
Races: Online ( VR Smartphone App )

What happens when a young man with bad luck receives the opportunity of a lifetime? After receiving a strange email to beta-test a game for $1000, will you venture into the world of Races: Online and meet multiple Fantasy Races? Will you embark onto the path of becoming one of the future Heroes and Adventurers by enrolling in the Kraelonia Academy? Will you seek to build your village or perhaps aim for the crown instead? See the world through the lenses of the main protagonist and other characters: Han Jing - a twenty-something young man who receives the email and becomes a Player. Live as a Student at Kraelonia Academy by night, but return to the real world by day and discover the world one lives in has its own secrets lingering beneath its surface. Timothy Cook - an NPC (?) from Rockfall Village who also travels with 'Han' to Kraelonia Academy. A young man with a fiery personality and the [ Firestarter ] Skill to match, after losing his mother during the Demon Lord's attack, does he have anything left to do? The allure of magic calls to him, but what if he sinks deeper than he could possibly go? A world of Classes, Levels, Swords and Sorcery... hop into the Races: Online server and start your quest today! Or maybe meet up with the other Players offline? "This Demon Lord would really like to have a word with you without the safety net of the game rules." -—-—- WARNING: SLOW-PACED, MULTI-PERSPECTIVE SERIES. -—-—- Support the Author: Discord: https://discord.gg/NNU4emZ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/cheldv Patreon: https://patreon.com/rachel_ruth Undergoing edits.

RachelRuth · Games
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381 Chs

Basic Physical Combat Class

Compared to last time, Han managed to find himself at the good spot in the grassy fields. He was at the right side of Sir Leon de Harrington. But it so happened that he may have dethroned a certain someone who was giving him quite obvious glares.

Sir Leon Harrington coughed lightly, "Donovan." 

"Ah, what is it, Sir Harrington?" The man turned to the young nobleman with a simpering smile.

"You seem to have a case of a sore neck, bending it at different angles?"

"Ahaha, perhaps, Sir Harrington." Donovan laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "But I'm completely fine for any orders or errands you need me to do."

Compared to Timothy's open hostility, this one was a sucker for men in power. Well, it wasn't like Han wasn't doing the same. He was sticking to the nobleman's side after all. Han inwardly sighed as they awaited for the Professor to arrive.


Waiting some more.

And a couple more waiting.

It reminded him of a certain teacher who had a fondness of making his students go hungry and then give them… wait. Han blinked and turned to the young nobleman. "Uh, did you eat breakfast before going here?"

"Of course, did you… do you not have money for breakfast and lunch?" Sir Leon de Harrington tilted his head at him. A curious look in their eyes.

But of course that wasn't exactly one of the best answers.

Han laughed and waved a hand, "I'm good, I just woke up late and missed breakfast is all."

"Pity. Well, lunch is after this session—which is often good, because most of us are famished afterwards." Sir Leon de Harrington explained.

One of the multiple doors creaked opened and some student slipped into class and took a seat beside Han, "How's first day going? The teacher is quite late isn't he?"

"Uh good—" Han turned to see the teacher sitting beside him, his greatsword strapped behind his back. There was a bored expression on their face. All of them had oddities didn't they? "Professor Uriel!"

The man gave him a look and shook his head. "Your keen awareness could use some work." He looked at his other students. "Everybody's awareness should use some work."

Sir Leon de Harrington blinked at the man that appeared beside Han and so did the other students as they scrambled up and greeted their teacher.

Based on Han's personal reaction and the others… they had been aware of someone arriving but didn't pay too much close attention.

"You students can rest easy because you are within the Academy's premises but what would happen if you're in the city and some random person bumped you?" Professor Uriel was a lot more talkative than Han expected. 

The man brandished his greatsword. "The next thing you'd know is that you had encountered a [ Thief ] and you're out of gold." He shook his head tiredly, as if the man had just finished a lecture. "Even within the safety of these walls, you'd be surprised how much evil can lurk within them. So we all have to be prepared. Get your weapons."


Han saw Sir Leon de Harrington, Donovan and the rest pull out or unsheathe their swords or some other kind of weapon.

The Professor's eyes gazed at him, "Do you have no weapon?"

Trepidation coursed through Han's body, he couldn't make a bad impression here. "N-No sir… I haven't got the money to buy one." Which was true.

But also because he may have forgotten to check the schedule and school list. He hoped that Timothy was faring better.

"Alright." Professor Uriel nodded. Before Han could even sigh in relief, the man grinned. "You'll spar barehanded."

Well at least he wasn't going to sit out of this one.

Or perhaps he had said it too soon.

He barely evaded the swipe of the axe. Donovan grinned as he approached him and swung the weapon again.

Was this seriously Physical Combat Class? Everyone was sparring as the Professor sat down and watched. They could even be drinking tea right now and not batting an eye.

[ Unarmed Combat ]

If anything, that was his only benefit. With no other weapon in hand and dealing with a crazy axe wielder—he was improving by a good margin.

[ Skill: Unarmed Combat Lvl 2 → Unarmed Combat Lvl 3! ]

He dodged the man's axe and tried not to grunt as his back hit somebody's else. It was a little crowded in the area despite being told to give each other some space. "And here we go!" He dove towards the other side before the axe could cleave down in front of him.

This was a terrible case of a danger hazard.

Han cursed himself as he managed a wide berth between him and his opponent. The axe had a good reach while he'd find his arm chopped off before he could even step close.

He needed something to distract them.

Han wanted to grab something in his [

Inventory ] and chuck it at the man...but that wasn't—he rolled away from the axe's blade. That wasn't [ Unarmed Combat ].

So he had to disarm the man.

And though this Donovan was a simpering one to Sir Harrington, they seemed to be a mad lad in this duel. If it weren't for the sadistic glee in the man's eyes, Han Jing would have assumed that they were a [ Berserker ] of some sort. 

"You can call it quits you know?" Donovan remarked as they crossed the wide distance between them. They were spinning in the air—more agile and fast than a man lumbering an axe should be. "Nobody would take it too much to heart if you do. You were just lucky enough to get in here after all."

Han felt the wind in his face as he barely escaped the blow unscathed. 

Or so he thought.

It had been so fast that he almost didn't feel it at first. Until he was knocked back down on the grass.Han's body contorted with pain as the attack finally became more tangible. He clutched his stomach and felt a warm gush of liquid.

"[ Wind Breaker ]." Donovan remarked with a casual shrug. "Sorry pal."

And we're back to Han's class and this guy, Donovan. I'm too lazy to double check if I mispelled the guy's name. To whet the appetite, I am actually considering a [ Goblin ] POV maybe after we learn what happens next to Han of course xD

And there's Timothy's potion class.

Do you guys still remember Becky? While the Mermaid and Elf are zipping through the skies and whatnot, we do have some minor NPCs and others to look out for :D


Power stone... but also got any cool [ Skill Name ]?

RachelRuthcreators' thoughts