
[SMUT] To Kiss A Prince- Part 5 [Vidyut]

[Chapter Warning: Sexual Content]

The weaker Vidyut felt, the longer the road seemed. To make matters worse, it was the lanky arms of Surya's dog that were holding him upright, his bony promontories bumping into Vidyut every now and then. Vidyut turned a feverish look at the other pair, Drishti leaning in to Surya's warm embrace, still whining and complaining about the men from earlier. Vidyut fumed silently and untangled himself from Veer before lurching ahead and faltering in his steps.

"Careful," Surya exclaimed from behind. Veer snorted.

Vidyut shuffled along the narrow crookback street, unheeding of the dogs barking at them. Drishti grumbled again. It was a long walk to the guild, made longer by the silence and solitude of the night. Even the alleys usually alive with midnight drunken squabbles were strangely quiet. A sudden bump in the road made Vidyut miss a step. He tripped over but a swift hand broke his fall. The hand was firm, but kind.

"Why do you never listen?" Surya's voice came from his side, warm and smiling. He carefully put Vidyut's arm around his shoulders, wrapping his own arm around Vidyut's slender waist.

"When have I not listened?" Vidyut mumbled.

Surya's shorter stature made Vidyut tilt a little, but he did not mind at all. He liked how Surya's head only reached up to his nose. This way, when he leaned closer to the prince, the scent of aromatic oil wafted in from Surya's hair. Vidyut quietly breathed in the tantalizing smell.

Somehow the rest of the walk seemed easier than before, almost as if walking on air. The uneven road did not feel as rough anymore. And, if they came across a ridge, Vidyut was sure to bump into Surya and each time the prince would hold him a little closer. Soon the narrow street opened up and with a left turn, led straight to the guild. Vidyut sighed. The sight of the guild stairs never seemed more unwelcome to him.

When the four entered the hall, some apprentices and tantrics, who were still up and about, rushed forward to help the wounded and the weak. Some helped Prince Drishti to his private chamber in the guild, and Surya went with them, along with his dog. Two apprentices escorted Vidyut to his chamber. What Vidyut had in his system was a rare poison that briefly weakened the muscle and made one drowsy. The only cure was to sleep it off. So, that was what Vidyut did. 

The next time Vidyut opened his eyes, it was still dark. He was parched, and he started to rise for some water, his limbs somewhat recovered now. 

"Let me." A voice said. 

It was Surya's, and unless Vidyut was dreaming, the prince was in his chamber at present. 

"Why are you here?" Vidyut spoke into the darkness, his eyes slowly adjusting to it. Eventually, he saw the prince's silhouette moving towards him with a pitcher and cup in his hand. 

"Here," Surya handed him a cup filled with water. "I am here since I was told you were poisoned. I do not want to lose my horse and my friend, both, on the same night." He spoke with a measure of calmness, but Vidyut could hear the concern in his voice. 

"The poison is a benign one; it was not meant to harm," Vidyut confessed, once he swallowed a sip of the cool liquid. He prayed Surya did not ask too many questions. 

"Really? Then what was it meant to do?"

Vidyut placed the silver cup on the end table, with some lingering sluggishness, and then gazed at the dark silhouette sitting on the bed, beside him. 

"Weaken your martial power, make you more agreeable," Vidyut spoke openly, voice unwavering. If Surya wanted honesty, then honesty he would get. 

"Agreeable to what?" Surya sounded somewhat naive, seeing no malice in Vidyut's actions. "Is that how bad you want to overpower me in a combat?" 

Before Surya could make his own erroneous conclusion, Vidyut moved quickly and closed the gap. A stunned pair of lips met his own, softer and wetter than Vidyut had imagined. And imagine, he did. Those ripe pair of lips on his mouth, shoulders, body, and especially around his cock. Vidyut had risked many things tonight for some casual excitement, so he will seize whatever pleasure he can find. He pressed on, determined to quench his thirst, take what he had yearned for night after night. Greed surged in him, invigorating his weary muscles. He wrapped his arms tight around Surya, pulling his slender, soft body closer, not letting him escape. 

