
Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day

Dread clung to the rain-soaked air as Bright, a forsaken soul, found solace beneath the rainy downpour. The skies wept in a sinister dance, casting shadows that whispered of ancient mysteries. Bright, shunned by love, sought refuge in the haunting cadence of raindrops, where despair intertwined with the unearthly. The desolate echoes of a rejection echoed in the spectral rainfall, a chorus of forgotten sorrows. In the distance, a spectral choir of children clad in ethereal yellow raincoats sang an incantation, invoking eldritch forces. "Rain, rain, go away, summon darkness another day," their voices carried a haunting resonance, echoing the arcane secrets hidden within the tempest. The world around Bright warped, revealing elden truths. A mysterious figure, cloaked in shadows, murmured, "When the rainfall comes, the veil between realms thins." The boy's disheveled hair and cerulean eyes now reflected not only longing but an unsettling connection to the eldritch energies pulsating through the storm. "The rain..." whispered the ancient voice, now tinged with malevolence. "It's not just sad; it's the lamentation of forsaken souls, the gateway to elden realms where despair and enchantment converge." As Bright delved deeper into the eldritch mysteries, the rain transformed from a mere backdrop to a malevolent force, a conduit to a reality that defied understanding. The refrain shifted to a chilling chant, "Eldritch rain, weave your spell, unveil the secrets we dare not tell." In this unsettling tale, Bright's journey unfolded amidst eldritch horrors, his heart entwined with the arcane, and the rain a harbinger of both dread and revelation. "In shadows kissed by the night's dread, Eldritch whispers, where nightmares bred. Dance with fear, embrace the abyss, Aglorin darok, veshor'kath, kritholis The Dusklings speak of rainy days..." _______________________ ____________________ (TA): There is a reason why the name of the mc in the synopsis differes from the actual story, please don't be confused anyways.I think I'm gonna go far with this story..... Enjoy.

1stDaoistOfReading · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Weight Of Goodbye (1/5)

Suddenly, the phone rang, piercing the silence of the room. My mother, Laura, picked it up with trembling hands, her voice quivering with desperation as she called out to Mark, our dear friend.

"Hello, Mark? Mark!" she pleaded, her voice filled with fear.

"Calm down, Laura," Mark's voice came through the receiver, attempting to soothe her. "I'm alive. In fact, I wasn't even in Claire Town when the flood happened. My family and I went to Seashore City for a day at the beach."

Relief washed over my mother's face, a mix of gratitude and joy replacing the earlier fear. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her eyes red and swollen.

Her hands trembled as she clutched the phone tightly, her grip desperate for reassurance. "Thank goodness you're safe, Mark," she sighed, her voice filled with raw emotion.

As my mother's trembling slowly subsided, a sense of urgency surged through my veins.

I felt my heart pounding against my chest, its rhythm mirroring the storm of emotions that raged within me.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I fought to steady myself, but the adrenaline coursing through my body seemed unrelenting.

"DADDY, LOOK AT MY SANDCASTLE!" Mia's innocent voice echoed from the other end of the line, interrupting their conversation.

"Oh, sorry. My daughter's calling me," Mark said, his voice brimming with warmth and love.

Just as Mia's innocent voice echoed from the other end of the line, interrupting their conversation, a sudden, deafening roar tore through the phone, reverberating through the room. It was as if the world itself had shattered, drowning out every other sound. The sheer intensity of the noise shook us to the core, leaving us frozen in shock and disbelief.

I felt my entire body stiffen as an instinctual response to the overwhelming chaos. My hands, previously trembling, clenched into tight fists. My heart seemed to lodge itself in my throat, beating against my windpipe as if fighting for escape. I struggled to catch my breath, a suffocating feeling consuming me.

And then, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air, shattering the silence. Its chilling echo sent shivers down our spines, a stark reminder of the horrors unfolding.

The abruptness and ferocity of the noise stole the breath from our lungs, leaving us gasping for answers. And at that moment, as if to intensify the dread, the phone line was cut off instantly, adding a sense of isolation and vulnerability to our already fraught situation.

