
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 94

In front of me I see something that I thought was impossible, so much so that I stayed several seconds with my mouth open until Randgris touched my shoulder, breaking me out of the trance I was in.

"Sorry, Sarah, Randgris and Anguhilde join the rest of the group and help reduce the load, the weakness of these creatures is their torso... try to shoot the union of the body and the legs, Sandra at the moment no one is hurt but go next to the white-haired girl, she is a priest too, support each other." While I start giving orders I turn to see the show I just saw...

BANG!*BANG!*BANG!*BANG!* "GODDAMITT!! STOP MOVING YOU DAMN SONS OF...." Church, in a truly bizarre display of... skill... misses 3 consecutive shots with his sniper... sometimes all 4 of them... how the hell does he manage to do it when we have an ocean of bugs in front of us... it's more likely to hit something than miss...

"Roger/Understood Master." The Valkyries nod their heads in understanding as they look at the idiot in blue shouting curses like there was no tomorrow and turn to look at their rifles...

"Don't take that into account... it's really not that difficult... just aim at the bugs and pull the trigger..." I can see their hesitation and now nervousness on their faces as I pat their heads...although before I can say anything I hear a loud sound.


"I HATE SPIDERS!!!" We turn and see Caboose in his O'Malley mode, killing Arachnids one after another, dismembering them and using his jaws to attack the others... "WAIT YOUR TURN! I DON'T HAVE AS MANY HANDS LIKE YOU!!"

"Ingrid and Reginleif help the blue idiot who is protecting the wall." They both seem very excited about this and proceed to take out their melee weapons, but I stop them before they rush to help the biggest blue idiot in the galaxy... "Wait."

"Hahahahaha, don't worry! Even though you are bugs, all of you are now my friends!" For a few seconds I could see how the bugs stopped and retreated a little, while Caboose covered in that green slime that is the bugs' blood begins to walk towards them... "Let's keep playing!"

"Try... treat him like a little child okay? He really is sick in the head so avoid having conflicts with him and avoid saying that he should play with you..." Both Valkyries just smile, the most innocent and brightest smile... and I don't know why I feel like I'm making a mistake doing this...

"Very well, go and remember to avoid using your magic, only use it if you have no other option, your lives are more important." I finish patting their head and send them to fight, I don't really worry since despite there being many bugs they can't really defeat us, I can practically sit back and let them attack me and they would die first before they break through my defenses...

"She's the Valkyrie you fought, right? Why do she look so young?" Cha Hae-In approaches me and asks, and I notice something interesting... apparently we are talking through the party chat... so we can hear each other perfectly even though everyone is shooting bullets as if there would be no tomorrow... 

"Yeah, and I don't really know, I think it has to do with their loss of power for the resurrection or the life cycle of the Valkyries is like that... I'm not completely sure... anyway how is your new identity, Sergeant?" Cha Hae-In just nods her head, while continuing to shoot towards the ocean of bugs that, thanks to the Valkyries, the line seems to have been stabilized, at least.

"It's weird, if I focus on it I can even remember the base where I trained but I have no idea what I learned there... I guess that would be a problem if I gain a special identity and don't know anything about the subject." Cha Hae-In puts a little.

"Yes, imagine, you get the identity of a doctor in a hospital and you have to perform surgery shortly after you arrive....I guess that's why 'specific' identities cost so much." They really are dangerous items, although this could be due to an error in the system or they really are like that...

"I want to know how much they cost? If you need it I can pay you... money really is not a problem... although I don't think I have enough to pay you for my weapons and armor." She answers me while putting her hand on her chin, lowering her face to think.

"Yours 1 million so you shouldn't worry about that change, I'm going to see if Sarge accomplished something, keep an eye on the blue idiot... now that I remember... Ingrid wore blue armor and Reginleif had blue decorations too..."

"Understood." At that moment I see Cha Hae-In stay still for a few moments while she is looking at the Valkyries, I follow her gaze and she is looking at both of their hands... then she turns her gaze to the others also looking at their hands...

