough food in winter. So what let's just raid the fields of those lowly southern's " "We don't have enough harvest this year too, Let's just concur the southern lands. I mean we are loved by god so we must take all that god bestowed upon us, those heathens could die and rot in hell for all I care " "Huh, why you ask, well because we are superior and loved by god " "So we deserve to own that land to satisfy our hunger " "This is justice!!!" "Hey, have you seen eastern women, man they're beautiful" "So what those eastern barbarians didn't even know how to write and read, they are just animals with human appearance, I have seen some of them sleeping in the wild naked " "Shit that beauty is wasted on them, how about we bring the most beautiful of them here " "That's a good idea I need some household slaves anyway, those women will be happier this way too" See pride leads to arrogance and arrogance leads to other sins.   Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Then is it okay to not have pride at all? "Hey our country 'Y' is such a looser, our GOD is fake too, I am a looser too so were my ancestors  " That doesn't sound right, does it? When one loses all of his pride, The only thing that remains is Pity. Pity for himself and others. That's why, pride is a beautifully ugly sin. 'Ha ha ha ha you can also say it's pretty ugly' Anyway, My father always told me. 'YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOUR SELF' So Today I have decided "I WILL KILL THE GODS"

Neel_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

stubborn will

the room descended into silence as the commanding voice of the Duke cut through the air like a blade. His gaze, a steely dagger, Focused on certain individual

"That's enough," he said, his words a decree that silenced the room. "Let's focus on the more important matters. Sir William, you still haven't revealed the source of your information."

Sir William, his face drained of color, quivered beneath the Duke's piercing scrutiny. He rose from his seat, stammering, "My lor..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the Duke's voice, though still authoritative, carried a gentler, more compassionate tone as he turned his attention to another matter.

"Also," he said, his words tempered with concern, "Sindy, take better care of your young master. Look at how sickly he appears. Take him to Madam Caroline."

Sindy seemed startled as if she never imagined to duke mentioning her by name, even so, she quickly moved to carry the duke's order.

But someone was faster than her and the duke. Albert had already moved in order to stop Jack from saying anything, He had pulled Jack back when everyone's attention was focused on Duke and he was escorting Jack out of the room. Sindy looked back and forth between Duke and Albert retreating back and then followed behind Albert.

"My lord "

Joshua looked at the middle-aged man who was head of the intelligence department, He had known Willam for a very long time and he also knew like most of his court officers willam also disapproved of Jack and that's why he was actively avoiding Jack's orders even in this important meeting, although he understood why these old people were doing these things it still made him quite angry and annoying, as ruling figurer of territory he also had the duty to understand and satisfy his subordinates who wanted nothing more to to have strong and dependable person to succeed as next Duke.

"Yes, you may continue willam"


Albert's difficult upbringing had forged him into a person with a stoic and calculating exterior. He approached life with an unwavering determination, often appearing distant and unapproachable. However, beneath this cold facade, he harbored a profound warmth and compassion for those he held dear, and Jack was among the fortunate few to enjoy his genuine care.

Despite his imposing demeanor, Albert had a wealth of knowledge and experience acquired over decades. He yearned to pass on this wisdom to Jack, but ever since the rumors started to spread he had found that Jack started avoiding not only him but most of the adults in the castle.

It seemed like he was afraid and lonely, there was no one there to comfort him as Joshua was gaon to the imperial capital to answer the emergency summons from the emperor, it took four months for Joshua to return. He always wonders how hard those four months must have been for a child suffering from mental depression without his parent without anyone to rely on, so he desperately wanted to become that person to whom that child could open up, and share his burdens.

But he failed, he tried many times but never managed to break the wall the child had built around himself.

But one day when he was drinking tea in his usual spot, Under the shade of an old tree oak tree at the corner of the castle garden, A white-haired boy with blank and lusterless black eyes came to him with shaky legs and sweaty palms, the little boy stammered as he asked

"Si .. sir plz te ... tell me how do i .. i decame useful "

'As expected of the blood of Ignis'

When that child approached him on its own he though, he thought that Jack had broken the walls himself and he had also subconsciously thought that it was because Jack was a gifted child. So he taught him how to become useful.

In the ensuing period, Albert took it upon himself to guide and mold Jack, recognizing the potential that lay dormant within the young boy. He imparted wisdom and knowledge in various domains, but the subjects they both gravitated toward with fervor were the art of warfare, the intricate analysis of battlefields, and the strategies to emerge victorious in the most unfavorable of circumstances.

A genius child this time not because of his talent in magic but because of Jacks's ability to grasp every bit of knowledge given to him. During that period he had also told Jack that true strength was not magic but the ability to use everything in our power to achieve victory over the enemy.

And now as he looked at Jack who had come back to his senses he understood something.

'That child had never even tried to break the walls that shielded him from the outside world it just that, he had simply learned to live with them'

"Are you alright young master "

"Are you alright, young master?" Albert inquired with genuine concern. His keen eyes, like a sentinel searching for any hint of weakness, delved into Jack's obsidian orbs. However, what those deep, black eyes revealed was not a vulnerability, but an unyielding, stubborn will that burned within the young man.

His will was not broken yet, in fact, it raged even stronger. It roared within him, like an unquenchable fire.

"Of course I am, it was just a minor headache, oh god I can't believe it I got so distracted by some minor headache it must have been the effect of that hellish training that devil put me through. Don't worry Sir Albert I will be fine after some rest. You should go attend the meeting don't waste your precious time on me and Sindy is also here "

Jack with his usual smooth voice seemed as if his earlier meltdown was just his imagination and not the thing in reality

"If you say so young master, Sindy plz take good care of young master"

Jack looked at Alberts returning back, as he too turned around and left.


In the heart of a Big White castle, within the opulent confines of a spacious chamber, a young man lay soundly asleep upon an expansive and sumptuously adorned bed. His most striking feature was a cascade of silver hair that flowed like molten moonlight, a stark contrast to the rich, dark wood of the chamber's furnishings.

The room itself exuded a timeless elegance, with stone walls that bore the weight of centuries of history, now bathed in the soft, filtered glow of torchlight. Intricately embroidered tapestries adorned the walls, depicting epic battles and noble lineages, and their vivid hues danced with the warm flicker of the room's torches.

Slowly, the young man opened his eyes. The deep black obsidian orbs, brimming with unwavering determination, gradually revealed the world before him. His silver hair framed his face like a silken cascade, and as he gazed upon the room bathed in torchlight, it was evident that his resolve remained undiminished, as he mumbled to himself.

"I need to get out"