
Chapter 19

N kicked down the heavy wooden door with enough force to cause the door to instantly crumble, which looked impossible considering his slim build. The young Raikage surveyed the carnage with a close eye. A dozen samurai were laying on the floor, all either unconscious or dead and standing in the middle were 3 people.

One was a tall, muscular young man who has spiky orange hair, red-orange eyes and was wearing an Hakumei cloak. The other was a lean-built young man of average height, straight white hair with a light-blue tint, almond shaped purple eyes, and like all members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he had pointed teeth, one of which stuck out even when his mouth is closed. N growled when he noticed the sword on his back. It was the Kubikiribocho, the weapon of one of the men N respected most.

But it was the man in the front that made N's blood boil.

He had black eyes as well as black hair with a blue tint to it. His hair is spiky in the

back, and he has chin-length bangs that parted down to frame both sides of his face. He was almost as tall as N and was wearing a white Hakumei cloak over a black shirt with the Uchiha Clan symbol.

"Well if it is N, here to 'beat' me?" Sasuke said before laughing hysterically, his black and red eyes making him look all the more insane.

N rolled his own cerulean eyes. "You underestimate the gap between us, you are weak"

A, Z and Darui ran into the room and Sasuke laughed once when he saw them. "Oh look it's your masters, I would run back to them Namikaze"

"I am the Raikage now and when I am done, Usagi-chan will be the only true Uchiha left" N said with a cross of his arms. Sasuke scowled before disappearing a burst of speed. He reappeared behind N with his hand aglow in lightning.

"Chidori" He said as he went to pierce through N's chest only for his hand to be caught mid thrust.

"Fool, daring to use lightning against its master" N scolded as he drew the lightning away and condensed it into his own hand, causing the lightning to become white.

"Tonbogiri!" He yelled as he thrust his hand through Sasuke. The lightning blade went through the Uchiha only for him to regurgitate a new body for himself like a snake.

"Foolish Raikage, but I am invincible" Sasuke bragged. He drew his sword and sliced at N, only for the Yotsuki to twist his body around and swipe at the Uchiha with his Tonbogiri. Sasuke quickly turned to block the lightning blade with his weapon only to jump back when he felt N flow his own lightning chakra through the blade.

Sasuke opened his left eye wide, revealing the black eyes with red ellipses he now wielded. "Amaterasu!"

However both eyes widened when N did not burst into black flames and instead stood there with a foxy smile. "Tenso- Yon no Dan (Heavenly Transfer- Fourth Step)"

Before Sasuke could react, the Raikage was already below him, his white lightning armor fully charged and his shakujo in hand. "Tenso!"

"YO!" N yelled as he struck Sasuke across the chest with Izanami, sending the Uchiha flying backward.

N disappeared in a white flash only to reappear behind Sasuke to strike him with his shakujo once more. "T!"

Sasuke had barely flew five feet when he was struck by N's elbow to his sternum. "SU!"

"KI!" N yelled as he appeared in a white flash and gave Sasuke an uppercut so powerful, the Uchiha spit out blood.

Sasuke could only stare to the sky in horror as he watched N appear above him in a flash of white, his entire body aglow with white lightning.

"YOTSUKI BARRAGE!" N yelled as he slammed his fist directly into Sasuke's face, launching the Uchiha to the ground with enough force to shatter the entire floor.

N's white lightning armor disappeared as he began walking toward Sasuke's groaning form, ready to finish the job. He was about to draw Kazegiri to finish the job when his Shinobi instincts told him to jump.

It saved his life as Suigetsu jumped forward to save Sasuke and N was forced to dodge the Kubikiribocho for the second time in his life. The deadly sword however was not enough to protect Suigetsu as the Raikage placed one hand on the floor and performed a one-handed handstand, his leg shooting upwards toward Suigetsu's chin. "Senkyuutai! (Drill Bow Thigh!)"

This blow was enough to knock out the wannabe swordsmen cold and send him flying into a wall. Sadly that distract was enough time for Sasuke to get up and gather enough chakra to activate his Mangekyo Sharingan. "Susanoo!"

N growled. The Susanoo was almost as large as the entire room and despite Sasuke's weakened state from being bounced around like a pinball from the Yotsuki Barrage, he was still able to create an avatar that was strong enough to block most of N's non-S ranked jutsu.

The Raikage smirked. He had been meaning to try out this technique in battle against a kage-level shinobi.

His hands began to glow in enough white lightning to blind everyone in the room before N clapped his hands together. "Metsujin no Yoroi: Raijin (God Slayer Armor: Lightning God)"

White lightning turned to golden light as it began to cloak the young Shinobi in a heavenly glow that made even Sasuke avert his eyes. Golden chakra enveloped N's body before it began to condense into golden plates that automatically strapped themselves to his body.

