
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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10 Chs

Entry 10

Hi, Alpha here!

Quite a time huh? Did you think I forgot about this? Hmm, indeed I did. BUT, keyword, "did", now I remembered (all by myself of course).

Well, to be honest, things happened during this week that has passed, but I'm too lazy to tell them, so yeah, I will just tell what happened today.

At the moment I'm writing this, I just have finished one of the best presentations I've ever made. It's not that it wasn't finished, it's just that for some reason when I was going to download it, I just thought 'I can do this better.', and I did!

To be honest, I'm not even sure I'm going to present tomorrow, and I hope not, because I'm not prepared for it and would have to speedrun the study of the presentation, and that's bad.

Being as tired as I am (this is just a mere exaggeration from your author), I'm going to leave it here for today.

See you tomorrow (hopefully)!