
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

In a time and place where one’s soul can be morphed into a weapon, there are modern-day magicians called Mage-Knights. Although Kurogane Ikki is a student at an institution that trains Mage-Knights, he has no particular talent in magic and is labeled the “Failure Knight” or “Worst One.” Getting way less than average marks in the scorings, he was forced to repeat a year. But with the arrival of a new head of the institution, a new rule was created: knights whose abilities are compatible, as decided by the board, must share rooms and attend practice and training together throughout their school years to bring up their abilities to the max. It is a rule to implement the absolute verdict of ability. Ikki’s roommate, Stella Vermillion, turns out to be a princess of another foreign country. Stella is a Rank A knight: the type of genius in magic who only appears once a decade. When Ikki walked in on her while she was changing her clothes, it caused a huge misunderstanding, which eventually ended up in a duel between the two of them. The punishment for the losing side is Eternal Submission to the winning side. Forced to live the same room and practice magic together throughout all their school years, how will Stella and Ikki’s relationship evolve? ..................... DISCLAIMER This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is English Translation of Japanese Light Novel. All Rights are own by author http://readonlinenovels.com/nv/09fd870bdece4ec0/rakudai-kishi-no-eiyuutan/253334-h Used by permission.

Deepmetha · Fantasy
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132 Chs

Chapter - 19

On the morning of the day they arranged to see a movie with Shizuku, Ikki Kurogane and Stella Vermillion stood waiting at the academy's main gates. They weren't in their usual uniforms; Ikki had on a comfortable-looking shirt and jeans, while Stella wore a cardigan that had a springtime feel to it, on top of an elegantly trimmed white blouse.

"They're late, Ikki. What are they doing?"

"We could've left together if we were in the same dorm, but…."

Ikki and Stella lived in student dormitory number one, but Shizuku was in dormitory number two on the opposite side of campus, with the main school building located between them. That was why they were meeting near the gate, but the time for their rendezvous had passed long ago and Shizuku was still nowhere to be seen.

"Well, I think they'll be here in a moment. I never figured Stella to be interested in movies, though."

When Shizuku asked him out, Stella had immediately jumped up shouting "I'll go too! I'll definitely go! I'll go even if you tell me not to!" It had been an astonishingly vigorous reaction.

"Leaving you alone with Shizuku in a dark cramped space is way too dangerous."

"Eh? Why is it dangerous?"

"And so is how you can't notice incoming disaster! Did you forget what happened on the first day?"


There was certainly no way Ikki could forget that. In truth, it had been his first kiss.

"If that's what you're worried about, didn't Shizuku apologize the next day? She said she was overcome with emotion after meeting me after four years, and that she's reflecting on it. Besides, I'm just her older brother so I won't be eaten alive like that again."

"…If you don't want to be eaten then don't get so close to her…."

"Huh? What was that?"

"I called you a sis-con."

"I-I'm not a sis-con! No, Shizuku is my precious little sister and I love her very much, but how many times do I have to tell you she's just my sister? Related by blood! I definitely won't start seeing her as a woman just because we've been apart for four years!"

"Really? You won't be captivated anymore?"


There's no way he'd get excited after seeing his sister. It was painful to deny something so obvious, but as Ikki lamented how little Stella trusted him, the one they were waiting for arrived.

"Sorry to make you wait, Onii-sama."

"Ah, Shizu―"

"You're so late. What were you…."

Ikki and Stella turned around to reply, and their expressions froze as Shizuku apologized with her head bowed.

"I'm sorry, I took too long picking out what to wear."

For some reason Shizuku looked even prettier than usual. She was wearing a Gothic Lolita outfit that made the best use of her silver hair and small build, greatly raising the charm of a girl who was originally like a bisque doll. She looked much better in these clothes than in her school uniform.

Still, Shizuku had worn this style in childhood, and Ikki was already familiar with it, so he shouldn't have felt anything special about such clothing. But the magic Shizuku gave off didn't allow that.


Shizuku stood before him under a halo of sunlight, and the scenery around her seemed to dim. What kind of devilish magic had she cast to draw his attention so much? Ikki fell silent and the back of his tongue went dry… but looking more carefully, he quickly realized the source of this witchcraft: makeup. Her eyes were painted with light eye shadow, and there was a faint crimson on her lips. Her eyebrows were curled flawlessly, and each strand of silver hair was dancing in the breeze so together they gave off a faint argent radiance, as if Shizuku herself was shining. All these changes improved her appearance without diminishing her charm―no, they raised that charm many times over, making Shizuku look not like a sister, not like a child, but as a fascinating woman.

Stella howled at this sight.

"W-What is this!? It's cheating! This appearance, it's no amateur work! Did you call a stylist!?"

"I'm not a princess so I wouldn't cheat, and I don't know any stylists. My roommate was the one who helped me."


Ikki blinked.

"Ah, was it Arisuin-san who's coming with us today?"

They had already learned the name from Shizuku's mail. According to Shizuku, Arisuin was an "older onee-san" type of person.

"Yes, Alice should be here shortly."

And just as Shizuku spoke, Arisuin appeared behind her.

