

#modern love story Raelyn moves away from home to start a fresh.A new town,fresh beginnings,new school,and new love waiting. Meet Liam,handsome,gorgeous,professor who has secrets under his sleeves.What happens when this two cross paths?

Shannara2 · Urban
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New Beginnings.

As I stepped into my new apartment,I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.Finally,I get my own space ,privacy and a fresh start far away from my crazy family.

Don't get me wrong,I love my family but the craziness just made me move away.My father was so loving until he married my step mum.Thanks to her ,my dad started doubting me and insulting me .She was also behind my big brother supposedly running away from home 8 years ago.That woman was purely evil,not even to mention her three devilish children who she brought with along.

A knock interrupted my thoughts and opened to find a short brunette smiling.

"Hey,,am Gracie,I live next door"

"hey,am raelynn.I just moved in",I replied with the same enthusiasm.

"Welcome Lynn.Well,I leave you to for now but you will see more of me often.If you need any help or something,am just next door",She said

"I'll keep that in mind.Thank you Gracie"

At least I made a friend.


The following day,I was to report to work downtown.My late mother's friend had secretly helped me get a job at a kindergarten daycare.The job didn't pay that much but at least I got to pay rent,food,and save up for college.

Apparently my parents didn't think it was important for me to attend college.I watched my step siblings attend good college while I remained home as their housemaid doing silly chores daily.I tried applying for scholarship but somehow my evil step mother found a way to spoil it for me.Finally,when I got the chance,I escaped home taking with me my mother's jewelry which sadly I had to sell.

"To Little Angels Kindergarten",I told the taxi driver

"Sure Miss."

Half an hour later,we had arrived.After formalities and all that stuff ,I got to work.I enjoyed spending time with the kids though it was not easy.

Two weeks later,I was accustomed to the new town.It was on a weekend and Gracie had invited me to her cousin's homecoming party.At first I refused but seeing I had nothing to do I decided to attend.

I had put on a red off shoulder skater dress which I had bought at the thrift shop ,and wore black 2 inch chunk heels.I took my black purse and hurriedly locked the house before knocking Gracie's door.

"You look....."

"Its horrible? yeah...I. "

"I was going to say cute but something is missing" I sighed.I was used to hearing my step mother call me ugly ,that I expected that.

She pulled me in her apartment then told me to sit down on her bed as she helped do my make up.

"Now,you look Stunning.All eyes will be on you Lynn",Gracie said

"I doubt that.But thanks"

"Oh Lynn,Why do you doubt yourself so much?I mean,have you ever taken a look at yourself,you are beautiful,hot body,lovely hair.I even wish I had your body"

"I don't know.Guess I was used to hearing the opposite that's why.Anyway thank you G."

"No need to,am your friend.Besides its true,all I said.Don't let the old hag ruin your life.She's past now.Come on,we have a party to attend"


As we approached the door,I could hear loud music.I suddenly felt nervous and hesistated to go in but Gracie held my hand and drag me along.

"You'll see,you will have lots of fun"

The house was full of people ,some at the sofa,others dancing,some eating each others face.

"Gracie,I thought it was a welcoming party?your family is big"

"No you silly!Its my cousin's party.He was away for two years .No parents aloud here",she chuckled

"I'll be right back",she left

I stood at the corner not knowing what to do.I scanned the room but couldn't find Gracie.Great! Just great!

I decided to look for the washroom and headed upstairs only to find Gracie making out with some guy.

"so sorry guys,I was looking for the washrooms"

"Lynn,this is Oliver,my boyfriend.Oliver this is Lynn,my friend"

"Nice to meet you"

Gracie whispered something to Oliver then he left.

"I'll show you the washroom.Once you rmare done ,please come out to the backyard .I will wait for you there",she said

After doing my business,I joined Gracie at the backyard.I didn't know the house was so big,the backyard was even bigger with a pool,jacuzzi and gazebo at the end.

I saw Gracie talking to few guys who were at the barbeque.I waved at her and she signaled for me to join her

"Guys,this is my friend Lynn",

I didn't know what to say,I just nodded.

"Hey sexy,am Ethan her cousin.",

"Lady in red,You are pretty.Am Zack,Gracie's big brother.

"Don't mind this two.They love flirting.Am Alex,this two brats big brother"he pointed at Gracie and Zack

"Nice to meet you all,thank you for inviting me to your party",I said

"No,no.Any friend of Gracie,is our friend.Always welcomed sweety."Alex said

"Who is flirting now?",Zack said

Alex hit Zack's head.

"I don't know about you two but I like her already"Ethan said causing me to blush.

Gracie noticed and whispered" Don't mind them let's eat"

The barbeque was amazing.Plus I got to know her brothers well.Once again,Gracie had disappeared leaving me with Zack and Ethan.

"want a drink?",Zack asked and I shook my head.

"Let me guess,you don't drink at all?",I nodded.

After chatting for a while I noticed it was almost midnight so I decided to look for Gracie before leaving.

"Zack ,Ethan,It was nice meeting you.I have to go now."

They both stood up. "So soon?The party hasn't even started.Stay ",Zack stated

"Yeah,at least wait for the party boy to arrive then leave"

"Party boy?I thought Ethan was the party boy?"I said

They both laughed .

"It's my brother's party.He doesn't even know it."Ethan said

"Oh!maybe next time guys.Do you know where I can find Gracie?",they shook their heads

I left the party and stood outside the house waiting for uber to arrive.I felt someone spank me and turn to see a tall handsome guy staring at me"Why did you do that!?",I yelled

"Do you like it?I can repeat that you know" he moved closer .

Why is the uber taking so long?!Let me go back inside

"I turned to leave but the man grabbed my hand tightly making me whimper in pain "Ouch!stop it",I said

"Not so fast cutie.That dress is killing me.Wanna have some fun?",he asked

"Hell,No.!Let go of me "

"I heard when a girl says no she means yes.You just turned me on,I can just imagine me grinding you all night.Be a nice girl, and come with me",he smirked


"No one can hear you cutie.People are so drunk right now plus music is too loud.Just come with me,I promise will have a good time",he said

"No.please let me go." I regretted why I came out in the first place.I tried kicking him but he didn't flinch.He grabbed me by the hair"Feisty one.I like it"

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he let go "You fucking bitch!what the hell!",he shouted angrily

I took the opportunity to run back to the house but before I got to the door he grabbed me again.

"You like it rough?It will be my pleasure",he smirked

"please,let me go."I was crying

Why was no one coming to help.He brought me closer to his body and touched my butt making me feel disgusted.I couldn't believe I was been assaulted next to house full of people.

"please....please..let me go"

"shsh!let me pleasure you!"

"LET HER GO NOW!!",I heard a deep voice say