
Races: Online ( VR Smartphone App )

What happens when a young man with bad luck receives the opportunity of a lifetime? After receiving a strange email to beta-test a game for $1000, will you venture into the world of Races: Online and meet multiple Fantasy Races? Will you embark onto the path of becoming one of the future Heroes and Adventurers by enrolling in the Kraelonia Academy? Will you seek to build your village or perhaps aim for the crown instead? See the world through the lenses of the main protagonist and other characters: Han Jing - a twenty-something young man who receives the email and becomes a Player. Live as a Student at Kraelonia Academy by night, but return to the real world by day and discover the world one lives in has its own secrets lingering beneath its surface. Timothy Cook - an NPC (?) from Rockfall Village who also travels with 'Han' to Kraelonia Academy. A young man with a fiery personality and the [ Firestarter ] Skill to match, after losing his mother during the Demon Lord's attack, does he have anything left to do? The allure of magic calls to him, but what if he sinks deeper than he could possibly go? A world of Classes, Levels, Swords and Sorcery... hop into the Races: Online server and start your quest today! Or maybe meet up with the other Players offline? "This Demon Lord would really like to have a word with you without the safety net of the game rules." -—-—- WARNING: SLOW-PACED, MULTI-PERSPECTIVE SERIES. -—-—- Support the Author: Discord: https://discord.gg/NNU4emZ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/cheldv Patreon: https://patreon.com/rachel_ruth Undergoing edits.

RachelRuth · Games
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381 Chs

Cut Scene of a A Boy In A Restaurant

"I won't slack off!" Han Jing was determined to get a part-time job in his free hours for the day and that was the reason he had gotten all prepared to go out of the house. He checked his wallet and winced at the sight. He still had an equivalent of around $900 in his bank account, but he needed to get more!

It was barely enough.

"I will definitely get a job today… even if I have to beg for it!" He was that serious. 

Or maybe just desperate.

His first victim—ahem, possible employer was close enough for him to walk easily to. Once Han Jing left his apartment and began to walk, trying not to sweat despite the sweltering heat of the sun. Thankfully, he only needed to go to the street adjacent to his and walk a couple of blocks before he arrived at the small family restaurant.

'Mou's Family Diner'

The person he needed to meet first to help him get the job was Mou Gu. A former colleague before the man transferred universities to pursue his love of cooking. He graduated from a top culinary school. It was actually a huge surprise to their classmates who kept up with each other that Gu had decided to focus on their small diner—instead of whisking off into some cruise ship or take apprenticeship in some five-star hotel.

But when Han Jing opened the door, the sounds of wind chime tinkled along with the hubbub of people huddled together and eating with their heart's content. There were satisfied expressions on their face, and Han Jing felt his stomach grumble.

He understood that food brought people together.

Someone who worked here as a kid would probably feel loyal to their regulars too.


"Woah, do my eyes deceive me—is that you, Han Jing?" A bright pink haired young man approached him with a grin. "You look like a NEET as always. Sit down, sit down. And all the tables are taken, oof. Maybe you want to eat with me in the kitchen? I think I'll be having my own lunch soon; you came at the best time."

How the guy managed to get into a culinary school with such an unnatural hair color always baffled Han Jing. He chuckled at the friendly jab, "Of course the hero always arrives when you need him the most!"

"I still don't get your references," Mou Gu turned the open/close sign to a close and bowed at his customers. "Thank you for your patronage at 'Mou's Family Diner' please enjoy your lunch. It's on the house! Thank my dear friend Han Jing for visiting, I'm off to eat my own lunch—thanks again!"

Without further ado, Han Jing was ushered into the kitchen.

"Don't you think it's a bit of a waste of income to put everything on the house?" If this guy did this on a regular basis, would this restaurant be even able to cover the costs of hiring another employee?

Mou Gu chuckled as he fussed over some pots, "If I was actually concerned about income, I would have gone off to Paris or New York and apprenticed myself. I have some other side jobs beside this, some gigs that help pay the bills." He placed a bowl of piping hot broth in front of him. He also gave Han Jing a plate of steamed rice topped with stir-fried vegetables and crispy meat. "You know, it makes me happy when I see the people here eat with a smile on their face, it brightens up my day!"

He could already see the money going down the drain. But at least he was getting free food right now, Han Jing rubbed his hands together. "Delicious indeed. You have a good heart, Mou Gu."

"They do say to feed the hungry." Mou Gu winked at him.

Han Jing sheepishly ran his fingers through his hair, "Thanks, do they also say to hire the jobless?" He needed to pull off with this one if possible, the lesser evil in his options.

"Not that I know of… you still have no work?" Mou Gu sat in front of him, with his own servings of the meal as well. "Don't you do some freelancing online? I thought you preferred to stay at a computer shop and work online instead of finding a regular 9-5 job." 

Han Jing began to eat, sighing a bit. "I must have the most ill luck...what are the gigs that you're doing? You think they could hire a part timer. I don't really mind working but the thing is, I don't have a lot of time to spare, around four to six hours? So, maybe you can get me into one of your gigs?"

Han Jing really didn't have a clue of what the man did when he wasn't cooking, but he still had to ask.

"Pfft... not really. It's not really in your expertise, and well, this restaurant is pretty small so I don't really need much help here. Are you that desperate for a job?" Mou Gu propped a hand underneath his chin and considered him for a moment. "Maybe I can let you borrow some money?"

"...That's really a band aid solution and becomes a bad thing if I can't pay you." Han Jing really couldn't start owing people. His family already had their own fair share thanks to a certain someone. He moved on from that thought, "I don't want to owe you money if I can't even find a job."

"You could always pay me some other way?" Mou Gu gave him a grin. The man's green eyes were sparkling with mischief.

Han Jing scratched his cheek, "Pay you in what way?" He had always been afraid of being put in a helpless situation like this one…

Were the rumors true?!

"Maybe run some errands and whatnot. Or maybe just wash plates actually, some chores?" Mou Gu shrugged offhandedly, as if he hadn't made some nerve-wracking insinuation earlier. 

"That's exactly a job!" Han Jing tried not to smack a hand over his face. Somewhat ashamed he had been getting too nervous over something like this. "Why can't you just ask me to do that now and pay me after I do that?"

And we're back to an easier system of updating chapters! Thank you for the suggestion from Darian to use auxiliary! <(_ _)> It's 2:00am in the morning right now and need to get to my university at 9:00am... so less witty statements right now haha. Good night!

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