
Raizon: The Following

The world ended 12 years ago, well it was supposed to, but humanity is stubborn. With the birth of new technologies, some of said tech being what caused all this, humanity was able to hang on. Humanity is hanging on by a thread as monsters and strange radiation claim the world for its own.

Nalced11 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Past | 1.1


11 was running- escaping felt like a dream. None of this was real- it was just another fantasy in his head, wasn't it? He felt as though he was outside of his own body as he ran as best he could through the grass and brush. He could hear the alarms blaring behind him, threatening his heart to beat out of his chest in pure fear.

The lab was in the main tower, located nearly in the middle of the city- he'd never been allowed into the city before and he hadn't seen much of it during his escape. He had gotten help by someone but since it was for escape, there wasn't any time to do sightseeing. They went straight to the wall in order to escape this place. His accomplice wanted to stay behind and stay secret. So 11 would not be saying any names here. It was the least he could do.

The walls were tall and thick, a thin luminescent dome filling over the top to protect from whatever was on the outside world, it took a good solid twenty minutes to pass through normally with all the security and safety precautions. They didn't open up so easily but 11's friend on the inside happened to know how to pull some strings.

Everything was a haze to him, the plan, the directions, even the execution of said plan. The words of his accomplice rung loudly in his ears. "When you get out there, your name won't be 11, you forget that tattoo, find a safe way to cut it off- scar it over, cover it up with another tattoo- something. I gave you instructions for a safe way to rid yourself of it and it's in your bag. You spare that food for as long as you can, those spare shoes as long as you can- everything. The outside isn't easy. You can't go to the alternate cities because they'll be aware of your bounty. You stay away from large militias and those who wish to do others harm. Live for what's right, live for yourself for once," He explained briefly. It was all a blur and some of the parts 11 wasn't sure he'd caught. Had he already forgotten some of his friend's words in the anxiety of this all?

He remembered his response to the man. "If- if I am not 11 then who am I? What am I called?"

"What do you wish to be called? Give yourself a name," Was his response.

"I- I don't know any names,"

"Then would you like me to give you one?"

The boy hesitated before he nodded, and the man spoke again. "Mikael. No last name, they have no meaning anymore in the world outside of here. So you are only Mikael."

"Mikael..." 11 repeated. No... he was no longer 11... he was going to be Mikael.

The memory faded away into a blur as Mikael ran, stumbling along the uneven ground. He'd gone through various training but most of it had been on flat ground. Running like this through a field without slowing or stopping had his legs and lungs aching after a while. The pitch black of the night sky did not help his tripping in holes and over rocks. He'd met hard with the ground more than a couple times already, scraping up his hands and if not for the padded soldier uniform of the city, then likely much more.

His ankles burned from rolling multiple times but he didn't dare slow his pace from the sounds behind him. It may have been pitch black but the helicopters and soldiers behind him were armed with flashlights and weapons- likely tranq guns. They wouldn't kill him if they caught up to him but he almost hoped they would. Death would surely be better than what they had in store for him.

He stumbled into the night blindly- it was so dark that not even the stars were out and he didn't dare use a flashlight to see his compass. If they found him he was done for. It was unheard of to escape a second time- but a third? He could never. This chance wouldn't happen again. He'd have to find out which way he was supposed to go when morning came... but the night would be long, and temperatures tended to drop significantly.

He could already feel the frost forming on his boots and numbing his toes. It couldn't have been pitch black out for more than two hours yet the temperature was already dropping quickly.

Mikael had to remind himself that he would be fine. He could get through this- he could survive in harsh lab conditions so the real outside world had to be easier. It had to be. I needed to be.

He was going to live finally. He had a name now. No one had ever cared enough to give him a real name.

His bag clunked in tune to his running, heavy at his side. Fear drove him to keep going, keep running, and ignore the cold night that was greeting his goosebumped skin. The helicopters searching for him sounded fainter now, but he was still just as scared. What if they caught up to him? What would they do to him if they caught him? He didn't want to know.

He ran and ran until he was sure his ankles were swollen and his feet were blistered. The endless hills and field wasn't so endless it seemed, as he approached forestry. He walked into the trees, scared. He'd never been in a real forest before. Would there be raizon monsters here? He was walking now, breathing heavily as he surveyed the dark as he made his way through the trees in the dark.

Keep going straight. He had to remember to keep going straight. He would find his destination if he kept going straight in this direction. If he got turned around even a little in the dark he could easily end up anywhere else. It was too dangerous out here to get lost, he had to keep going straight. Mikael avoided walking into trees, but it was getting harder as the forest grew thicker. It was soon to start turning him around...