
Chapter 14


The Kazekage had dragged the people in the Kage Booth to the rooftop and found himself a little outnumbered. It was him against The Sandaime Hokage, Sandaime Raikage, the soon to be Yondaime Raikage, The Jinchuriki of Hachibi, Jiraiya and The Raijin. But he was not worried as he had a secret weapon.

"Hello Sarutobi-Sensei" The "Kazekage" says before he rips off his robes to reveal the snake pedophile himself.

"Orochimaru! Just as we suspected!" Jiraiya confirms causing Orochimaru to raise an eyebrow.

"Suspected?" Orochimaru asks causing Hiruzen to smile.

"N-kun here found out about this invasion ahead of time as we were prepared" Hiruzen says causing Orochimaru to briefly frown before smiling again.

"No matter you will still die, Kumo with you" Orochimaru says boldly causing N to face the barrier.

"KUMO! TODAY WE FIGHT FOR KONOHA!" N says with his voice laced with Kurama's chakra so it travels over Konoha. N then makes 100 Raiton clones who all nod and go out to help Konoha.

"We outnumber you 6 to 1. You may be strong but you cannot defeat 6 S-Ranked Shinobi" A says causing Orochimaru to give a huge smirk.

"Do you? Kuchiyose- Edo Tensei (Summoning- Impure World Reincarnation)" Orochimaru says before slamming his palm into the floor and summoning 5 coffins. One has the Kanji for "1", the other has the kanji for "2", another one says "4". The last 2 has "Seal" on one and the last coffin says "Red".

"You bastard!" N says before the coffins open. Inside of the coffins is Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Minato Namikaze, Mito Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki. They look just the way they did when they died however just in a state of minor decay.

"Where are we?" The Nidaime Shinobi no Kami asks causing his brother to look around.

"It appears my jutsu has been used on us" Tobirama comments causing Hashirama to look around and see his wife causing him to smile.

"Mito-chan, you are as beautiful as ever" Hashirama flirts causing his wife to smile and for Tobirama to roll his eyes which Hashirama catches.

"You're such a prude Tobi. Maybe you should've set him up, Mito-chan" Hashirama says before looking at Mito who just sighs.

"Hashi-kun, we are dead" Mito says with a sweatdrop causing her husband to smile sheepishly.

"Oh right" He says causing everyone to sweatdrop.

"Tou-san!" Kushina yells when she sees Hashirama before she realizes what she says and shuts her mouth. (A/N: I took out a generation so Tsunade is actually the daughter of Hashirama and N is his grandson)

"What did you say?" Orochimaru asks but Kushina refuses to answer. He then places a kunai into her that makes her listen to him.

"My birth name is Kushina Senju-Uzumaki and I am the little sister of Tsunade Senju. I was born in Uzu and was sent to Konoha as a child" Kushina admits causing everyone to look at her in shock while Kushina looks around before seeing her son all grown up.

"NARUTO!" Kushina yells causing Minato to look at the boy in shock before he notices the Kumo headband.

"Hello Kaa-san although I go by N" N comments causing Minato's confusion to greaten as only Kumo nin have a letter as a name.

"Why do you have a Kumo...KUSHINA!" Minato questions before he realizes that his wife did something.

"Well...I kinda asked your rival A to adopt Naru-N here" Kushina says with an extremely sheepish look causing everyone to once again sweatdrop.

"ENOUGH! The reunion is over!" Orochimaru says before he places kunais in their heads that causes them to lose control over their movements but didn't suppress their personalities.

"I can seal them guys but I need you to restrain them" N says causing everyone to look at him with confused looks.

"How?" Jiraiya asks causing N to draw his Totsuka with his right hand causing the spectral blade to extend.

"I am the holder of the Sword of Totsuka and the Sword of Kusanagi" N comments causing Orochimaru to shake his head in a smirk before drawing his own "Kusanagi".

"I am the holder of the Sword of Kusanagi" He says smugly causing N to shake his head.

"That toothpick? Did the Snakes give it to you?" N asks causing Orochimaru to hesitate before nodding.

"My summons, The Tiger Clan said that the Snakes created a fake so that they seemed more powerful." N says before his family.

