
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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10 Chs

Entry 5

Hi, Alpha here! Let's start.

Well, first day since I started slacking off, and what can I say, I freacking didn't. Why? Because when I woke up today, my mother saw me and was like, "Hmm, you seem very free, go do chores."

I was expecting somehow that, since that happens every weekend, but what I didn't expect, was a whole 3 hours session of chores. So yeah, when I finally finished all, it was time to eat. After that, I rested all the evening, and I discovered 2 songs that have a high chance of entering my top 10 in the moment I heard them. One is 'Up all night' from The Tech Thieves and Twoxi, and the one who got surely in the top 3 was 'Night Crawls' from Drella... Is it fine to put this here? I guess it is. Anyways, I have been listening to this 2 songs for hours now, and I highly recommend them.

What more? Well, now I guess I will go play Overwatch 2 with some friends and lose some matches, and later I would like to make the ideas for one and a half chapters, more if I feel like it. All this will probably lead me to go to bed at 3 or 4 AM, and wake up at 9, but, who cares about sleeping properly? Me no, and that is worrying, considering that if I don't sleep properly I will be in a very bad mood, but you know what? Future Alpha problem, and the people who will deal with me tomorrow (I'll try not to be mean to the people I chat with).

Without anything more to say, I'll see you tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

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