My mother's desperate voice trembled through the receiver, calling out, "Mark? MARKUS!" Her anguish and urgency echoed in our ears, fuelling our fear and uncertainty. But then, a haunting silence settled, broken only by the sound of her laboured breathing.

In that eerie stillness, a heart-wrenching cry of "NOOO!" erupted from her lips, reverberating through the room. The sheer force of her despair was palpable, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of loss and devastation.

And then, as if the weight of her emotions had overcome her, there was a dull thud, followed by the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the floor. It was a bone-chilling echo, a physical manifestation of the anguish that had consumed her.

With each passing second, the weight of the unknown pressed upon us, leaving us frozen in dread, our minds racing to comprehend the incomprehensible.

The weight of the silence that followed pressed upon me like a heavy burden. The room, once filled with hope, was now suffocated with helplessness.

My mother's face contorted with a mix of heartbreak and disbelief, tears cascading down her cheeks, her eyes puffy and red.

A single tear slipped from the corner of my eye, tracing a path down my face, as the weight of the situation settled upon me.

Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed to my mother's side, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

I could feel her trembling form against my chest, her heartbeat erratic beneath my palms. I, too, trembled, my body mirroring her anguish.

Our Tears mingled with hers, leaving trails on our cheeks as we shared our grief.

"Mom, we can't lose hope. We need to stay calm and gather more information," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the deafening silence that surrounded us.

My words were a plea, an anchor attempting to steady us amidst the storm of uncertainty.

Leah, my little sister, stood by the window, her confusion evident on her face. Her big, innocent eyes were filled with tears as she watched our mother cry once again.

Her tiny frame quivered with fear and bewilderment, unsure of how to navigate this sudden darkness that enveloped us.

Tears continued to stream down my mother's face as she turned her attention to Leah. Kneeling down, she reached out and pulled Leah into our embrace, holding her tight.

Her touch was both comforting and desperate, seeking solace and strength in the connection we shared.

"Sweetheart, we received some unexpected news, but we're going to figure it out. Uncle will be okay, I promise," she reassured Leah, her voice choked with emotion.

Leah looked up at us, her tear-stained face reflecting her confusion. "But why is everyone so sad? Is something really bad happening?" she asked, her voice trembling.

My heart clenched at Leah's innocent question, the weight of the truth bearing down on me. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself before answering her, my voice heavy with a mix of grief and determination.

"There was an accident, Leah. We're not entirely sure what happened, but we're going to find out and do everything we can to help Markus and his family," I explained, my voice filled with resolve.

Leah's eyes widened, and she clung tighter to our mother, seeking the safety and security that only a parent's embrace could provide.

"We have to save Uncle Markus, Mommy," she said, her voice filled with newfound determination.

A surge of emotions washed over me, a potent mix of sorrow and determination. I tightened my grip on my mother's shoulder, drawing strength from her unwavering love and resilience.

"Yes, sweetheart, we will," my mother responded, her voice filled with both grief and determination. "We'll do whatever it takes to bring him back to us."

The room hung heavy with uncertainty, our minds consumed by the unknown fate of our loved ones. Outside, the rain, which had momentarily eased, now unleashed its fury with relentless force.

Each raindrop hammered against the windows, a symphony of sorrow mirroring the storm within our hearts. Every droplet carried a piece of our anguish, merging with the urgency that enveloped us.

Driven by desperation, I grabbed my phone and started dialling, frantically seeking anyone who could provide insights or updates.

With each call, my heart pounded against my chest, yearning for any news that could illuminate the situation.

Each number I dialled felt like a lifeline, a tiny glimmer of hope in a sea of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, my mother clutched the phone tightly, her gaze fixed on its lifeless screen. Her tear-stained face was etched with pain, anguish, and an unwavering determination to find answers. She brushed away her tears, her hands trembling with a mix of grief and anxiety.

In the midst of uncertainty, I held my mother's hand firmly, offering her the support she desperately needed.

We shared a silent understanding, a bond forged through love and a shared determination to navigate this dark and uncertain path together.

"I must stay strong, for Leah and Mom," I whispered, closing my eyes, as a firm resolve built within me to be the pillar of strength for my family.