
Begin Anew

"What is this?" Saschi thought as everything around her felt warm. Slowly she opened her tired eyes. Everything was blurred so that she could not make out a single thing. After blinking many times her vision became clear. She was in a large tent. She was neatly laid in a bed of animal furs that warmed her body. "have I died?" she murmured as she inhaled a sweet aroma of Venison and sweet potatoes.

"Well your not dead but you were close to it." A voice said. Saschi looked strait ahead at the entrance of the tent were a man stood. It was the king. The king she had fought so hard to end, the one in which now stood before her without a scratch on him. "I am still living? Why? Why did you not let me die with honor?" Saschi held back a few tears that strained to come out. "what honor is there in dying a meaningless death?" the Kings words struck her in the heart. Meaningless? What did he mean by that? She had tried to dye for her kingdom and comrades. Why would that be meaningless?

The king walked over to Saschi's bedside and reached out his hand, placing it on her head. "I would never allow anyone to die without a meaningful reason. Not even an enemy soldier." He smile gently as he looked directly into her chestnut brown eyes. Why was the King of the enemy showing her such kindness? It puzzled and frustrated Saschi so much that she wanted to jump right out of her own body to escape this acquired situation. Everything he did and said went against all she had lived by!

Suddenly she jerked away from his hand. Pain shot through her whole torso! "the stab wound." She thought. She had almost forgotten about it. She pulled her weak arms around her stomach almost as if it would help relieve that pain. "don't move! Or you'll re-open your wound." The king moved closer to her but she swung her arm at him like a cat clawing at it attacker. "stay away from me!" she yelped her voice shaking in pain. "I do not know the ways of your kingdom, but if you continue to think the way you do, you will lose the war along with your very life!" Once more tears pushed their way out. When had she become such a cry baby? When had tears come so easy to her? She did not understand the new unexplained weakness that enveloped her, but it was all she had inside.

Standing the king sighed. "you really are a stubborn one aren't you?" He scratched the back of his head as he looked at the frail creature in front of him. His blue green eyes narrowed as he thought. "here in my country we have a saying. 'Rackie Anew'. It means when you have lost all begin again." The king said in a low soothing voice. Saschi looked up from her fetal position. She did not say a word but her wondersome expression shoed the king he had said something meaningful to her. "Well my war less worrier it seems you need to begin anew." The king turned on his heels and went to leave the tent. " by the way my name is Obie." He said. "ill go get you something to eat." Obie added as he waved is hand slightly and disappeared behind the curtains of the shed.

Alone again Saschi sighed deeply. She was unsure of what to think. Her feelings and emotions rampaged inside of her and it made her sick. This King, Obie was the enemy and yet he said things that pierced her to the core.

Leaning back she stared at the sealing of the tent and let her memories take over her mind….

"Saschi. You're not getting drunk are you?" a boy slightly younger then Saschi chuckled. "I'll get as drunk as I'd like! I just led us in and out of a victorious battle! We now have the east side!" Saschi yelled with joy as she stood up quickly. Her closest comrades sat around her and laughed as she tumbled back down to the ground. "Maybe not to drunk though.." she said with a concerned expression on her face, which made the men laugh even harder. Being the only girl was sometimes hard but she thought of every one like a brother and maybe even more.

Flashing ahead in her memories Saschi stood beneath a tree with a fellow comrade. Gently he touched her face and looked into her eyes. "you've always been a strong woman, but I think… I think," the man stammered. Saschi nuzzled her face into his hand and looked up at him with a soft gaze. This was the man she truly loved with all her heart and had hoped he'd feel the same. "what do you think?" she teased. "I think I'm in love with you Saschi." The man blurted out. Saschi looked at him with love filling her very soul. "I love you t-" Suddenly the man she loved was in a grassy field dying in her arms! She was in the middle of a battle field. Worries fought on either side of her. In her arms her beloved laid. Slowly he raised his hand slowly to her cheek to wipe away the tears leaving a smear of blood on it. "Saschi, run. You and I both no that this will be a blood bath. Take the men and run! Please leave me…" the mans weak voice came in and out. "No! I won't leave you! If you die then I'll die fighting for you! Please, please.." Saschi wept. "Saschi… I love you, so live on for… for me.." suddenly the mans voice died out. He was dead. "NO!" Saschi screamed. She looked up to suddenly see the young boy she thought of to be like a younger brother be stabbed through. The blood she saw before her eyes was to much. Her saucer eyes saw every detail of her comrades lives being taken within moments.

"NO!NO!NO-!" suddenly Saschi's eyes shot open she was back in the tent. Two men held both of her arms down while Obie knelt beside her chanting "its just a dream" over and over. "your awake!" Obie said with a sigh of relief. "if you thrash around like that you'll reopen your wounds-!" Obie stopped suddenly when he saw the expression on Saschi's face. It was full of fear, sadness, and horror. Much like a small Childs her eyes were large and full of tears. Without thinking Obie pulled her close and held her tight. He gestured to the to men it the room to leave. Saschi said nothing she was completely paralyzed. Why had she been subjected to see such horror? Why?

Her tears rolled of her face and onto Obie's shoulder. "it must have been some dream." Obie whispered soothingly. Saschi still was sigh lent. The visions still danced in her head and left her paralyzed. What had happened to her courage? She used to need no one, and now she was like an infant not even able to walk. Obie showed her such kindness though. Was he pitying her or was it something else?

Finally Saschi was able to move. Slowly she tried to push off of Obie but he held her tighter. "I have decided to give you a choice. You can leave to your country and go home… or you can stay here with me and help me win the war, and live for the people who wanted you to. But if you choose to go home know that they will kill you, since the rest of your troop has perished that will end you." Obie's spoke in a low voice. "I am the enemy why would you trust me?" Saschi asked. Obie took a moment to a moment to answer. " because of Rackie Anew… you have lost everything including yourself. So I want to help you start over." Obie released Saschi from the hug but held onto her shoulders. "you still have a life but no where to live it. So live it here in my army. Your own people with end you but I will let you live on with a purpose." Obie said looking deep into her eyes. "a purpose..?" Saschi whispered. Obie had struck home with what he had just said. Without even thinking Saschi nodded her head. She wanted a purpose again and an escape from the life she once had.

"Give me a purpose again, please Obie." Saschi began to weep while a voice in her head turned with rage because of her decision. What now? She has given an answer she does not know the outcome to. She does not know where fate will take her but she hopes it will be far from her past life….