Surya's mouth opened easy, like dry earth craving for rain. He had gone very still in Vidyut's arms. It felt almost as though he had taken the concoction after all. All docile and pliant. Vidyut did not, could not hold back and let his tongue invade Surya's mouth as far back as he could. The prince did not make one bit of sound until Vidyut grazed a far, hidden corner of his mouth, which made him yelp and bite Vidyut's tongue. Surya was not very accustomed to this game. 

"Apologies," Surya said in a small, hushed voice, but the apology was not enough for Vidyut. He pressed Surya down on the bed, looming large on the smaller man. He had crossed a line tonight, and he was not going back. He clicked his fingers together, and an oil lamp lit up in a niche. The flame was small but enough to view what he had been picturing in his mind the entire time. Surya's cheeks were indeed flushed red, and his lips glimmered with moistness. But Vidyut ignored all of those and instead went for Surya's left ear lobe that had teased him for the longest time. 

Vidyut bit the ear lobe right where the teardrop pearl hung from it. There was a sharp intake of breath and Surya shivered in his arms. Vidyut held him tighter and then took the entire ear lobe and the pearl drop in his mouth and began to suck on it like it was the juiciest piece of fruit in the whole world. Surya's fingers dug deep into Vidyut's shoulders, drawing him flush against his body. Vidyut felt the heavy pounding of Surya's heart beneath and the quick rise and fall of his chest. He also felt the stiffness further down and knew they did not have much time.

Vidyut sat back and quickly removed his robe. "Remove your clothes." He instructed the prince. 

"What?" The prince asked with a vexing naivety. His eyes had gone wide.

Having no patience to explain the steps of lovemaking, Vidyut moved to disrobe Surya, but the prince caught his hand, a mute appeal in his eyes. Vidyut let go of the hem of his tunic. Next time, he thought. The two resumed the kiss, Surya's mouth deliciously open and submissive to Vidyut's prodding, his soft tongue moving shyly against Vidyut's. The passion escalated quickly— a few gentle nips and soft pecks followed by a deep bite that was sure to leave its mark for the next few days.

Surya's hands had found their new favorite resting place, Vidyut's long curly hair. No matter how much the tantric tried, he could not untangle Surya's fingers from his hair. Seeing no way to go down on the prince, Vidyut abandoned the idea and instead rubbed against him. Surya whimpered and curled his fingers, pulling on Vidyut's hair. Vidyut thrust once more, this time harder, and once more, the prince gave a hushed little cry. Soon the thrusts became more urgent, and Surya's moans filled the chamber, undignified and relentless, that would put even the leisure house whores to shame. Surya was quickly reaching the edge of the freefall, and so was Vidyut. 

Vidyut bit every spot of skin he could find, not holding back anymore, as he crudely sought the relief he needed. All of a sudden, Surya tensed up and let out a cry. He wrapped his legs tightly around Vidyut as he shuddered violently. The movement tipped Vidyut over the edge. Pleasure coursed from his legs through his entire body as he sank his teeth deep into Surya's shoulder. 

It was several moments before the fog of lust cleared. Surya quietly untangled himself from the tantric and rose from the bed, sliding into his sandals. 

"I must search for Pawan." He announced. 

"Pawan?" That was the first time Vidyut heard that name. 

"My horse." Pawan, like the wind. A fitting name for a royal horse. 

"It is too late to meander the streets alone," Vidyut stated the apparent. Rajani was not a kind place, especially at night. Surya must know this already from the events of the evening. 

"Veer is in the guest chamber. I will take him with me."

Vidyut sighed and sat up. The fine sweat on his bare skin was cooling rapidly in the chill of the room. He quickly put on the robe lying on the bed beside him. 

"Let me find some men, then. We can have groups comb through the city." Vidyut suggested, and Surya gave him the most endearing smile. 

"Thank you. I will owe you greatly for any assistance." He said. 

"Not to worry. You can pay me back later, what you owe me." Vidyut let him know of his intentions with a playful grin, and the prince quickly averted his gaze, color rising in his cheeks again.


My dear flowers, hope you enjoyed my first ever smut chapter! XD Please remember to support this work with POWERSTONES and GIFTS for Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021.

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