After all the golden light was gone, N stood there, his arms crossed and his golden armor glowing. (A/N: Virgo Shaka's armor)

Sasuke pointed one of his swords at N, his red and black Kaleidoscope eyes spinning manically. "I am a god! You cannot defeat an Uchiha with your unenlightened eyes!"

N grinned as a sheet of white lightning erupted from his shoulders, flowing behind him like a cape. "You may be a god but I am a god slayer!"

"What's that?" Tsunade asked.

All of the Kage and their bodyguards were standing a safe distance away from the battle. They had attempted to rush in to help N but was stopped by Darui who knew the destructive potential of some of his student's more powerful techniques.

"That's N-sensei's Metsujin no Yoroi (God Slayer Armor)" An unfamiliar voice said.

All of the Shinobi whipped around, ready to defend themselves to find a blue haired teenager with a daisho strapped to his waist.

"Who are you?" Onoki asked, ready to use his Jinton techniques if necessary.

"Saiga-san, how did you get here?" Z asked.

Saiga smiled. "Tenso no Jutsu"

A and Z frowned. They couldn't let their brother's/son's technique get too well known or they wouldn't be some of the fastest anymore.

"What is this Metsujin no Yoroi?" Hiruzen asked, stroking his chin in thought.

"It uses the principle of the Banbutsu Sozo to combine elemental chakra, senjutsu chakra and Yoton (Yang Release) at a level that forms an armor around the user. It allows the user to be as fast as a Raikage, as strong as Tsunade-sama and have the ability to control lightning at a level thought even to be above N-sensei" Saiga explained. He had been with his sensei when N was designing the technique and it was perhaps the only true SSS-rank technique ever made by a shinobi.

"What's the catch?" Mei asked. Super powerful techniques always had a catch.

Saiga smirked, a smirk that several noticed to be incredibly similar to N's. "The opponents don't usually last long enough for N-sensei to enjoy the fight"

"Cheeky brats this new generation is" Onoki mumbled under his breath as he turned back to the battle, ignoring the snickers he received.

"Try not to die too fast Sasuke Uchiha, you deserve to pay for your crimes" N said.

He was just about to charge at his girlfriend's brother when there was a shout of "Die!" to his left. He turned around to see Jugo in some weird mutated form with what appeared to be cannons charging from behind him.

Effortlessly, N raised his hand at Jugo. "Metsujin Jutsu: Senju Koten Taiho (God Slayer Technique: Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Culling Spear)"

Instantly ten spears of golden and white light appeared in front of N before flying at Jugo at many times the speed of sound. As soon as the light spears struck him, Jugo was engulfed in an explosion of energy that instantly beat the Senjutsu chakra out of him and knocked him unconscious causing him to collapse onto a pile on the floor.

Sasuke frowned before shrugging. "He was always expendable"

His left eye widened as the Mangekyo inside began to spin. "Amaterasu!"

Pitch black flames flew at N who did not even attempt to dodge. Instead he raised his left hand and the flames instantly stopped moving.

It was that that finally threw Sasuke off guard. "How?"

N smirked as he began to wiggle his fingers, the amaterasu flames flowing effortlessly between them. "I control all electricity with this armor on, even the electrons within the plasma known as Amaterasu Flames"

N disappeared.

No flash. No crackle of white lightning. He just...vanished.

It was then Sasuke felt his entire world shake. N had appeared behind the Susanoo before Sasuke could react and had slammed his fist into the chakra avatar with enough force to shatter the entire torso.

With a single punch.

Sasuke collapsed to the ground, blood seeping out of his mouth like a waterfall. N smirked as he began to walk toward Sasuke who was trying to stand up with the support of his Chokuto. "You are nothing against me, your taijutsu is sloppy, your genjutsu useless and your ninjutsu laughable"

"You claim to be a god but I am the Shinobi no Kami" N taunted.

"I am the shinobi who has mastered every field of being a ninja. I alone have stopped wars and tamed Bijuu. I can call upon the heavens and earth to give me power. The elements bow before me. I am the closest thing you will meet to what we mortals can call 'gods'" N growled. "and you, Sasuke Uchiha, are just a boy who doesn't know his place"

His blue eyes were cold. "Just die"

N clasped his hands together into a snake hand seal as golden lightning gathered in a ball in front of him. "Metsujin Jutsu: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō! (God Slayer Technique: Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon!)"

It was then the lightning ball exploded outwards like the cannon it was, the wide beam of lightning threatening to destroy everything in its path.

Sasuke knew he could only do one thing in the face of oblivion. "Susanoo!"

