
Raijju: Konoha's Thunder Beast

Shisui Uchiha is revered as one of the best ninjas to ever come out of Konoha even though he died at age 16. Known far and wide as 'Shisui of the Body Flicker', he is considered as one of the fastest ninjas of all time. What if Shisui was only inspired to become that fast after he watched his friend die in the Third Great Shinobi War and received his Mangekyo Sharingan. Now, what if this very same friend came back to Konoha after 8 grueling years of training just in time to save Shisui during his darkest hour? Danzo, Orochimaru, Akatsuki? No one will see him coming. OC, character messes with everything in Naruto that I think is dumb or poorly thought out. I do not own the cover art. Check out Ericpaints on inprint.com. If they don't want me using it, sorry! I can take it down.

DrollPaladin · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: UpROOTing

Nara Shikaku had been staring at the map of Konohagakure for what seemed like days. Part of him just wanted to sleep, the part of him he usually displayed to the rest of the world to make others let their guard down. But that small urge was easily overshadowed by the brilliant strategist that was close to getting revenge for the unsuccessful kidnapping of his child.

Konoha's Jonin commander and chief strategist had never been so motivated in his life to create a watertight battle plan. Not since his first mission as a Chunin where he and his whole team was close to death due to his laziness. But, despite his intellectual prowess, Shikaku was swamped by the sheer number of variables he needed to consider for this operation.

The Nara clan head rubbed his goatee murmuring to himself as he made a mental checklist of Foundation nests and ROOT controlled buildings. The number of bases Danzo had built for himself over the years was very concerning. No wonder Danzo called his forces the ROOT, they were ingrained into the city as a tree was bound to the earth.

This was a massive oversight and security risk on the Hokage's part, yet another reason he had to step down. It did not help that ANBU was also taken out of Hokage controlled forces. He had told the Sandaime to quarantine the rest of the ANBU.

'This is a mess', Shikaku thought as he shook his head tiredly, 'Shikamaru needs to grow up so I can retire...'.

"Do you have a plan?", Akamichi Choza broke the silence after the hour of watching his best friend pace, mutter, and smoke furiously. It was the dead of night. All of Konoha was silent, the Uchiha police force had done it's best to quietly put an end to the night life of the village for the day. The clans meanwhile have been gathering and arming themselves, enraged just as much as their clan heads at the news of Danzo's kidnappings. It was time.

With a loud yawn Shikaku stretched and centered himself, putting back on the mask of a lazy unobservant man. It was time to live up to his name in the Bingo Book, General Sleeping in the Leaves.

"Yes, I have one or two ways we could do this. Did you inform my clan on my behalf?", Shikaku asked without looking from the map. He had not had time as he had to come up with a plan to kill the most well-guarded man in Konohagakure. Well, most well-guarded aside from the Hokage anyways. He also had to ensure that Danzo's forces and assets were frozen simultaneously. It was a mess, too much needed to happen at the same time.

"They are ready and waiting with my clan and the other clan heads are in the other room waiting for us", Choza said with a smile. "After tonight Shikamaru will be safe. Don't worry. You won't have to tell him to play dumb anymore either". The larger man's smile grew bigger when he saw his friend's muscles relax at the statement.

Choza's words made the scared face of Shikaku's brighten slightly in grim mirth. It was a weight off his shoulders. Shikaku would no longer fear Shikamaru being kidnapped, from within Konoha anyways. The kid would also be happy that he didn't have to fake-fail all his tests.

He would also have to talk to Shikamaru about being lazy in class now that he no longer had to hide. Though, he probably already memorized everything for the next few years and didn't need to be awake in class anymore, and even if he didn't know something, he was smart enough to reason the answer out of what he did know. His son was too smart for his own good.

Shikaku gathered his notes and the two clan heads walked out the door to inform the Hokage and the other heads of the plan. It was going to be a long night.

The village hidden in the leaves was silent in the predawn chill. Itachi was once again hopping over roughtops sent to deliver another message. He was sent to bring Danzo to an emergency meeting with the council and other village leaders ordered by the Hokage as he was the only one with any modicum of protection against the Kotoamatsukami. Itachi would also be present during the meeting to ensure Danzo did not use the eye against the other leaders.