'What are she seeing... huh? The rings? God...she would stop being a woman if she weren't that way sigh...' I can only sigh, at least I think that's what she's seeing, since it's the only 'extra' thing the Valkyries carry in their hands.

"Well as you had say these creatures are not dangerous but they are very annoying... that's why I hate bug-type dungeons..." I see how she tries to change the subject but I know very well what kind of unreasonable animal a jealous woman can be...

"Alright then..." I enter my store and look for another ring, this time a special one different from the one of the Valkyries that are only wings with a gem, in the end I buy one that has the same colors as her suit. It's a white gold ring, decorated with golden wings and a small sword made of red gems in the center, of course I also put various things inside.... it's a spatial ring after all.

"Here." Without telling her much I take her hand and place her ring in her palm. "Inside I put some things that will help you." That's all I say and I turn around before she can say anything and walk towards Sarge.

I know the Asian tradition of denying gifts before receiving them, but we really don't have time for those things. I watch the battle continue, it seems the bugs are not really being controlled by anything, since not all the bugs has come to attack us...yet but now we have even more bugs in the place.

If I had turn back right now I I would have seen a stunned Cha Hae-In looking at her hand and turning to look again at the Valkyries' left hand... specifically the ring on their ring fingers. Turning red little by little while her eyes lose focus, turning to look at me opening and closing her mouth...

"Any luck Sergeant?" I ask as I raise my pistol and shoot the first Tiger bug that appears. Also noting how most of the ones we have killed are Drones, the weaker variety... and how the Warriors bugs are getting closer and closer to us and they become more and more problematic to kill.

[Tiger Warrior Bug LVL: 74-99 HP: 83,413/83,413 MP: 1/1 Race: Insect/Brute Element: Earth 1

The Tiger Bugs are a stronger variant of the Warrior Bugs. As the name suggests, they have tiger-like stripes. They are much more aggressive and have chitinous armor plates, rendering it completely immune from weapons with poor piercing capabilities.]

"No Comissar, I really don't even know if I'm transmitting or if anyone is there to be listening, at least we have enough ammunition to last a while..." He shots his shotgun at some bugs that are closing at us... they are now at least of 80 meters of us.

"That's not really an option... we're going to get tired so we have to get reinforcements as soon as possible, just keep trying." While I'm talking to him I see how Donut and Grif throw grenades, Grif's only killing about 3 bugs, but Donut's fell in the best possible place... I had forgotten that he knew how to do that.

"Private Donut! I promote you to be the grenadier of the group! Everyone give your grenades to Donut, just keep two in case of emergencies! Donut use them when you see fit!" Nobody really complains much and I don't want to pay attention to what Donut says.

"It's time to work." I advance with my secret 'magic' flamer and prepare my throat. "Light your way in the darkness with the pyres of burning xenos! Purify it with flames, for this is the wish of the EMPEROR!" I start attacking with the 'flamer'... let's use some skills too [Clementia] [Lauda Ramus] [Lauda Agnus] [Canto Candidus] and [Praefatio] for a major effect. "By flame shall the unclean be made clean, by fire shall the unholy be made holy."

[Clementia Lv 10 Skill Form Supportive Description: Casts 'Blessing' on the caster and any party members within it's range. Blessing effect goes up based on caster's JobLevel Caster's Job Level / 10).. 

[Lv 10] : 1,500m AoE / 2400 sec. duration / STR,INT,DEX+50, HIT+100] 

[Lauda Ramus Lv 10 Skill Form : Recovery Description : Cures status effects Silence, Sleep, Stun Curse, Howling, and Deep Sleep from all party members. Critical damage bonus when casting on normal condition party member.

[Lv 10] : Success Rate 180% / Critical Damage +50%] 

[Lauda Agnus Lv 10 Skill Form : Recovery Description : Recover Freezing, Stone Curse, Dark Curse, Frozen, Crystallization, and Burning of all party members. MaxHP bonus when casting on normal condition party member. 

