
Rainstorm: The Assassin Reborn as the Unwanted Daughter

Li Mei was a once legend. A ruthless assassin, a figure shrouded in myth and legend until she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most, leading to her gruesome death. But fate has other plans, granting her a second chance in the body of Xiao Fei, the illegitimate daughter of the Xiao familia. Trapped in a life that bears no resemblance to her own, Li Mei must confront the ghosts that haunt her past and the demons that lurk in her present. In a world of gilded cages and veiled threats, where every smile hides a dagger, every friend a hidden foe, she treads on the dangerous path of vengeance, where one misstep could mean her end. ______________________ Luo Hao Tian was a rising star, a brilliant businessman, and an heir to the capital's most influential family until one accident that left him blind during the day and haunted by nightmares at night, leading him to retreat from the world. But when fate throws Luo Hao Tian into Xiao Fei's path, sparks ignite in the shadows. Xiao Fei becomes the first flicker of desire in Hao Tian's isolated world. He wants her and makes no secret of it. Avoiding him isn't an option he offers and he's determined to prove to her she's worth every ounce of effort he's going to put into winning her heart.

Lttle_Aurora · Urban
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10 Chs

fish has taken the bait

"Did you see her?"

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" 

"Who do you think she is?"

"I've never seen her before,"

Xiao Fei ignored the hushed whispers of the maids who were stealing curious glances at her from a distance, her eyes instead were fixed on the email on her phone that she had received a moment ago.

"Dear Blackstar,

We are thrilled to congratulate you on your outstanding performance in the recent science competition. Your innovative approach and dedication have truly set you apart.

At NovaTech, we are always on the lookout for bright minds like yours. In recognition of your outstanding achievement, we would like to offer you a unique opportunity to join NovaTech.

We would love to discuss this opportunity further and..."

Xiao Fei paused for a moment, her eyebrow quirked. The competition they were talking about was the science competition she had participated in out of boredom. Who would have thought the idea she had scribbled while waiting for her bus at the bus stop would land her the first prize? Thinking about this, she was thankful she had decided to participate in it anonymously.

She deleted the email and put her phone away. Just then, the double doors opened. She looked up, at the old woman who was walking towards her with a cane in her hand. A young woman around her age was by her, supporting her other hand.

 Xiao Rong.

Also known as her half-sister. There was only a half-month difference between the two women yet the difference in treatment towards them was mountains apart. She was the beloved princess of the Xiao family, the precious flower they cherished and protected with all their might. Xiao Fei, on the other hand, was the thorn that was left to fend for herself.

"You are back," Xiao Meifang stated, a look of disappointment flashing in her eyes that she did not even pretend to hide.

Xiao Meifang sat down on the couch right opposite to Xiao Fei. Xiao Rong sat beside her, her curious eyes flickering towards Xiao Fei while she started to make tea for her grandmother.

"I am," Xiao Fei mused. 

"Why?" Xiao Meifang asked without beating around the bush making it clear that she wanted her to disappear. 

Xiao Fei raised an eyebrow, unfazed by her grandmother's blunt question. "Because this is my home too."

Xiao Meifang's gaze narrowed. Xiao Rong's hand trembled slightly as she poured the steaming tea into a delicate cup. She looked at Xiao Fei with a panicked look. A hint of admiration flashed in them but it was gone before anyone could notice. 

 "This is not a place for someone like you," Xiao Meifang snapped, her voice laced with venom.

Xiao Fei leaned back, slightly tilting her head. "Does the Xiao blood not run through my veins?" 


A collective gasp escaped the maids who had been unable to tear their eyes away from the scene. Xiao Rong flinched, almost dropping the teacup she was about to hand over to Xiao Meifeng, her eyes wide with surprise. She did not expect Xiao Fei to be so bold in front of their grandmother. Her eyes darted between Xiao Fei and their grandmother, wondering how the situation was going to end. 

Xiao Meifang's face contorted in anger, a vein pulsed in her temple.

"That blood," she hissed, her voice trembling with repressed fury, "is tainted."

Xiao Fei scoffed, not giving her a reply any further. Instead, she took out the envelope she had brought with her and threw it on the table between them. 

"I have been receiving them for a while now," she said, crossing her arms.

Xiao Meifang's gaze snapped towards it, her wrinkled brow furrowing in confusion. "What is it?" 

"See for your yourself," Xiao Fei shrugged. 

Xiao Rong picked up the envelope and handed it to Xiao Meifang. Inside were multiple pictures, some old, others new. One picture showed a blurry picture of a man in a nightclub with a woman sitting on his lap. Another was a picture of the same woman coming out of a hospital with a bulging belly. Then there were a few pictures of Xiao Fei, from the day she was born to now. They all looked like they were taken in secret.

Shock appeared on Xiao Meifeng's face as she flipped through each photo. Her wrinkled hands clutched the pictures tightly, her knuckles white. 

"I have been receiving it for a year now," Xiao Fei continued, "I initially wanted to ignore them until I received I received the paternity test results."

Xiao Fei knew she was being followed, she had known it for a year now. The reason she did not take any action was because the stalker, whoever they were, was unknowingly providing her with a vital lifeline – a way back to City S. She needed a reason to stay here, something that the Xiao family would never allow. The only way she could do that was by having some leverage over them. 

Xiao Meifang's hands trembled as she reached the bottom of the stack of photos, where a neatly folded piece of paper lay. She unfolded it slowly, her eyes scanning the contents. It was a paternity test report, confirming a biological relationship between Xiao Fei and Xiao Zhiming. 

 "Grandma," Xiao Rong whispered, worry etched on her face.

Ignoring Xiao Rong, Xiao Meifang locked eyes with Xiao. "Who sent this?

Xiao Fei shrugged, a barely noticeable curve appeared at the corner of her lips. "Who knows? Maybe someone who wants to see the Xiao family crumble."

Xiao Meifang stared at the paper for a moment, her gaze flickering as if she were thinking of different possibilities. A moment later, she let out a sigh of defeat. 

The smile on Xiao Fei's lips turned bigger which she hid underneath her hand. 

The fish has taken the bait.

"I will discuss this with the men of the family and see what can be done." Xiao Meifang said, "Until then, you can stay at the estate."