
Rainstorm: The Assassin Reborn as the Unwanted Daughter

Li Mei was a once legend. A ruthless assassin, a figure shrouded in myth and legend until she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most, leading to her gruesome death. But fate has other plans, granting her a second chance in the body of Xiao Fei, the illegitimate daughter of the Xiao familia. Trapped in a life that bears no resemblance to her own, Li Mei must confront the ghosts that haunt her past and the demons that lurk in her present. In a world of gilded cages and veiled threats, where every smile hides a dagger, every friend a hidden foe, she treads on the dangerous path of vengeance, where one misstep could mean her end. ______________________ Luo Hao Tian was a rising star, a brilliant businessman, and an heir to the capital's most influential family until one accident that left him blind during the day and haunted by nightmares at night, leading him to retreat from the world. But when fate throws Luo Hao Tian into Xiao Fei's path, sparks ignite in the shadows. Xiao Fei becomes the first flicker of desire in Hao Tian's isolated world. He wants her and makes no secret of it. Avoiding him isn't an option he offers and he's determined to prove to her she's worth every ounce of effort he's going to put into winning her heart.

Lttle_Aurora · Urban
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10 Chs

kiss of death


That was the only thing Li Mei could comprehend. But the physical pain was nothing compared to the betrayal that seethed within her, a betrayal that cut deeper than the dagger that had pierced her heart.

The icy downpour mingled with her tears, stinging her wounds and washing away the life that was slowly ebbing from her body. Her fingers were stained crimson, the blood seeping through the gap, staining the fabric of the dress that clung to her body.

How had it come to this?

Her eyes remained locked on the man before her, the one she thought she knew, the same man she had fallen in love with.

The eyes that once held warmth and love now bore the icy indifference of a stranger. The face that had whispered sweet nothings into her ear was now a mask of betrayal, and the very lips that had planted kisses along the curve of her body were now stained with the bitter taste of deceit.

The night hung heavy over the isolated dock. The only sounds that pierced the stillness were the distant echoes of crashing waves and the pitter-patter of raindrops against the wooden planks beneath their feet. The air was heavy with the scent of salt mingled with the scent of blood...her blood.

"W...why?" she rasped, blood bubbling on her lips.

"Why, my love?" he replied, his voice laced with cruel amusement. "Because you were foolish enough to trust me," 

Li Mei tried to find the voice, to respond, but each breath was a struggle.

Memories flooded her mind, memories of stolen kisses and whispered promises, memories that now felt like nothing more than cruel illusions. She had given him everything, her heart, her trust, her very soul, only to be repaid with betrayal and pain.

How could she have made this mistake?

How could she, who ruled the darkness her whole life have fallen into such a trap?

She had always been careful. She had been so certain, so assured in her ability to determine friend from foe.

But love, it seemed, was the unpredictable wildcard she had failed to account for. Love had blinded her, veiling the truth in the warmth of affection and clouding her judgment. And now, when she understood the magnitude of her mistake, it was already too late.

The world around her started to turn blurry, and the darkness closed in, suffocating her. The poison he had injected her had seeped inside her blood, corroded her veins, and clouded her mind making her unable to move or think clearly. Her vision blurred as she struggled to focus. The air seemed to constrict around her, each labored breath a painful reminder of the world slipping away.

Rage burned within her, and she launched herself at him. But her movements were weak, her strength sapped by the poison coursing through her veins. He easily dodged her, sending her crashing back onto the rain-soaked planks.

He slowly walked around her and crouched down in front of her, twirling the bloodied dagger between his fingers – the very blade she had gifted him years ago. He traced the blade across her cheek, leaving a trail of blood. His lips curled into a cruel smile, revealing a darkness within him that she had never imagined lurking beneath the surface.

No, she always knew of the darkness that resided inside him, she just never imagined that one day, it would turn against her.

Suddenly, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to meet his chilling gaze. He leaned in closer, his lips slightly grazing hers. It was an intimate gesture that had once ignited passion within her, but now, it felt like the kiss of death.

"This was always meant to be, and deep down, you knew it," he murmured against her lips, "Our story was destined to end in blood and betrayal."

A single tear slid down her face, mingling with the rain and the blood that stained her skin. Life drained from her like a slow leak, and with it, any remnants of the love she once held for him.

"May you rest in peace, my love," he whispered.

With a heartless shove, he sent Li Mei careening over the edge of the dock and into the icy waters below. The sky flashed with lightning as the water enveloped her, swallowing her screams. Her lungs burned with the desperate need for air, her limbs heavy and unresponsive against the relentless pull of the water. The saltwater stung her wounds and the crimson blood dispersed into the inky darkness.

With each weakening stroke, her strength waned, and the realization dawned upon her – she could no longer fight. With a final, resigned breath, she closed her eyes.

The queen of darkness had been defeated. 

Hello lovelies, this is my first time writing a book and I have to admit, I'm a bundle of nerves and excitement! I hope you'll join me on this wild ride and enjoy the journey as much as I do.


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