

"Goodness, being the strongest is not as I expected at all. Everything and everyone are too weak and terrified. "My students are scared of me as well?" "Even powerful magic beasts die before I touch them!" "Hmm? Oh, he has the protagonist star but he is too hidden and might not shine. Hehehe, I'll groom this one and make him into the strongest too" Realizing that being the strongest comes with not only power and authority but extremely loneliness and unbearable boredom, vee fakes his death and travel to a far away land to live as a commoner. But just a few years after his retirement, his planet was invaded by a strong force that seek to conquer their home. But vee decides not to act this time and rather watch from the sideline while secretly helping someone else to become the main character in the darkest moment of their planet.

Vee_High · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Academy, Hunters

And with that, their journey to the capital of the continent began.


The Royal Magic Academy was located in the capital of the southern continent of planet Edrichrio, the biggest kingdom in the southern continent. The Royal Magic Academy was acknowledged as the strongest academy that trained mages in the whole southern continent with no academy or force in the southern continent being able to rival it, it was also known that most mages of the southern continent army, and many other big figures of the continent graduated from the Royal magic academy.

Not just that, one of the reasons why the Royal Magic Academy was regarded as the best in the southern continent was because its founder was a Supreme ranked mage who was the ruler of the southern continent. It was also rumored that the founder of the Royal Magic Academy was the only son of a Divine mage of the southern continent.

After fifteen years, aside from the four divine mages of the northern continent, the other four continents had managed to produce one divine-ranked mage each and the founder of the Royal magic academy happened to be the son of the only Divine rank mage of the southern continent; of course, it was just a rumor but it still added to the prestige of the academy.

These were obviously not the only reasons why the Royal Magic Academy was known as the best, the academy itself was worth its prestige and fame. Not only were their teachers well-known and renowned figures in the continent, but they were all powerhouses as well. The weakest of them was at least at the mage king rank while the strongest was at the supreme mage rank, on par with the founder of the academy.

It was also well known that the academy did not hold back in the slightest in nurturing their students, they were ready to spend a great deal of resources on their students to make sure they became the best of the best when they graduated.

Abundant resources, special theory, practical, and combat classes, unlimited knowledge in regards to the elements and magic beasts, and heated competitions amongst students to awaken their competitive spirits which in turn allows their talents to blossom. The Royal Magic Academy was without a doubt, an emperor amongst academies.

Even big shots of other academies and institutions that trained mages would still send their juniors to study at the Royal Magic Academy because they knew that their own organizations wouldn't be able to bring out the full potential of a mage when compared to the Royal Magic Academy. This made the competition amongst students very fierce within the academy as there was no lack of talented students all year round ND since no one wanted to be left behind by their peers, they would have no option but to bring out their best to keep up with others.

The competition amongst the students was even more fierce when it came to the ranking because being on the ranking would help a student get free access to a lot of private classes regardless of the teacher and also help them acquire more resources from the academy.

While kids from powerful backgrounds would not necessarily care much about this since their families could easily provide both resources and money for private classes for them, the same could not be said for students from less powerful and poor backgrounds so the students in this category had to struggle their all to get into the ranking. But simply because the kids with powerful families could rely on their families for most things did not mean that they would not still fight to get on the ranking. After all, if their families could provide everything for them, then why did they come to the academy? Also, kids from big backgrounds were known to be prideful and arrogant. Which one of them would want to be below others?

As for poor students who were unable to get into the ranking and their families were unable to fully pay for their fees, they had to take jobs to earn extra money like being hunters or part-time instructors in smaller schools. This also showed the might of the Royal Magic Academy as students who were unable to enter the ranking could easily become silver rank hunters and Gold rank hunters, then how powerful would those who were on the ranking be?

Hunters were another non-cooperative force that could be found in every continent. A hunter could be a mage or ordinary person who did not want to join a cooperative force and wanted to be independent while earning big bucks by taking up missions from individuals or other organizations of which some could be relatively easy while most were dangerous.

While hunters were individual forces and were not bound to any organization or force, they had to sign up with a guild to become hunters which would act as their backing. If something was to happen to a hunter, the guild that they signed up under would have to stand up for them.

Hunters had five ranks that differentiated newbies from professionals and the ranking also determined a mission that a hunter could take up so those greedy newbies would not end up accepting missions that would end them.

The five ranks of hunters were from the bronze rank being the lowest of the hunters to the diamond rank were the professionals and usually high-rank mages or ordinary people with powerful tamed magic beasts.

They were the:

Bronze rank.

Silver rank.

Gold rank.

Platinum rank.

Diamond rank.

This was also one of the Royal Magic Academy's strengths, not only did they have such a magnificent academy, but they also owned a guild that was being supervised by a diamond rank hunter who was an alpha rank mage.

Currently, two people stood in front of the enormous magnificent gate of the Royal Magic Academy. Actually, they were not the only ones in front of the tall entrance of the academy. The gates of the academy were opened wide as numerous people stormed in and dozens of hover cars drove through it. This was, after all, the registration period for the Royal Magic Academy and people were rushing to register their kids.

As for these two people, they stood to the side so a person walking past would not bump into them or a hover car suddenly knocking them from behind.