
Radiant Dawn (Shadow Slave fan fic)

Lumien awakens on a bench with no memory of his past except bits and pieces of knowledge regarding the world around him. With his first nightmare looming before him, his only hope is to survive and conquer it, joining the ranks of the Awakened.

TheFirstFire · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A Glimpse of Light

Lumien sat on a weathered park bench, his eyes fixed on a family enjoying a picnic nearby. The sun cast a warm glow over the park, dappling the grass with light and shadow. Children laughed as they chased each other, their carefree joy a stark contrast to Lumien's haggard appearance. Despite his normal clothes, deep bags under his eyes spoke of countless sleepless nights. The sight of the family brought a pang of longing, an ache he couldn't quite place.

He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the constant throb in his head. It was always there, a reminder of something he couldn't quite grasp. He had no memory of who he was or how he had come to be here. All he knew was his name and some fragmented knowledge of the world he inhabited—a place where nightmares and deadly beasts were not mere phantoms of the mind, but tangible threats.

The park was alive with the sounds of life, contrasting against the bleakness of his thoughts. Birds chirped in the trees overhead, their songs a symphony of nature. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers and fresh-cut grass. Yet, despite the beauty around him, Lumien felt an unshakable sense of isolation. It was as if a veil separated him from the world, leaving him as a mere observer of the life he yearned to join.

He watched a father playfully wrestle with his young son, their laughter ringing out clear and pure. The mother laid out a checkered blanket, calling the two to have lunch, her smile radiating warmth. Lumien's heart seemed to clench at the sight. There was a time, perhaps, when he had known such happiness. But the memories were like elusive shadows, always slipping away when he tried to grasp them.

A group of teenagers walked past, their voices a mix of excitement and gossip. One, glanced at Lumien, a flicker of pity adorning her face before she quickly looked away, perhaps afraid that he would bother her. He was used to such looks—people saw the confusion and lost sense of emulsion in his eyes and the weariness etched into his features, and they made their judgments. 'Twas human nature.

Slowly, the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting long shadows across the park, Lumien knew it was time to move. He stood, stretching his stiff limbs, and cast one last glance at the family. The father, sensing his gaze, caught his eye and gave a friendly nod.

Lumien managed a weak smile in return, though it didn't reach his eyes.

With a sigh, he turned and walked away from the park. His steps were heavy, each one a reminder of the burden he carried. The streets grew quieter as he neared his destination, the hustle and bustle of the city fading into the background. The police station loomed ahead, a stark building of concrete and glass.

Lumien paused at the entrance, his reflection staring back at him from the glass doors. He looked tired, older than his years. His golden, short blonde hair and light blue-yellow eyes seemed starched pale. A mere shadow of what it once was. The dark circles around his eyes didn't help either.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a harsh demure glow on the worn linoleum floor.

He approached the front desk, where a somewhat worried-looking officer glanced up from his paperwork. "Can I help you?" the officer asked, his tone indicating a bit of stress.

Lumien nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need to speak with someone. About... something rather important nonetheless."

The officer raised an eyebrow but gestured for him to take a seat. As Lumien sat down, the weight of his exhaustion settled over him. His eyes seem to flutter shut momentarily but the headache, a constant, dull throb in the back of his mind kept him awake. He didn't know what answers the police might have, but it was a start. And in a world filled with dark problems, light, no matter how faint, was worth pursuing.

"Well? Are you going to tell me what's the issue or... is it a sensitive topic that can't be said out in the open?" The officer once again prodded him.

"It's... well... I seem to have been infected with the Nightmare Spell."

A deafening silence occupied the room. Such that the sound of a cotton ball falling to the floor would be hear.

The officer stared blankly at him for a second, processing his words then his eyes bulged out in surprise and consternation.

"How long has it been since you showed symptoms?!" The officer asked, his tone brokering no nonsense.

"About a week... I think."

"Oh no..." The officer flinched backwards and raced to the intercom. 

"Attention! Code Black in the lobby! I repeat, CODE BLACK!"


The police station erupted into controlled chaos. Officers, previously engaged in mundane tasks, dropped what they were doing and sprang into action. Lumien sat quietly, watching the commotion with a detached sense of curiosity. He had triggered a chain reaction, though he couldn't yet comprehend the full extent of it.

The officer at the front desk, now accompanied by several colleagues, kept a wary distance. "We need to get you into quarantine," one of them said, a mixture of fear and urgency in his voice. "Follow us."

Lumien stood, his movements slow and deliberate. He felt like he was walking through a dream—or perhaps a nightmare. The officers led him through a series of corridors, each step echoing in the sterile, fluorescent-lit hallways. Finally, they arrived at a small, reinforced room. The officer motioned for Lumien to enter.

The room was clinical in nature, dominated by a chair that looked like a cross between a hospital bed and a torture device. Metal restraints and various monitoring equipment were attached to it, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Lumien sat down, his mind racing. His knowledge of the Nightmare Spell was spotty at best.

A trait from his amnesia, he was sure. All he could remember about it was that it would transport his mind to a realm known as the Dream Realm where he would have to fight monsters.

So why did it elicit such a strong reaction?

A minute later, the door opened again, and an older officer, his uniform adorned with several commendations, walked in. His face was lined with age, and his eyes carried the weight of countless experiences.

"Do you know what the Nightmare Spell is?" he asked, his voice steady and calm, but a hint of annoyance and read could be heard from the undertones.

Lumien nodded, his curiosity piqued. "I've heard the basics from the media," he replied. "It's some kind of infection that makes people fall asleep and fight nightmares... or something to that extent. Those who survive become... Awakened? Is that the term?"

The officer nodded, taking a seat across from Lumien. "That's right. However, It's a lot more complicated and dangerous than that. The infected, you, will be transported to the Dream Realm, where you will face a... trial of sort that might be filled with monsters and/or illusions. If you succeed, you gain powers and the ability to freely enter the dream realm, later in the future."

Lumien absorbed this information, the weight of it pressing down on him. "So, it's not just a bad dream..." he muttered.

"No, it's far more serious," the officer confirmed. "Staying awake for a week with symptoms suggests you have a strong will, but we need to act quickly, as you are probably about to enter any moment now."

The officer nodded "We'll need to monitor you closely. For now, it's crucial that you remain calm and focused. Panic will only cause you harm."

Lumien clenched his fists, trying to steady his breathing. "What happens if I die in the nightmare?"

The officer's expression turned grim. "If you die, your body turns into a nightmare creature. And we aren't particularly equipped to handle it. In fact its doubly worse right now as just about half an hour ago, another Infected came here. I hope you survive for more than a few hours because if you turn into a monster, there isn't any awakened close by that can handle you, at least for a few hours.

A heavy silence hung between them, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Lumien felt a mix of fear and determination. He didn't know who he was or where he came from, but he wasn't ready to give up. Not yet.

Lumien eyelids suddenly felt extremely heavy.

"Ah crap, looks like it starting. Good luck kid, and seriously, please don't die too fast, we really don't want to deal with the creature that will come out."

With that last word, Lumien slipped into a deep slumber and everything became black.

A moment later, the darkness responded to him with an almost hauntingly familiar voice.

[Aspirant welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your first Trial.]

I thought I would try my hand at a shadow slave fan fic

Let me know how bad this fan fic is lmao

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