[Lv 10] : Success Rate 180% / MaxHP + 24%] 

[Canto Candidus Lv 10 Skill Form Supportive Description: Casts 'Increase AGI' on the caster and any party members within range. AGI effect goes up based on caster's JobLevel. Caster's Job Level / 10)..

[Lv 10] : 1,500m AoE / 2400 sec. duration / AGI+52, ATK Speed: +40%] 

[Praefatio Lv 10 Skill Form Supportive Description: Casts 'Kyrie Eleison' on all party members. Def effect goes up when more party member joins.(Kyrie Eleison base shield def + [(Number of Party Members x 2)]%)

[Lv 10] : Durability: MaxHP 30%, Up to 10 Hits Blocked.].

I can see how the blues and reds are surprised to see that their weapons attack faster and with greater precision, Grif finally star fighting for real an even Church is finally hitting everything he shoots at, they feel more strength in their bodies that also react faster...

"Come all you Xeno scum! Come face the one true might of the universe and wither under the Golden Throne's gaze! Raise you voices! Burn the Xeno! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean! We are the emperors angels, and our gift is death!" I can see how Cha Hae-In is looking at me strangely, but what can I do? I'm just a man... a man with a awesome Commissar suit and a flamer!

'However we are in slight trouble... according to the system a Brain Bug appeared and now we have the whole damn swarm on us, with thousands more appearing quickly.' I observed the situation and came to the conclusion that we won't be able to stop it like this... so I quickly sent a notification to all the reds and blues.

[Leonhard Hauser gives you the opportunity to change your Job to Novice, you wish to accept Y/N]

I also say it to Cha Hae-In in the chat room who, with the chat system, changes her Job too... if we want to stop this invasion, we have no choice but to become stronger... I also wonder what will happen in the world when Chruch the AI is reborn, when he obtain a living body of his own at last. At least I discovered that the system treats him like a living person...

'Although we're not yet at the point where I have to shout for the emperor and charge at the enemy... I already want to use my new chainsword...' I regret the lack of power of the Arachnids who do not really put us in danger, but what can be done. 'I would never want those who appeared to be Tyranids.'


Third Person Point of View.

[Bzzzz*bzzzz*bzzzz* help bzzzz*bzzzz*bzzzz ider bzzzz*]

In a room, radio sounds are heard intermittently, from the bed a hand comes down looking for something on the floor, finally taking a red helmet from the floor and lifting it to the bed where the person is lying.

The person sits up and begins to look at the helmet, causing the blanket that covered her to fall, revealing that the person is a naked woman with short blonde hair who, despite having just woken up, is completely attentive.

"I have a lot of interference, repeat, can you hear me?" The woman begins to manipulate the helmet a little and try to get a better signal without much success, since she continues to hear only fragments between cuts that make no sense.

"Go back to sleep... we'll need all our strength if we want to take down the Covenant..." The voice of a man is heard in the room, looking at the bed you can see that there are more people in it, the man is a person with white skin and white hair, who carefully observes the woman manipulating the helmet.

The blonde woman ignores him and continues manipulating the helmet. At the other end of the bed, another woman stands up. She has long and very light-colored hair almost going white too. Her yellow eyes turn to see the man who is still lying down.

"And why do you think you are like this? We just left Reach and you immediately bring us to your room, if you were really worried about that you would have more restraint." The woman who just got up quickly stands up puts her hair up and begins to get dressed.

"I didn't hear you complain while we were doing it... UGH! Be careful!" The man complains when the third person in the room hits him, and a third woman with short brown hair stands up.

"Bastard! I was complaining! What fucking need do you have to use my ass like that, do you have any idea how annoying it is? I can't even sit down! Why the hell are you so obsessed with it!" The woman complains while massaging herself a little, although she doesn't really look that angry.