"Jeez, you left too quickly, Shizuku. If you trip, the makeup will be ruined, you know?"



Stella and Ikki's expressions once again froze, because no matter what angle they looked, the person who did Shizuku's professional-level makeup was… a boy.

"Hahaha. Nice to meet you, and thank you for inviting me today. I'm Shizuku's roommate, Nagi Arisuin. I'm not much for being called by my full name, so I'd be happy if you call me Alice―♪"

The boy with the tall and lean figure was dressed like Shizuku, with a visual-kei type of appearance. He took off his bowler hat and greeted them with smile, reaching out for a handshake.

"E-Eh, erm, nice to meet you too."

"Ah, yes, how do you do…?"

Ikki and Stella nervously returned the greeting, but they couldn't hide their unrest and started whispering to each other.

"H-Hey wait Ikki, what's going on?"

"Err, it troubles me too, you know."

Both of them had thought Arisuin was a girl, but no matter how they looked, that wasn't true. He might be a little thin for a guy, but not enough to mistake him for a woman. And he was taller than Ikki, probably past 180 centimeters.

"His speech and gestures are girlish, right? Is this a gag? Should I laugh?"

"I'm telling you I can't answer these questions."

"Hahaha. Look, Shizuku, they both seem mesmerized by my beauty."

"What's with that positive thinking!?"

Stella and Ikki retorted in unison, then Ikki scratched the back of his head.

"Erm, Alice-san?"

"You don't have to use '-san'. I'm bad with formality."

"Then, Alice… are you, erm… an okama?"

"Not at all. I'm just a maiden born in a man's body."

"W-What's the difference, Stella…!?"

"Don't you start asking me!"

Looking at the two who were obviously uneasy, Shizuku spoke.

"Does it really trouble you?"

Since their confusion was seen through, Ikki awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"Aha, haha. Well, I knew people like that exist, but this is my first time actually meeting one, and I'm not sure how to talk with them, so… sorry."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize. I'm used to it. But Shizuku wasn't bothered at all, you know."

Shizuku glanced to one side.

"Because I don't really care about genders that much―"

Ikki was deeply moved by how easily Shizuku declared she didn't mind Arisuin's circumstances, even though he couldn't hide his own bewilderment at meeting someone from the tribe called okama.

I haven't seen Shizuku in so long, but she sure has matured a lot.

Having the heart to allow things that goes against common values, it was something he needed to learn.

"―since it doesn't matter whether they're male or female. I simply dislike humanity in general."

Praise retracted. Someone please find the glue to mend his sister's splintered heart.

"Well, Alice isn't a type you'd come by often, but she considers herself a woman and I do likewise. Both Onii-sama and Stella-san, if you can, please think of her as a woman as well, and treat her so."

"I'll try my best."

"Thank you, but you don't have to push yourself. I'd hate to make things awkward, you know."

Arisuin was quite smooth, giving them an escape route like that.

"Anyway, this means everyone's gathered, so we should head for the movie theater."

Ikki nodded.

"That's right. Just standing here is boring too."

"There's still a while until the movie starts, so let's take our time, Onii-sama."

Shizuku proposed that after looking at her wristwatch, and entwined her arm with Ikki's as if it was completely natural. It was a position she took while walking with Ikki, back when they were kids.


Ikki yelped. His hardened resolve was already about to break, and frankly the possibility that Shizuku would bewitch him today was strong. He wanted to pull away, but….

"Mmm, it's been a long time since we last walked like this. Right, Onii-sama?"

"Eh, y-yes. That's… right."

He couldn't say anything when Shizuku smiled so happily as she remembered the past. Shizuku yearned for his love as a sister, and wished to stand beside him like this, but he couldn't see her as his sister. His heart was too uncool.

But even if Shizuku wished for nothing more, there was no way Stella could quietly let it pass. She suddenly cut in between them.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing so suddenly!"

"What? This is just simple skinship between siblings. We used to walk like this plenty."

"Ah, erm. Ahaha, that's true."

"Th-Then me too―"

"I thought you'd say that, so I prepared just the thing. Here, a leash. Please use this to enjoy a slave's skinship to the fullest."

"Oh, how thoughtful―yeah right! Just where is your mind turning!?"

"But walking beside your master lacks propriety, you know. You said you snapped at me only because you're Onii-sama's slave, yet you don't honor that relationship correctly? I think I see the real Vermillion princess."


"No, it's alright. If you want to hold hands with Onii-sama then shouldn't you just go ahead? It's fine since he has two hands. But wanting to do this with a boy, do you have special feelings for him? Could it be that Stella-san, towards Onii-sama―"

"Th-There's nothing like that! I simply lost a duel with him and became his slave, that's all! That's our relationship―"

"Then there's no reason for you to hold hands, is there?"

And Stella was thwarted like so.


"Shall we go, Onii-sama?"


"…What was all that about not being captivated, you sis-con. Pervert…."

Ikki walked down the road with Shizuku on his arm, while Stella's curses hammered his back over and over. Could the trip go peacefully with these two here?

It was the beginning of a day they would always remember with unease.