

The Ramayana is one of the two major ancient Indian epics, the other being the Mahabharata. The story is centered around the life of the protagonist, Rama, who is the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. The epic follows Rama's journey from his birth in the kingdom of Ayodhya to his marriage to Sita, his exile to the forest, and his battle against the demon king Ravana to rescue Sita. The Ramayana is divided into seven books or kandas, with each book covering a different phase of Rama's life. The first book, Balakanda, describes Rama's birth, his childhood, and his marriage to Sita. The second book, Ayodhyakanda, tells the story of Rama's exile to the forest and his brother Bharata's attempt to bring him back to Ayodhya. The third book, Aranyakanda, describes Rama's life in the forest and his encounter with various sages and demons. The fourth book, Kishkindhakanda, focuses on Rama's meeting with Hanuman, the monkey god, and his alliance with the monkey army to rescue Sita from Ravana. The fifth book, Sundarakanda, narrates the heroic deeds of Hanuman and his journey to Lanka to search for Sita. The sixth book, Yuddhakanda, describes the epic battle between Rama's army and Ravana's army, and Rama's eventual victory over Ravana. The final book, Uttarakanda, tells the story of Rama's reign as king of Ayodhya and his decision to send Sita into exile after doubting her fidelity. The Ramayana is a timeless epic that teaches the values of righteousness, morality, and devotion. It is a story of love, sacrifice, and the triumph of good over evil, and it continues to inspire millions of people around the world.

Amit_Bisht_022003 · History
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Chapter Two: Dasharatha's Dilemma

Several years pass, and Rama grows into a handsome and valiant prince, beloved by all who know him. Meanwhile, Dasharatha becomes increasingly worried about his succession. He is now an old man and feels that he must choose his successor before he passes away.

Dasharatha: "My dear ministers, I have a grave concern. I am getting old, and I must choose a successor to the throne before I pass away."

Minister: "My lord, we understand your concerns. May we ask whom you have in mind to succeed you?"

Dasharatha: "My eldest son, Rama, is the most worthy of all my children. He possesses all the qualities of a great ruler: wisdom, compassion, and courage."

The ministers nod in agreement, but Dasharatha is not satisfied. He is worried that if he chooses Rama as his successor, it will create jealousy and resentment among his other wives and their sons.

Dasharatha: "However, I am concerned that if I choose Rama as my successor, it will create discord among my other wives and their sons. I cannot bear the thought of causing strife in my kingdom."

The ministers are perplexed by the king's dilemma and offer various solutions. However, Dasharatha is still not satisfied. He decides to seek the advice of the sage Vasishtha, his spiritual advisor.

Dasharatha: "Sage Vasishtha, I am troubled by a difficult decision. I must choose a successor to the throne, but I am worried about causing discord among my wives and their sons."

Vasishtha: "My lord, your concern is understandable. However, Rama is the most worthy of all your children and possesses all the qualities of a great ruler. You must choose him as your successor and trust that he will lead your kingdom with honor and integrity."

Dasharatha is relieved to hear Vasishtha's words and decides to go ahead with his plan to name Rama as his successor. He announces his decision to his queens, and they are overjoyed.

Dasharatha: "My dear queens, I have made a decision. Rama, my eldest son, shall be my successor to the throne of Ayodhya."

Kaushalya: "My lord, you have made a wise choice. Rama is the most worthy of all your children and will be a great ruler one day."

However, Dasharatha's other queens are not pleased with his decision. They feel that their own sons have been unfairly overlooked and begin to plot against Rama.

One of the queens, Kaikeyi, becomes especially jealous of Rama's favor with her husband and convinces Dasharatha to grant her two boons that she had saved from him earlier in their marriage.

Kaikeyi: "My lord, you have granted Rama the right to the throne, but what about my own son, Bharata? He deserves to be king as well."

Dasharatha, feeling indebted to Kaikeyi, agrees to her request without knowing what she would ask for. She asks for Bharata to be made king and for Rama to be exiled to the forest for fourteen years.

Dasharatha is devastated by Kaikeyi's request but feels bound by his word. He tells Rama about his decision and begs him to go into exile for the sake of his honor.

Dasharatha: "My dear son, I have made a grave mistake. I have granted your stepmother two boons, and she has asked for you to be exiled to the forest for fourteen years. I cannot bear to see you go, but my honor demands that I keep my word. Please forgive me, my son."