"Who told you to be so tight, plus I know you like it too, don't deny it, you did half of the..." The man remains silent and raises his hands when he sees that the woman put her hand on his crotch and began to slowly close it.

"Have you managed to understand what the message says?" The brown haired woman just let it go and begins to move, complaining a little when she has to turn around and continues walking a little strangely when she gets up...

"Not much... but clearly it is a distress signal... the little I have understood is that they are surrounded... although there is something very interesting in the signal." The woman with the red helmet speaks, while using a small screen connected to her helmet to try to manipulate it.

"How interesting could it be? We really can't stop for long and if the captain doesn't call us, we can't help. After all we are just 4 ships in the group, one seriously damaged and we really can't do anything against a Covenant force." The man is more pessimistic.

"That's where you're wrong, it's not that Saratoga crew doesn't tell us... they just can't detect the signal... " That makes all the occupants of the room turn to look at the woman, asking themselves how their armor can detect a signal that the ship cannot...

"Okay, I'll get up, but don't leave us in suspense, what did you discover Daisy? What makes this sign special?" The man asks Daisy as he sits down but before he can speak the signal finally clears and they finally hear the message.

[Bzzzzzz* BANG!* This is the Blood Angels Bzzzzzz* Number One! We are under heavy attack by a new rac-! BOOOOM! Bzzzzzz * Bzzzzzz * Bzzzzzz * Bzzzzzz * help! Someone respond!" To tell the truth, it is difficult to understand what he is saying when you hear so many voices and shots in the background but the women stand still when they hear that they are facing a new race, they already had enough with the Covenant to have these new problems.

But the man's reaction is greater... since hearing the name of the group to which they belong made him a little surprised, but then he heard another voice in the background, one that he clearly never wanted to hear in his life, he clearly heard something about burning xenos... although he still thinks it was just his imagination.

[Bzzzzzz* Commissar watch out! Buggers incoming!! Take cover! BANG!* The Emperor is watching us, always! We hold the line! We die standing! While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace! Fight- Bzzzzzz*]

"Who is the Emperor that he is talking about? And what is a Commissar? Is there a title or rank like that? Do you know where the communication comes from Daisy?" The light-haired woman asks as she takes a green armor that is in the room.

"I am trying to triangulate the signal...but is a close planet in the sector and you should know that we detect the signal because it comes from a MJOLNIR armor, so the sender is a Spartan too." When Daisy finishes speaking, the other two women look surprised and take their helmets, noticing that they can also pick up the signal and it is actually from another MJOLNIR armor."Lucius, Sheila, Cal we need to move now."

"Damn, how the hell am I going to explain the cum that's on my armor, why the hell do you let out so much inside me!?" The brown-haired woman Sheila complains as the other women quickly get ready. "Lucius this shit is yours so you will clean my armor later! There's no way I'm going to take it for inspection without you cleaning all your... hey are you okay? What's wrong?"

The women stop when they see their lover and savior, Lucius with his face pale and his mouth open... thanks to their heightened senses they can also clearly hear the accelerated sound of his heart and see the slight tremors he has. Clearly something disturb him a lot.

*[This is Blood Angels of Blood Gulch Outpost Number One! (*this is hear in the background*) {Burn the Xenos! Kill the Mutants! Victory? What use is victory? Let me have a battle of annihilation! Glory to the first man to die!} We are facing a new enemy race, different from the Covenant! We need Back up now! The enemy is a species of spider insects! BANG!*]*

The man Lucius seems increasingly nervous, since he knows what those people are referring to... after all, he was transmigrated to this universe, in the body of one of the Spantan candidates after they complete the trials, Spartan-007 Lucius, although now he is a super soldier, he still remembers his past life. Especially about a dark and distant universe where only exists war...

[Attention to all the crew! Attention to all the crew! CODE RED, prepare to enter in combat! All personal move to your stations! This is not a drill! All personal prepare to enter in combat! All Spartans available on deck!"]