"We should split up. Hiruzen-Jiji, take Orochi-teme. Pops, take Hashirama-jiji as I think you are the only one besides me who can cut through his Mokuton. A-nii, take Tobirama-jiji. Bee-nii, take Kaa-san as she is the Kenjutsu expert. Ero-sennin, take on Mito-baachan and I recommend Sage mode. I got Tou-san" N says causing everyone to nod and spread out until it is only N and Minato.

"I don't think you can keep up, Sochi" Minato comments before throwing a kunai which N dodges however Minato flashes to it and tries to stab N in the heart but N just flashes behind him and has his Kusanagi to his neck.

"Tou-san, I am the fastest man alive and today, we decide who is the fastest man in history" N says causing his father to flash away with a smirk.

"Let's get serious then" Minato says before closing his eyes and when he opens them, they have a bar in the middle.

"Let's dance" N says before he black tiger stripes appear on his face, his hair turns white and when he opens his eyes, the sclera was blue and he has only a pupil. He then draws his Kusanagi and he and his father disappear in 2 flashes, one white, one yellow.

Z vs Hashirama

"Oh, you're M's son!" Hashirama realizes as he and the Raikage engage in taijutsu until Z activates his Raiton no Yoroi and kicks the Shodaime in the chest.

"Hello Hashirama-sama" Z says before he forms the Ram hand seal.

"Raiton- Kuropansa! (Lightning Release- Black Panther!)" Z yells before a panther made out of lightning erupts from his body and races toward Hashirama who flashes through 2 hand seals.

"Mokuton Hijutsu- Jukai Kotan! (Wood Release Secret Technique- Nativity of a World of Trees)" Hashirama yells the name of his signature jutsu before hundreds of trees come from the rooftop and turn the rooftop into a forest. The trees blocked the Kuropansa and continues to push upwards, trying to pierce Z who just holds out his hand.

"Jikokuzuki! (Hell Stab!)" Z yells before slicing through all of the branches like butter however they kept coming.

"Damn this is annoying" Z comments as he tries to get through the forest of trees.

A vs Tobirama

"Suiton- Dai Bakushi Shoha! (Water Release- Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave!)" Tobirama yells and materializes a huge wave of water from the moisture in the air. Shit! He really is the greatest Suiton practitioner ever!, A thinks before he uses lightning to boost his jump into the tree to avoid the wave before he jumps on top of the water which has now flooded the area in 3 feet of water. A then activates his Raiton no Yoroi and disappears in a shunshin and reappears behind Tobirama.

"Rairatto! (Lariat!)" A yells as he slams his lightning covered arm through the Nidaime Hokage's back. Tobirama flies forward and manages to flip and then disappear in a yellow flash before reappearing on a tree where his seal was.

"Dammit! One of the only jutsus faster than me and he uses it!" A curses before trying to strike the Nidaime Hokage.

Jiraiya vs Mito

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu! (Summoning Technique)" Jiraiya announces before slamming his palm onto the floor and 2 small toads appear in a puff of smoke.

"Jiraiya-kun, why are we here" Fukasaku asks causing Jiraiya to point at Mito who is standing there.

"I need your help Pa!" Jiraiya says causing Shima to look at Fukasaku.

"It seems urgent. Do you need to go into sage mode?" Shima asks causing Jiraiya to nod. Shima and Fukasaku then jump and fuse to Jiraiya's shoulders causing Jiraiya's nose to grow bigger and gains warts, his teeth turn sharp, he gains excess hair (his goatee), and toad-like eyes. He immediately starts doing hand seals and then bends over.

"Senpo- Kebari Senbon! (Sage Art- Hair Needle Senbon!)" He yells before senbon made of hair shoot at Mito who holds a seal in front of her which creates a barrier that blocks the senbon.

"I remember you! You were my daughter's love interest!" Mito says causing a fire to light in Jiraiya's eyes. I will survive for Tsunade-hime!, Jiraiya thinks before flashing through hand seals.

Killer Bee vs Kushina

"So you're my son's brother" Kushina says skeptically before drawing her katana and getting into the Mizuhime (Water Princess) stance that had made her a legend.