As he made his way to Danzo's legal place of residence, Itachi made note of the many watching eyes watching him approach the manor. He landed before the door and was immediately greeted by a smiling maid.

"Hello, Uchiha-san, can I be of service? Danzo-sama has told me he wished not to be disturbed till he awakes naturally. He is getting over a slight illness you see", the maid said sweetly. Itachi hid his recognition of the woman from the stolen ROOT personnel files he glanced over before leaving the Hokage's tower. He wasn't an ANBU for nothing.

"Pardon my intrusion. I am here on official village business on orders of the Hokage. Danzo's presence is required at an emergency village council meeting with all possible haste. Uchiha Shisui was just found dead and my father is convinced he was murdered by someone from Konoha. My father has given an ultimatum. The perpetrator must be found and given up the the Uchiha clan in the next two days or the Uchiha will rebel. The other village leaders are up in arms. Hokage-sama wishes to have Danzo's presence as a clan head but also his support and council during the meeting", Itachi said to the maid. The maid only smiled and nodded.

"I will inform Danzo immediately. He will make his way to the Hokage tower with haste", the maid replied and not so subtly tried to shoo the Uchiha off the property. Itachi gave a slight nod and Shushined away from the house.

It was to be expected that Danzo was not at his residence. Whatever he had planned for Shisui's eye was not something he would do in his legal residence. He was probably holed away in some dark hidden basement reveling in his success. Itachi slightly relaxed once he left his observer's field of vision as he ran from the premises.

Shikaku's plan was to draw Danzo out with a faux meeting. The reasoning being that it was essential to hide how much the Hokage and clans knew until the trap could be sprung to wipe everything off of the board at once. To do that it was essential that everyone acted as they would have if Shisui had died and it was suspected that he was murdered by a Konoha ninja. The Uchiha were alrady at a boiling point, the murder of Shisui the shining star of the clan would have been the tipping point.

This charade conflict not only ensures that Danzo makes his way to the Hokage's tower as soon as possible, but also draws out as many ROOT agents as possible from their headquarters to put down the Uchiha clan. The clan heads, Hokage, and himself were responsible for apprehending Danzo while some of the clans, Kakashi and the Tenzo were in charge of storming the ROOT bases. The Uchiha, the rest of the clans and known loyal Konoha ninja held the responsibility of upholding the charade and once everything was ready, apprehending as many ROOT agents as possible. The ANBU were ordered to patrol outside the walls of Konoha. A fake state of emergency drill designed to keep them away from the fight.

Itachi shook his head considering everything that could go wrong, but it was the best shot they had to bring Danzo to justice. It would be difficult for his father to control the more radical members of his clan; they might actually try to rebel. Hopefully they would perform the mission admirably and gain the favor of the rest of the village. If not… the night may have more than one execution tonight. Itachi arrived back at the Hokage's tower and nodded at his ANBU captain dog as the copy ninja fell in step beside him.

The two made their way to the meeting room where the clan heads minus Inuzuka Tsume, Akamichi Choza, and Uchiha Fugaku who were at the Uchiha clan compound pretending to be preparing for battle. The Hokage sat smoking his pipe hand on the bridge of his nose wearing his full battle armor preparing himself for the coming confrontation of his friend. Half of the civilian council had arrived and wondered what the purpose of meeting so early in the morning with no noticeable was. The stern looks the clan heads seemed to be wearing made them keep their mouths shut and they waited patiently for the Hokage to begin the meeting.

Itachi and Kakashi made their way to the back of the room and hid in the shadows with the waiting Tiger ANBU. The three ANBU gave a nod and began preparing the sealing array for the room, Danzo would definitely not give up easily.

The civilian council members and many clan elders who were in attendance were restless, their anger building as they were forced to come to a meeting with no notice and then forced to wait once they arrived. It was ridiculous! Both Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were especially miffed. Hirizen had told them nothing. They were his advisors and yet he had not even addressed them for the 15 minutes they had been standing there. Eventually Homura had had enough.

"Sarutobi! Why have we been gathered? You have told us nothing. If this was truly urgent this meeting would have started long ago!", the retired shinobi said angrily, stopping the hushed whispers and the discussion between Shikaku and the Hokage.

