
Ragnarok Online Gamer System

A man appears in a room, without many memories and without a name due to a system error and to compensate a little for the problems that caused him, he receives an "old" version of the gamer system. Little by little he recovers his memories and begins to discover that the small error of which he was the victim is nothing more than the beginning of a disaster. - The system is based on the game Ragnarok Online, a small part of the story takes place in the game but it will focus more on the worlds where the MC will enter. _____________________________________ This is my first story, also English is not my first language so any problem that exists I will appreciate if you mention it. Disclaimer: *I don't own the novels, games, mangas, animes, and movies.

KKLRS · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 4

AUTOR NOTE: A bit of explanation that I forgot to put in the previous chapter, If anyone remembers or recently played the game, the experience and drops that I am using is 5 times the normal.

Another thing I did not specify since I have not decided yet is if there will be a harem or not and in the event that there is a harem there will be 3 or 4 members at most (and even so I think that there are too many) but being a work in progress, some interesting event may occur to me that justifies it, so at least I can promise there won't be a catch 'em all. The next chapter the mc says he wants a harem though as story progresses, the reasons why the MC decide not to have will be explained by the MC.

Thank you very much and merry christmas


Rune-Midgarts Kingdom (Yes, I also just discovered that it is called that) is a vast southern kingdom inhabited mainly by the race Norman, it contains many city-states. Its capital is the city of Prontera. The kingdom is ruled by King Tristan Geabolg III. It spans the east side of the Midgard continent. It follows the Odin Orthodoxy and includes the land south of the Mt. Mjolnir range. Various cultures have developed over the years with the help of the love of freedom the people have. The annual martial arts festival, held in the honor of their god Odin, is a famous event of Rune-Midgarts.

The kingdom is governed under two separate systems: the several different tribal and city nations that were unified are governed by a feudal lord, while the rest of the kingdom is ruled directly by the king.

To the West is Geffen the city of magic where denizens of Rune-Midgarts go to become Magicians at the Magic Academy. It was also once the ancient capital of the kingdom of Geffenia. Word has it that the city was built by great Wizards of the past as they believed in magic.

To the South is Izlude an satellite town of Prontera and is home to the Swordsman Association.

To the Southeast crossing the river an between forest is Payon an immense village built on the edge of a mountain.

To the South of Payon crossing the forest is Alberta a port town that links the kingdom to faraway lands across the ocean. The Merchant Guild is also located here.

At the Southwest of the kingdom lays Morocc an oasis town. Built in the midst of the vast Sograt Desert, it is an essential stop for traders in the middle of the continent. They have an advanced Dyeing and Precious Metal refining industry and the area is governed separately by a chief. The cheerful and optimistic nature of the townspeople sometimes baffle visitors with their slow actions.

The Last is Comodo a cave town located at the far south region of Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. To get there, you have to go through a wild marsh area, across a large river and a giant cave where aggressive monsters reside in. Due to the local region, the sun does not shine in Comodo

To the north lies Aldebaran a peaceful independent town that belongs to neither the Republic of Schwarzwald nor the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. It was built on the border between both countries and is home to the Alchemist Guild.

Prontera the capital of the kingdom of Rune-Midgarts. It is an enormous and vast metropolis, with beautiful avenues and decorated squares, many people live actively in this city. The shape of the city is rectangular and it was created like this after its destruction during the Age of Gods at the hands of the Valkyrie Lisa Kahn Himmelmez and her companion the witch Bijou, the city was later dedicated to Odin and has the largest statue of Odin known in its central square.

The city is divided into five sections, 2 avenues that cross the city entirety as well the old inner wall, which, although it is no longer used, remains to remember what was lost. To the northeast The Prontera Church many of those who wish to become Crusaders, and Priests gather in addition to some academies, libraries and the city cemetery.

To the northeast is the King`s Chivalry and the noble quarters. To the southwest are the former headquarters of the swordsmen, who were transferred to Izlude to defend their city from Merpeople attacks. Now it became the place where ordinary citizens live, in this sector there are several schools and the old swordsmen facilities are used as a training center for the future generations of the city. To the southeast is the commercial district, where you can find the basic needs of the population as well the city office, in this place is also the only tavern in the city but due to King Tristan's decree that Rune-Midgarts be dry, no alcohol is served there.

The center fountain has become a free market, as ordered by the King, with vendors and all different types of shoppers buying and selling items. In this place you can find multiple inns, tool shops, blacksmith shops, weapons shops, the Job Agency, as well as the chamber of commerce and export station.

