
Rainstorm: The Assassin Reborn as the Unwanted Daughter

Li Mei was a once legend. A ruthless assassin, a figure shrouded in myth and legend until she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most, leading to her gruesome death. But fate has other plans, granting her a second chance in the body of Xiao Fei, the illegitimate daughter of the Xiao familia. Trapped in a life that bears no resemblance to her own, Li Mei must confront the ghosts that haunt her past and the demons that lurk in her present. In a world of gilded cages and veiled threats, where every smile hides a dagger, every friend a hidden foe, she treads on the dangerous path of vengeance, where one misstep could mean her end. ______________________ Luo Hao Tian was a rising star, a brilliant businessman, and an heir to the capital's most influential family until one accident that left him blind during the day and haunted by nightmares at night, leading him to retreat from the world. But when fate throws Luo Hao Tian into Xiao Fei's path, sparks ignite in the shadows. Xiao Fei becomes the first flicker of desire in Hao Tian's isolated world. He wants her and makes no secret of it. Avoiding him isn't an option he offers and he's determined to prove to her she's worth every ounce of effort he's going to put into winning her heart.

Lttle_Aurora · Urban
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10 Chs

Secrets and Lies

The scorching sun beat down mercilessly as Xiao Fei stepped out of the sleek, black sedan. She paused, one hand shielding her eyes from the glare as she swept her gaze toward the estate before her.

A grand estate sprawled before her, its center dominated by a lotus pound with a wooden bridge arched over it. Ancient willows drooped their branches toward the water's edge. To the left, a smaller pavilion perched on the edge of the pond, its reflection shimmering in the water. 

She stepped onto the bridge, her hand trailing along the smooth railing, pausing midway. Her gaze followed the koi fish swimming lazily beneath the surface, their scales flashing gold and red in the dappled sunlight.

"Are you gonna move or do you plan to just

stand there all day?" Sun Lili's impatient voice broke her out of her thoughts. 

Xiao Fei turned to see her on the stone pathway, one hand on her hip, eyebrow raised in mild annoyance. 

Xiao Fei did not reply. She hadn't said a single word in five months, something that had made others think she was a mute.

Silently, Xiao Fei started to walk again, her eyes looking straight, never once diverting to appreciate the beauty around her. The pathway led them past manicured gardens and smaller structures, each seemingly designed to complement the natural beauty of the estate.

"That is the main building where the patriarch lives. The rest of the family have their own courtyards within the estate." Sun Lili explained as a mere formality, gesturing towards a building at a distance.

When she saw Xiao Fei still didn't give any reaction, she rolled her eyes. It was as if this girl was made of rock, having no emotions and what so all.

Finally, they reached the main building, its architecture more imposing up close, with intricate carvings adorning the pillars and eaves.

Xiao Fei stopped in her steps. Her eyes move upward, taking in the grandeur of the main building.

Suddenly, feeling eyes on her, Xiao Fei turned her attention to the second-floor window. For the briefest of moments, a curtain twitched aside, revealing the silhouette of a figure within. And then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the curtain fell back into place. 

They were watching her. She was aware of the eyes that had been following her ever since she stepped out of the car, she could hear the hush whispers of servants who thought they were being discreet, she could feel the look of disdain thrown her way. This was something she was all familiar with. It was the reaction she had been getting ever since she woke up, a reaction that was reserved only for the 'unfortunate' Xiao.

"Let's go," Sun Lili said, leading Xiao Fei through the massive wooden doors and into the living room where multiple eyes fell on her. 

Xiao Fei immediately recognized them, not because of the memories attained from this body since the original Xiao Fei never had the opportunity to meet these people, but because of her own memories from her past life. 

The Xiao family was one of the prestigious families in city S and had existed for centuries, ruling the world of business.

In the middle was Xiao Chengw, the old patriarch of the family, who was drinking tea while sitting on an armchair as if it was his throne and he was the king. In a sense, he was the king.

Next to him was his wife Xiao Meifang, her posture elegant yet rigid. Her eyes were assessing Xiao Fei with a blend of intrigue and thinly veiled disdain. 

Then there was Xiao Zhiming, her biological father, looking stiff and uncomfortable in his tailored suit. He avoided Xiao Fei's gaze, his expression unreadable.

Finally, there was Xiao Yan, Xiao Zhiming's legal wife. She was the only person who was smiling at her, but Xiao Fei knew better than to trust that smile. She has seen that smile before. It was the smile of a viper coiled and ready to strike, disguised under a veneer of warmth and welcome.

"You can leave now," Xiao Meifang told Sun Lili who, without a word, bowed slightly and walked out. After that, she turned to Xiao Fei and indicated the empty seat across from them.

"Take a seat," 

There was a striking elegance in Xiao Fei's movements as she settled into the chair. Her posture was straight, her head held high, exuding a quiet confidence that surprised those gathered in the room. She appeared more like a noblewoman who had known only privilege and refinement rather than a wild girl plucked off the streets. 

"Would you like something to eat? Perhaps a drink?" Xiao Yan asked, breaking the momentarily silence that had fallen over them.

Suddenly, the sound of a porcelain teacup clattering against the table echoed around the living room.

"What a disgrace," Xiao Chengwei muttered under his breath but it was loud enough for Xiao Fei to hear.

Xiao Meifang placed a hand on his arm. "Chengwei, please, the doctors have advised you to watch your temper."

Xiao Chengwei grumbled but restrained himself, sinking back into his chair with a disgruntled expression. His eyes, however, continued to bore into Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei resisted the urge to roll her eyes, noticing the subtle twitch on Xiao Yan's lips.

Xiao Meifang turned her attention to Xiao Fei, her expression hardening slightly. "I believe you understand the gravity of the situation."

Xiao Fei nodded head.

"Good," the old woman nodded, "then I want you to live just the way you have lived before—Invisible."

She paused, letting her words sink in before she continued, "we will give you a place to live in the estate, money to live a comfortable life, and whatever else you will need. But in return, you will stay out of sight, out of trouble, and out of our affairs."

Xiao Fei kept her expression neutral, staring at the old woman.

"I have a better suggestion," for the first time in five months, Xiao Fei spoke, startling everyone. They all looked at her, as if they were seeing a ghost.

"You can talk!?" Xiao Yan exclaimed, a hand placed over her mouth.

Xiao Fei ignored her, her cold eyes looking straight at the old couple.

"Send me abroad,"