
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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10 Chs

Entry 2

Hi, Alpha here!

Hmm, how can I start the rant of today?

Well, I guess we can start by saying that tomorrow I finish my exams! I have been waiting this moment for a month, the month I have been studying, so I'm quite excited about it. The exams I did today were the best I've made in a while, they were physics and English. About the physics one, I honestly think I have a perfect score, and in English, although there were some things that the teacher said she won't put in the exam, but actually did, I think I did pretty good. Also, I finished early, so I went home like half an hour earlier than I was supposed to, so I'm happy about that.

Apart from today's exams, tomorrow I have philosophy and scientific culture (which doesn't even count as an exam, to be fair, since we have the questions and answers). About philosophy, I actually like it, and I discovered that somehow I study it easier while vibing to "Moonlight Sonata", the one from Beethoven. I don't know why that happens, but I'm fine with it.

To be honest, I'm dead tired from this month-long study session, and I perfectly know that in 2 or 3 weeks I will have another month full of exams, that's how my school works. Knowing that, I don't plan to do anything apart from reading, chatting with people, playing games, and sleeping (not too much, I can't lose the routine).

Oh yeah, I just remembered I promised you in the last entry why my school did finals in October, and even knowing that no one cares about it, I'm going to do it anyways. It's pretty simple, for a reason not even the gods know, my school decided to divide this first trimester (September-December) into 2 evaluations. Why? Even they don't know. So yeah, that leaves us, both students and teachers, with one and a half months to do at least one mid-term exam and one final exam. Sooo funny :)

Also, tomorrow I plan to write a chapter for my novel, did you guys know I write a novel? Well, I don't really write it, I just send my ideas to some random dude I met in Tiscord, you know, the app right? Anyways, in the future, I will tell the story of how I ended up sending my ideas to some guy, but not now.

Anyways, coming back to the school, since it's where most of the things happen, this morning when I entered the building preparing for the exam, my language teacher suddenly grabbed me from the side (which scared the shit out of me, I'm quite bad with scares okay? I will talk about that other time), started punching me in my shoulder, and then he left. I was so dumbfounded I didn't know how to react. I know it has something to do with the exam I did yesterday, but here is the thing, he simply punched me, what the hell does that mean?! Is it like a friendly punching of 'good job' or is it a 'I kill you, what a shity exam'. I don't know, but what I know, Is that I'm terrified. And that happens with biology too, the headmaster came to our class, went towards a girl, high-fived her, and told her "Very good biology exam.", and he left. And what happens with the rest?! So yeah, I'm terrified about almost every exam.

One thing that helps me relieve a little stress is chatting with people, and I'm quite lucky to find a server that is 'active'. So I can chat most of the time. So yeah, thanks to the people that bear with me almost every day :)

And with that final note, I think it's time to finish this entry, see ya tomorrow!

**I'm writing this after I've already posted the chapter, but I've to tell it. I have just taken my bottle of water, which has been in my bag for almost a month, and it was cold as if it has just been taken from the refigerator, like wth?

Thanks for reading!

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