To the north of the city is the royal castle, from where King Tristan rules, on the side note, the King allowed the public to visit the castle. There is also the headquarters of the Templar of the Hyperion and the Templar of the Twilight.

And in this city, you can see a person walking through its streets, stopping to observe things or buildings that interest him, he can be seen getting very excited when approaching the area where the employees of the Kafra corporation dressed in their typical maid outfits are found.

'Walking looking at this beautiful city is totally different from those 3D graphics in the game, and I think I have to change my perception that I had about my appearance, I'm totally normal, the good thing is that I'm not ugly given the beauty standards that I'm seeing, like As expected in a game world, if you put ugly characters unless it's the enemy minion, it wouldn't work.'

I greet a beautiful mature Kafra employee waving my hand and she wave me back with a smile, but some people around me stop and when I look at them I see that they are young adventurers who stared at her, realizing what they were doing, several of them blushed and quickly left the place, I held back my laughter and saw how she was trying too.

I greeted her because she is the oldest of all the employees in the area 'Not that she is so old, she must be between 24 - 26 years old' without having anything to do, I don't think it was because she was in charge or something, simply the people who use her services are trying to flirt with the younger employees, kids who don't understand the attraction of a real woman, I'll probably try to talk to her later, but first I have to figure out how to tell if a woman is married or if they have lovers, boyfriends or whatever relationships are known here, if she is married it is a direct K.O. for me.

Right now I am going to the central square, specifically to the tool shop, or the adventurer's shop as it is called here, walking along the main avenue from north to south, I see many merchants selling their items in the surrounding streets, people who I presume are the so-called "adventurers" since they are armed and with backpacks full of supplies, others who are dirty and seem to have not bathed in several days walking on the same path as me, the civilians who enter the streets and alleys, the guards who are distinguished by wearing the same uniforms and the knights who ride their Peco Peco, a giant chicken-ostrich, which makes a peculiar sound from which its name came.

I attracted very little attention when I arrived here, only a few guards stopped me to ask if I needed help because i was looking at all the buildings when I first arrived.

Then I asked them where the tool shop was located, the guard seemed a bit confused by the question, so I thought it was different from the game, I wouldn't mind since that way I could explore the city to discover its secrets. Once I explained what I wanted to buy, he smiled and told me that it was called an adventurer's shop and told the path that I should follow to the central square.

Another thing to note is that I haven't seen anyone use the inventory, well since it's not a game of course it shouldn't exist, so while I was exploring I bought my own backpack as well and entered the alleys where I put several objects that I'll try to sell and I try to copy the adventurers around me by equipping my weapon, armor, shield and a hat that I got when training in the tutorial nothing fancy.

[Jacket (1) Rank: Common Type: Light Armor

A jacket made out of mediocre leather.

Req. None. Defense: 2 Price: 200]

[Hat Rank: Common Type: Upper Headgear.

A simple, pink hat.

Req. None Defense: 2 Price: 1000]

[Guard (1) Rank: Common Type: Shield

A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat..

Req. None Defense: 3 Price: 500]

It's nothing special, but it's what I have and it helps me go unnoticed, although that's not the case, even the Kafra who greeted me looked at me more intensely after I greet her, I don't know what I'm doing that attracts attention, I see how some adventurers point at me and mutter something, another guard took the initiative to greet me and asking me if I needed help but this time with great respect in both his voice and way of standing.

I keep advancing towards the central square and find the store I was looking for, it is exactly in the same place as the game, but it is huge, at least 3 floors, going inside is even more impressive, I try not to stay still so I move towards a counter, where one of the many employees greet me with a smile.

"Welcome Mister to the Prontera Adventure's Shop. How can we help you today?"

"I would like to know if you buy monster parts here or to which part should I go?"

"Of course, please follow me to the left side of the building where you can place the products you want to sell, this way please" he walks a little, leaves the counter and guides me to the room on the left.

Upon entering the room I see some adventurers at several tables apparently selling the items they obtained in their hunt, we reached the fourth table upon entering the room, where another employee who was sitting gets up.

"Hi Dylan, are you bringing a new client? Nice to meet you my friend, my name is Makt, put what you want to sell on the table" said the employee while stretching out his hand and pointing to the table in front of us with his other hand.

"Nice to meet you my name is Leonhard, I hope we can do business" I say as I shake his hand and move towards the table.

"By the way my name is Dylan, nice to meet you too Mr. Leonhard, don't worry our prices and services are the best in the whole kingdom!" says the employe that bring me here as he shakes my hand too and positioning himself to one side of the table.

