
Rain Tree

The sound of a special music box reminds Lance of his first love and how it still remain special to him.

Dave_Hotaru · Realistic
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2 Chs


Rain is pouring hard in Kinabalu City, Land Below the Wind. Lance Lantir stares blankly at the rain from the window pane of a coffee shop that had just recently opened up. With his clear hazelnut eyes, Lance just looks at the rain without care until a waitress shows up in front of him.

"Sir," the waitress speaks. "Are you not feeling well, sir? You seem to be sick."

Lance replied, "I'm fine but thank you for asking. I would love to have another refill of your Earl Grey Tea please."

The waitress nods her head and leaves to make a fresh pot of Earl Grey tea. Lance continues to look at the pouring rain. His eyes seem sad. While spacing out, he could hear someone walking in but he didn't bother to look until he hears faint music box-like music nearby. He looks at the counter only to see a jaded willow tree on top of a translucent white box. It looks very delicate and yet; able to produce such bittersweet music to his ears. Tears start to roll and he wipes them away.

The waitress approaches him with a teapot of Earl Grey. Lance looks at the waitress and asked "Miss, what is that lovely music box? I have never seen such a thing."

"It's called Rain Tree, sir. Isn't it lovely to look at? It's on sale at the moment if you purchase it online. It's not cheap but worth to have it to listen to. Apparently, the music was composed by a pianist who died a year ago. The music box has the same name as the song itself. He may be gone but his music still lives on. Why do you ask?"

Lance paused for a moment. He hesitates to answer but simply replies "Nothing. I was just curious. That's all." The waitress leaves him alone and he starts to recall back his memory from three years ago. Back when he was in college and was a freshman at Kinabalu International University.

The very reason why he is feeling melancholic after listening to the song from Rain Tree.

This is my first time publishing here. I am doing my best to start my writing here. Would love to read your feedback so that I can improve better. All names and places are fiction.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dave_Hotarucreators' thoughts