"I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I'm a really cool guy, my name is Killer Bee!" Bee raps before he gets into his Acrobat stance with The first two are held in the hinge joint of his right and left arm, another between his shoulder blade and neck, one in his mouth, under his left armpit, another between the hip joint of his right, raised leg and the back leg of the same raised leg. Kushina looks at it skeptically but that leaves when Bee jumps in the air and begins to spin in like a buzzsaw. The blades came from random angles and Kushina couldn't block them all.

"WHEEH!" Killer Bee yells as he continues to push back Kushina who just sweatdrops at her son's brother's weirdness.

With Gaara

Gaara walked to the side of the arena to see a note that says "Trust the Frozen Crow -N". He turns around to see 2 girls standing there. One of them was older than him and was wearing the same cloak as N while the other in Gaara's opinion was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was his age and had on a blue kimono that hugged her frame but the thing he found most attractive was her eyes. They were warm but were also pained like someone who had experienced pain but survived it.

"Are you Gaara?" The girl in the Akatsuki cloak asks causing Gaara to nod.

"Who are you?" Gaara asks hesitantly.

"N sent us to bring you back to Kumo" The Pretty Girl said before she forms a crow made of ice. Gaara nods as that must be a bloodline so N knew that he should only trust someone who can make the frozen crow. They start tree hopping away from the destruction when Gaara realizes something.

"What are your names?" Gaara asks the girl in blue.

"My name is Haku Momochi and she is Usagi Uchiha" Haku says causing Gaara to nod and they tree hop silently.

At the Academy

One of N's clones appears in a flash to see his teammates and Pantherlily defending the Konoha Academy. Black Panthers, waves of gravity, Exploding shuriken are flying at the Oto and Suna nin but the waves keep coming.

"Guys need help?" N asks a tanned skin chunin with black hair in a ponytail and a scar going across his nose.

"Yes!" He says causing N to place his hand on the wall and imagine the seal he wants.

"Uzumaki Fuinjutsu-ryu- Gentoshin! (Uzumaki Sealing Style- Magic Lantern!)" N says before 4 seals imprint themselves onto the Academy. N then calls 4 more clones to come to the Academy causing them to appear in a flash before they go to the seal and place their hands on it.

"Shisekiyōjin (Four Red Yang Formation)" They announce before a large red barrier surrounds the Academy. The ninjas stop attacking and one ninja decides to experiment and touch the barrier. Instantly he burns to ash causing the ninjas to yell in rage that they couldn't get through. They then turn around to see several other red barriers surround other important things in Konoha like the Hokage Monument. N then stands up and flips through 2 hand seals.

"LOWER THE FRONT WALL! KINTON- GOKA MEKKAYAKU! (Gold Release- Great Fire Annihilation)" He yells causing the front wall to disappear but only for a tidal wave of golden flames to replace it. The flames wash over the Suna and Oto nin, incinerating them and leaving nothing but ash.

"What's your name?" The Chunin with the scar asks when the battle ends.

"N Yotsuki-Namikaze, Yours?" N asks causing the Chunin to look in shock as a noble is caring about his name.

"Iruka Umino" Iruka says causing N to nod before he focuses on protecting the academy.

With Naruto and Minato

The battle was like nothing seen before as it was nothing but flashes as the 2 fastest men in history battled. N was supporting a gash across his chest however his father was missing an arm due to any thing the Sword of Kusanagi cuts, cannot be regenerated.

"Let's end this in one move" Minato says before readying a Rasengan in hand.

"Sure, just jutsu, no flashing" N says causing Minato to nod. N forms a Rasengan in his right hand and Tonbogiri in his left before colliding them causing the jutsus to merge into a spear form. You really has surpassed me, N, Minato thinks to himself before running forward.

"RASENGAN!" Minato yells as he runs causing N to switch the way he grabbed his spear to like a javelin. He then throws it at a speed so fast, it was a blur. HE THREW IT?, Minato questions before his Rasengan collides with the spear.

"RASENYARI! (Spiralling Spear!)" N yells causing the Rasenyari to destabilized causing a large explosion of lightning sending Minato flying into a tree. N flashes next to him and holds his Totsuka blade next to his neck.

"You have surpassed me in every way and no matter where you live, I love you." Minato says causing N to have a lone tear before he stabs his father through the neck, causing his soul to enter the Sake jug.