N frowned at the partial skeleton that Sasuke had managed to conjure up. "Such a one trick pony…"

He raised two fingers toward Sasuke, red lightning gathering around it. "Metsujin Jutsu: Jugeki Byakurai (God Slayer Technique: Heavy-Strike Pale Lightning)"

A blade of red lightning that was sharper than almost all mortal blades shot from N's hand and skewered Sasuke straight through his Susanoo barrier and right through the chest. Ironically, this was the same place he had stabbed Karin earlier that week in an attempt to kill Danzo. Karma was a bitch...

N frowned as he watched Sasuke collapse to the floor. "I'm sorry Usagi-chan..."

The Uchiha was a mess. Multiple ribs were broken as was his nose which along with his mouth and the cut on his forehead had covered his face in blood. Sasuke now had a punch wound straight through his sternum and multiple burn marks throughout his body but it was lucky he couldn't notice them due to the throbbing concussion he was now supporting.

"Done yet Sasuke?" N asked.

Sasuke growled as he managed to stand up, his right hand beginning to glow with lightning as the entire room was filled with the sound of a thousand birds chirping.

"Chidori!" The last male Uchiha roared as he ran toward N, hand out like a lance.

N sighed, a ball expanding in his hand before growing four white blades made of wind.

"Rasenshuriken!" N yelled as he mirrored Sasuke, clashing his technique against his opponent's.

For a second, the two seemed equal until suddenly the wind blades of the Rasenshuriken began to overtake the Chidori's lightning thrust when the world exploded in a burst of white light and wind blades for Sasuke.

He could only scream in agony as the microscopic wind blades ripped apart his Chakra circulatory system and all the nerve endings in his body, ending his career as a shinobi instantly.

Once the dome of blades had subsided, it was only Sasuke who was lying motionless on the ground and N who was standing over him, solemn faced and without any armor.

Sasuke stared N in the eye but both knew he wasn't trying to use any Genjutsu. No, the battle was over and the winner had been decided. This was merely a talk between men of a similar cut of cloth in the cosmic scheme of things.

"How? You're not an Uchiha...how are you so powerful…" Sasuke managed to cough out.

"I have people who care about me and I care about them. Through love there is power" N explained with a smile. It was similar to something someone once said to him...

Sasuke gave a laugh, a smile on his face. "You're crazy, N Yotsuki-Namikaze"

It was with that Sasuke Uchiha left the world.

N bowed his head in respect. "May you find a new transmigrant, Indra-ojisan"

He carefully extracted Sasuke's eyes and sealed them away. The world would end if those ended up in the wrong hands. It was then N closed Sasuke's eyes for good and placed his Chokuto on his hands.


N turned around just in time to block a punch from a pink haired girl he knew too well.

"OKASHO! (CHERRY BLOSSOM IMPACT!)" Sakura roared as she delivered as much power as she possibly could into her punch however it was nothing compared to the power of Naruto's newly reignited Metsujin no Yoroi. With the power of a single hand, he crushed Sakura's fist and brought her to her knees, eyes flooded with tears.

"When will you get over your little schoolgirl crush and realize that you are weak. Sasuke was a criminal and was an enemy of the Five Great Shinobi Countries thus was killed. You are a weakling who cannot do anything about it and an idiot if you cannot see beyond your fantasies" N said with as much disgust and coldness he could muster before turning around and beginning to walk away. "Welcome to the real world Sakura Haruno"

The rest of the kage and bodyguards rushed to N who was almost unwounded from the battle while Kakashi ran to comfort the now sobbing Sakura Haruno.

"What's up with him?" N asked, gesturing with his head to the groaning Jugo.

"He's one of Orochimaru's experiments" Saiga explained.

Tsunade stepped in, eager to help. "Konoha will take care of him"

N nodded in understanding as he began to walk away with Saiga by his side. "He can absorb Senjutsu chakra naturally but causes him to go insane due to the power"

"Interesting. I take it you took a blood sample" N said.

Saiga nodded. "Yes N-sensei"

N had trained Saiga to take blood samples of any defeated shinobi that had a trait that may be useful.

N was about to say something when there was a sudden appearance of a vortex in front of them and an orange masked man appeared from it.

"Tobi" N growled, his hands clenched into fists.

Tobi laughed in that annoying fake high pitched voice. "N-kun, congratulations on the promotion"

"What do you want Tobi?" N asked, chakra at the ready.

When he received no answer, N disappeared before reappearing with his hand around Tobi's throat, the orange masked man clearly surprised he had been touched.

N's face was a mere inch and a half from Tobi's mask as he spit out every word. "What. Do. You. Want. Tobi."

Tobi's voice instantly became deeper as he slipped through N's hands like a ghost. "I want the world N-kun"

He reappeared in front of all of the Kages with his single sharingan spinning. "Back in the old world, the Rikudo Sennin was worshipped as a god for his incredible abilities which he used to defeat the Juubi and seal it within himself."