"I apologize friend, but I will not start until everyone arrives. What I am about to reveal is highly sensitive information. We are awaiting the head of the Shimura clan", Sarutobi replied easily.

"Then you may tell everyone the news old friend", Danzo said as he limped up to the doorway of the meeting room, his cane clacking on the floor distinctly. "I apologize for my late arrival", the bandaged Shinobi said with a smile that never reached his eye. The rest of the leaders of Konoha all then sat down to be briefed by their Hokage. Shikaku discretely sent the signal for the raid teams to begin their raid on the ROOT headquarters and other bases throughout the city.

Danzo stepped into the room and the doors were shut behind him. Itachi's eyes widened in disbelief and then he Shunshined (body flickered) behind Danzo and held a kunai to his neck. The civilians gasped in horror while the older clan elders all yelled in outrage. Itachi was weary of Danzo using any genjutsu and the man was covered in it, literally. Now that he got a closer look the man was covered in seals of all kinds obscuring his form.

"What is the meaning of this young Uchiha?", Danzo asked.

"Genjutsu", Itachi murmured as his pinwheel eyes glanced to the Hokage looking for orders. Kakashi quickly activated the barrier seal the walls covered in fuuinjutsu seals. The Hokage's gaze hardened as he stared at his friend turned enemy.

"So, it has come to this", Danzo said with a frown.

"Hiruzen what is going on! Uchiha! Release Danzo at once!", Koharu shouted in a mixture of shock and anger. The room was in chaos, clan elders preparing to kill Itachi and civilians cowering under their chairs all yelling about one thing or another.

"Enough!", the Sandaime said quietly as he released a huge amount of killing intent. This was not the presence of the grandfatherly Hokage that they had been able to strong-arm in council meetings, this was the "god of shinobi", Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Danzo. Explain", Hiruzen said as he stared down at his old friend.

"It seems that I was right. You have betrayed me, old friend", Danzo replied with an eye smile.

"It is you who have betrayed the village, old friend", the Hokage spat the words, "You know your crimes Danzo. You have betrayed the leaf! You are finished!". The Hokage stood and took his hat and cloak off revealing his worn battle armor. The council members all reacted in shock at the conversation happening in front of them.

"I have only ever acted in the interests of Konoha! You are too narrow-minded to see that!", Danzo said, steel in his voice.

"Setting up the massacre of an entire clan is not in the villages best interests!", Sarutobi said as he slammed his fist and once again broke the furniture it hit.

"You're too soft. You will be the downfall of the leaf. I guess this is as good a chance as any. All of the obstacles in one room. Thank you for the opportunity. Goodbye old friend", Danzo said as a seal on his forehead glowed red. Sarutobi's eyes widened in recognition of the suicide seal that collects the user's chakra and life force and releases it all at once in a massive blast of pure energy. Itachi quickly slit Danzo's throat with his kunai and Kawarmied (body replacement technique) with an unoccupied stool in the corner of the room. Before the body could hit the floor, it exploded as the red seal activated.

Wood shrapnel and fire flew everywhere in the room. The worst of the blast deflected just above the occupants of the room by a hasty Mokuton barrier from the tiger ANBU. Many still received burns and internal injuries from the blast. Kakashi and Tenzo (tiger ANBU) quickly undid the sealing array and left to get medics and alert the squads raiding ROOT headquarters to look for the Shimura clan head. The smoke billowed out the open door eventually clearing to show the smoking corpse of a ROOT agent. Hiruzen sighed and looked up at the confused, angry, and frightened city council.

"By order of Hokage. Shimura Danzo is now a missing-nin. All affiliates will be arrested and held for questioning. You are all detained until he is found, or you have been confirmed to not have been in league with him", the Sandaime said. "Itachi, inform your father that the charade is over, the Uchiha can aid in the hunt. Shikaku, I entrust you to direct from here. I am going to hunt down Danzo", Sarutobi said and disappeared with a swirl of leaves.

Though it's not discussed much, Danzo has great proficiency with seals. As ROOT is often responsible for suicide missions it makes sense that Danzo had created seals to disguise a person and blow up if needed.

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