
raditz return

raditz not die but pretend dead so they think

Null_VI · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


raditz wakes up in a field "where am I" he looks around and there's nothing in sight "this is where I fought kakarot" raditz feels a sharp pain in his chest "ugh what is that" there's a gaping hole "I need to cauterize the bleeding" he put leaves over the hole and sap so it sticks "alright then I need to find food" raditz limps over to a lake he sees fish swimming in the water "I sure hope these aren't poisonous" he catches one and eats it "ew I should probably cook this but how I'm a gonna get a fire" he flies to the nearest town and limps into a store "sir do you need medical attention" the clerk spatterd "I'm fine you won't be if you don't tell me how to get a fire" raditz demanded "you can use a match" he muttered "gimme that" raditz took the matches forcefully "um you know" raditz stared at him meanecingly "have a good day sir" raditz limped back to his field "so it says just strike the box" the match lit "huh these earthings do have some value after all" raditz started a fire on the grass and it spread everywhere "oh that's right I need to contain the fire" raditz realizes he needs to escape but hes injured and it's spreads faster than he can limp raditz limps a yard than trips he can't get up "oh no I'm gonna die because of some stupid fish" he remembered vegeta "vegeta and Nappa left me to die" raditz got really mad and his hair started turning yellow "they used me for their own benefit when I see those two I'm gonna rip em limb from limb" his hair was completely yellow and the fire reached his foot but his wound was completely healed "hm my hair it's yellow and my wound is healed" he got up "wait a second" raditz jumped into the fire and walked out unburned "I'm invincible in this state" raditz got out of the area now I need to find kakarot