Seeing the looks of awe on almost everyone's face, Tobi continued. "When he was about to die, he realized that his death would release the Juubi back into the world and there was no one that could defeat it. Thus, he used his powers to separate the power of the Juubi into nine tailed beasts"

It was then Tobi gave what could only be called an evil laugh before he stared N directly in the eye. "I want the Juubi N-kun"

N shook his head in disbelief. "You're a crazy bastard"

"So are you N Yotsuki-Namikaze" Tobi chuckled. "Your little friend Sasuke told you that too, didn't he?

Seeing the glare he received, Tobi continued. "There are 3 players in this game. The Hakumei (Nightfall), the Akatsuki (Daybreak) and the Five Great Shinobi Villages"

"The Akatsuki has three Jinchuriki, Kumo has two and the Hakumei the remaining four" Tobi said. "Either you give me the remaining five bijuu or I will destroy you"

"You know Tobi, in all our battles, I always knew you were crazy" N smirked. "But I didn't know you were stupid as well"

"None of you can defeat Madara Uchiha" Tobi growled.

"That may be true but you're not Madara Uchiha" N's smirk grew wider. "Isn't that right Obito Uchiha?"

A simultaneous roar of "WHAT!" filled the room from every member in there. Most of the Konoha shinobi remembered Obito, Kakashi especially as it was from Obito that he received his signature Sharingan.

"This isn't Madara Uchiha, this is Obito Uchiha, student of the Yondaime Hokage, best friend of Sharingan no Kakashi and transmigrant of Asura or rather former transmigrant of Asura" N explained.

"How did you kn-" Tobi began only to be cut off by N's hand around his mouth.

N smirked. "There's a lot of things I know Obito-san and one thing I know for sure is you're gonna lose this war"

Obito slipped through Naruto's grip before disappearing into another vortex but not before some last words. "You've been warned"

"The Hakumei are too dangerous. Sasuke, Tobi and Sasuke's team were able to get into one of the most secure facilities in the nations and ambush the Gokage" Mei pointed out to the rest of the Kage.

"The five shinobi countries must join together" Tsunade explained.

"Agreed" Baki said.

"Right" N seconded.

Mifune stepped forward. "Tetsu no Kuni would like to join as well. This is our world too"

"We need a leader" Tsunade pointed out.

"Onoki-jiji is too old and has had too much business with the Hakumei already" N said which earned him a growl from said old man.

"Baki-san is too weak, no offense" N said which earned him a nod of understanding for the Kazekage.

N turned to the only ladies of the Gokage. "MeI-san? Obasan?"

Tsunade shook her head. "I don't want to be a leader"

Mei mirrored the action. "Neither do I"

"That leaves me" N sighed, he knew that was going to happen.

"Why not? You're a genius of Nara level and perhaps the most powerful kage" Tsunade pointed out which earned a few nods of approval.

"Are you sure Obasan? I'm only 16" N asked.

He was met with nod and a kind smile from the woman. "Yes, I think we're all sure"

It was then Baki remembered something that had been bothering him during the talk between N and Tobi. "What did you mean by transmigrant?"

"Transmigrant means reincarnation. The Rikudo Sennin and the people of his direct relation were so powerful that their chakra is beyond time and space" N explained in the most easy way possible. "Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were the second to last transmigrants of Asura and Indra Otsutsuki, the children of the Rikudo Sennin"

"Obito was supposed to be the reincarnation of Asura and Kakashi the reincarnation of Indra however the 'death' of Obito threw a wrench in the plans thus Indra and Asura's chakra left them" N continued, which earned a gasp from the group and an eyebrow raise from Kakashi. "The current transmigrants of Asura and Indra were Usagi and Sasuke Uchiha respectively however due to Sasuke's death, I don't know if Indra's chakra will transmigrate anytime soon"

It was then Mei asked the golden question. "How do you know so much?"

N smiled as Izanami appeared in his hand and his Metsujin no Yoroi sparked to life around him, making him look like a Knight of Peace. "I am the transmigrant of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Rikudo Sennin and Master of Chakra"

"The time is over for the Five Shinobi Countries and Tetsu no Kuni. Now it's time for the Allied Shinobi Forces" N said,

With a slam of his shakujo on the ground, six beasts made of different colored lightning sparked to life and flew into the sky.

A brown bear. A blue shark. A green hawk. A yellow dragon. A red phoenix. A grey wolf.

Those animals heralded the start of a new world.

NEW CHAPTER FOR THE NEW YEAR! Raijin is not dead! Please review and stay tuned as the beginning of this story is going to get rewritten. Not to mention we're entering the Fourth Shinobi World War arc! Yayyyyyyy!

On a separate note, please check out my new story "Earth's Legacy". It's a Smart/Strong fic like this one and is centered around if Naruto had a Doton affinity that was incredibly powerful. It also has cool themes of family for reasons you will understand if you read the first chapter. So please show your support!

That's it for now. See you guys next year! -OFion