"EVERYONE GET THEM TOGETHER!" N yells causing there to be no movement for a bit before everyone somehow gets their opponents into the same location.

"Everyone get behind me! I want to end this NOW!" N yells before closes his eyes and concentrates before raising 1 palm to the sky causing storm clouds to gather. Orochimaru's eyes widen in fear when he sees the clouds.

"STOP HIM NOW!" Orochimaru yells but he is too late as N opens his eyes and points one finger at Orochimaru and the Edo-Tensei's.

"KIRIN!" N yells causing a lightning dragon made of real lightning to come from the sky and strike the group causing a large explosion. There is silence and then a breeze blows through to see the blast only got Mito and everyone else had managed to get underneath a combination wood/water barrier crafted by the 2 hokages.

"Dammit, I wanted to get them all!" N says before he feels Tobirama use a familiar technique.

"Hiraishingiri (Flying Thunder God Slash)" Tobirama says trying to stab N however N just flashes behind him and stabs him through the stomach with the Sword of Totsuka similar to his father's Hiraishin- Ni no Dan.

"Good job Great-Nephew. The ninja world is in good hands" Tobirama says before his soul is sucked into the Sword of Totsuka.

"I'm sorry Kaa-san" N says before he appears behind her in a flash and stabs her her however she blocks his blade. She goes for an overhead slice but N dodges before kicking her in the stomach and flashes behind her, sending her flying into his sword.

"Respect women but don't let them push you around, you're my child so don't eat too much ramen. Don't read too much of your godfather's trash and have fun, don't train too much. I love you, Sochi." Kushina instructs before her soul goes into the Sake Jar, causing N to start to sob. N then turns around, tears falling down his face and glares at Orochimaru with hate.

"Orochimaru, I swear upon the heavens that you...YOU WILL DIE!" N proclaims before he flashes through hand seals.

"Kinton- Goka Mekkayaku!" N yells before blowing a wall of golden flames at Hashirama who constructs a wall of wood to block the flames. N looks at his family and sees they are all tired.

"This ends now!" N says before flashes next to Hashirama and kicks him into the air. N then flashes next to Hashirama who looks him in the eye.

"I trust the future of the shinobi world to you, may you one day take my title" Hashirama says causing N to look at him in shock. It isn't everyday that the Shinobi no Kami praises you and says he wishes for you to become the next Shinobi no Kami. N shakes his head and then does an axe kick that would make Tsunade proud sending Hashirama into the roof next to Orochimaru.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" N yells as he calls a bolt of lightning which he catches and mixes with massive amounts of Shiroton chakra before shaping it into a long bow twice as tall as he was. His family, understanding the danger, shield themselves away from Hashirama and Orochimaru.

"Kuchiyose- Goju Rashomon (Summoning Quintuple Rashomon)" Hashirama says before he slams his hand onto the floor, causing 5 gates to form in the path of N who couldn't care less.

"FACE MY ULTIMATE JUTSU! INDORA NO YA! (Indra's Arrow!)" N yells before letting the arrow go. The arrow flies at a speed equivalent to the speed of light and rips through all 5 rashomon before striking Hashirama and Orochimaru and then continues through the building and into the ground. N then flips and lands on the floor to see Orochimaru severely wounded and Hashirama vaporized. He walks toward Orochimaru who is crawling away toward the Sound Four who then pick him up.

"I cannot kill you right now but I will rid you of the thing you prize most, your jutsu!" N proclaims before flashing and slapping 2 seals onto Orochimaru's hands before the Sound Four could react.

"Fuinjutsu- Tenketsu no Hakai! (Sealing- Tenketsu Destruction!)" N says while forming a ram sign causing Orochimaru to scream in agony before the Sound Four shunshin away. N then falls forward with a thud causing his family to rush to him.

"Sorry, that was a battle I had to fight alone. Thank you for respecting that" N says before falling unconscious.

"Wow, the kid just fought 6 S-ranked ninja and won. I admit, they weren't at full strength or he would have lost but still." Jiraiya says causing everyone to nod in agreement. The Sandaime Hokage then faces Konoha to see very little damage and the battles over.

"THE INVASION IS OVER! WE HAVE WON!" Hiruzen announces causing there to be cheers as the Invasion was over and Konoha with the help of Kumo had won.