
Not A Chapter : Authors Thoughts

You ever have one of those moments late at night where you're just scrolling through youtube and you're hit with a sudden inspiration to draw or write something, well that's what this story is, it's really rough I did not re-read anything while writing just kept going until I had a beginning and end.

I'm a big fan of horror but the problem with alot of horror stories is the plot armor for the sake of plot, sometimes interesting stories get dragged out way longer than they should and characters that survive constant impossible odds get kind of annoying.

Like when side characters or main characters who are supposed to be ordinary or not so normal people that pull off superhuman feats of physical ability outta nowhere that really bothers me in particular and can ruin a story.

And I know what you're thinking.

I'm guilty of it too XD but c'mon that bs good luck or skill is okay in fantasy stories.

So I thought why not just write a collection of stories under the same horror scenario ya know like have one at school or at a store or at someone's home or during a drive or whatever.

I'm doing this for fun to help me relax so this might just be a one and done thing.

Recently due to the whole pandemic life has not been easy bills to pay no work outside of quarantine zones got a fuck ton of homework, projects and essays to write which I should be working on now instead of this honestly XD.

But ya know everyone needs a breather once in a while.

So at first I wanted to make the character a disgusting unhealthy neck beard just a total waste of space a complete loser ya know.

But then I thought that it would limit the story too much cause lets be honest here someone like that wouldn't live long enough to tell a story and interactions although entertaining would be hard for me to consistently write.

So I changed the MC of this story. I still wanted him to be a complete loser but not completely incompetent, basically a chicken shit coward with a rusted heart of silver

Also sorry about not updating any of my other stories I feel guilty, but just so ya know ASR and FE are always on my mind and I still do write chapters for them.

It's just I have no time to edit chapters word for word and I would rather release edited chapters instead of nothing.

Anyways I hope all of you stay healthy and safe out there peace out y'all