
02 - Where is this?


This must be hell.

"I need her airlifted to the nearest hospital right away! If she's not on a MedEvac within ten minutes, you better flee the country because I will hunt you and every last one of your family members!" I barked my threats on the phone as I slump on the floor holding the unconscious girl.

My mind is chaotic and laserfocused at the same time. She has always been a walking paradox to me. I can be both depressed and ecstatic when I am with her, anxious and calm when I am not. She messes up my emotions like a switchboard, she's under me but at the same time controls me. She is the singlemost causality of my downward spiral to insanity.

And right now, all my chaotic thoughts about the hospital, doctors, first aid, and various resources at my disposal all point to one goal: saving her life. I really don't want to think about what would happen if I fail. There is no plan B this time, there's just her.

"You better not die, Gwen. You hear me?! You can't leave! You can't leave me! I won't allow it!!"

I screamed at her while performing CPR. My lips touched hers while trying to deliver two breaths of air into her lungs and my back stiffened when I noticed how cold they were. I panicked further and more forcefully compressed her chest. I heard myself beg.

"Gwen, please..."


This must be the afterlife.

When I opened my eyes, I didn't even notice right away. My sanity had been slowly chipped off bit by bit with each passing day during those six months in the island. The days blended into nights and weeks passed by without me noticing the difference. Every day is the same as yesterday. I had nothing to look forward to. So when I opened my eyes, I thought that dying was just a pleasant dream, so I closed them again to try and continue the dream. After a while I felt the need to empty my bladder so I shuffled my way into the bathroom.

That's when it hit me.

This is MY BATHROOM. In my own room. In our house.

I quickly went to the mirror and I saw my younger self, just barely fifteen, looking back at me. I searched for my brick of a phone to check the date today. June 3, 2004.

I am fourteen again!