'I had already decided what to sell' so I begin to place the items on the table, but the more items I take out the room becomes more and more quiet, so I decided to stop now and not take out the rest of the things I planned to sell.

Chrysalis x 62 Price: 64 , Worm Peeling x 57 Price: 416, Feather x 33 Price: 100, Fluff x 40 Price: 40, Jellopy x 260 Price: 30, Clover x 82 Price:50, Sticky Mucus x 23 Price: 350, Unripe Apple x 4 Price: 6000, Orange Juice x 2 Price:7500, Rainbow Carrot x 1 Price: 12500. Total: 104,030.

[Unripe Apple: An apple that isn't ripe enough for humans to eat. Poring finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item . Price: 1000.

Orange Juice: A small bottle of orange juice. Drops finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item. Price: 1500.

Rainbow Carrot: A fragrant carrot colored with all the hues of the rainbow. Lunatic finds it to be very tasty. Class : Taming Item. Price: 2500]

The table where i put the items begins to show the name of the items that I put, and shows prices that are 4 to 7 times more expensive than normal, I remember that in the game the things they sold were half the suggested price. I wanted to sell everything I got from the bugs, with the exception of the metals, apples, herbs and other consumable items and I still had some more equipment that I got.

Everyone is silent for a few seconds and I noticed how a person who was standing outside the room was runing away. As I think about this Dylan started talking to me

"God, you weren't kidding when you said you were here to do business, can you wait a minute? Of course we will buy what you brought only I don't have the authority to buy that much, Makt please accompany Mr. Leonhard while I look for the manager." He says as he leave the room, although it doesn't last long when he comes back with a person who seems to be a noble, hope he don't cause a problem.

"Nice to become your acquaintance Mr. Leonhard, my name is Herman, I would like to ask you, would it be possible for you to sell me any Phracon that you have?"

'... And my cliché fight against an abusive and arrogant nobleman? Where is the phrase: You don't know who I am? or all these objects are my property now get out now. Director they don't follow the script what do I do!'

At this moment another person enters the room, this time with an emblem of a magnifying glass on his chest bag.

"I would appreciate if Sir Herman doesn't try to steal my business in front of my eyes". He keeps walking until he appears in front of me.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Leonhard, My name is Bernard Auvray, I am the manager of the Prontera adventurer shop, nice to meet you, about the Phracon you were currently talking about I would like to offer you the price of 2000 per piece" He said without any concern, increasing the base price 10 times.

"Hey Bernard, it's not fair that you increase prices like that, Mr. Leonhard, I'm willing to pay you here and now 3000 a piece, it's the most we can offer you." I wait a little to see if they raise the price, but seeing that they don't, I accept the offer.

"Very good Herman, but the rest of the materials are mine." says Bernard as I take the Phracon out of my inventory hiding it with my backpack.

Phracon x 12

[Phracon: A metal that can be used to forge, strengthen and upgrade Level 1 Weapons. Price: 200]

I hand over the materials to Herman and he pays me 36,000 immediately.

"Thank you very much for your sale, the Prontera Chivalry greatly appreciates it" he bows to me and immediately walks away, he must be quite a busy man

"Well Mr. Leonhard, is there anything else we can help you with?" the manager Bernard asks me

"In fact, I wanted to buy butterfly and fly wings, would you have them available?" He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, maybe he said something weird, or probably doesn't exist in this world?

"Are you sure what you are looking for? those wings are useless so there aren't many available" He points to a worker and he begins to search a corner in the room we are in, there are many objects where I thought they put garbage.

'Useless? The wings are one of the things you should always carry with you, there is really something wrong in this world.' Meanwhile a another person arrived with a bag and handed it over to Mr. Bernard and the worker who was looking for in the corner returns with another murmuring something to him.

"Here are the wings you ordered, consider them a gift from me and here is the payment for your supplies unfortunately we don't have fly wings at the moment." he said as he hands the bags, where when I feel it I know it contains money, in the next bag comes what I asked for several butterfly wings. I was going to start counting the money but an information window opens in front of me

[Butterfly Wing x 10, Money: 104,030]

[Butterfly Wing: An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to his Save Point when waved in the air. Price: 200]

"Thank you very much for your time, I'll be back again" I say while shaking hands with him.

"Now if you'll excuse me we're all busy people, we'll see each other again" I say goodbye and start to leave quickly putting the bag with money in my backpack hiding the fact that I sent it to my inventory.