
Chapter 3

The following morning, Myra woke up earlier than usual and got ready before setting out to the training grounds. The environment was absolutely beautiful and Myra couldn't help but smile due to it. What was better than the cool morning breeze and the sky that looked as if smeared with all the pastel colors?

Nothing! Myra was the first to arrive at the training grounds and she lingered around quietly, waiting for the rest of her team to arrive.

Kakashi Sensei was not there, either. She wondered when he would be arriving because it was already the time that he had appointed.

Then, Myra noticed three figures approaching the location where she was standing. Naruto was coming over from her right, Sasuke from her left and Sakura from ahead of her. Myra smiled and waved at them as they reached over to her,

"Good morning, Usa!"

"Good morning." Sakura yawned to the other three.

Myra nodded at her with a smile. Naruto groaned in response and Sasuke just remained quiet and stoic as he reached them. The four of them looked around, wondering where Kakashi Sensei was.

"Hey ..." Naruto groaned.

Sasuke just continued with his glaring as he walked over to the rest of his teammates. Myra ignored his lack of response. With that, standing there, the four of them waited for their teacher to arrive.

After an hour or so of standing there aimlessly, Naruto dropped to his bottom and began to snore off. Myra, Sakura and Sasuke stood there, waiting for Kakashi Sensei to arrive.

Two hours passed and then Sakura sat down as well, tired, leaving Myra and Sasuke standing. Myra looked up at the sun, which was now above their heads, and sighed softly. She crossed her arms as she looked around, wondering where in the world their teacher was. She looked up when she felt someone approaching them.

"Hi, good morning," Kakashi Sensei said, appearing out of nowhere.

Myra's shoulders dropped, so he's finally here, eh? Where had he been all day long ?!

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted as they jumped to their feet. Myra nodded along with them, agreeing wholeheartedly. Maybe she should've shouted too.

"A black cat crossed my path, so ..." Kakashi Sensei trailed off when he noticed that none of them believed him. He coughed a little.

"Let's move on," He went and placed an alarm clock at a tree stump.

"Alarm set at 12 PM,"

"And ...?" Myra questioned.

Kakashi Sensei held up three bells and Myra eyed them, liking the look of them. Stop it, Myra, you're an Usagi, not a Neko.

"Today's topic is to get one of these bells from me," Kakashi Sensei informed them.

"Whoever can't, will have no lunch," Myra stared at him. No way that she's not getting them. She's famished.

"What ?!" Naruto shouted. "I'm going to tie you there, and eat lunch in front of you," Kakashi Sensei told them, pointing to the tree stumps once more. Myra let out a sigh. So that's why he told them not to have breakfast ... How annoying.

"But wait, why are there only three bells?" Sakura asked. Kakashi Sensei gave off a closed eye smile at that observation.

"Since there's only three, at least one will have to be tied to the log," Kakashi Sensei replied.

"That person will fail since he failed to complete the mission. The person will go back to the academy. It might be just one or all four. You can use your shuriken. You won't be able to get this unless you have the will to kill me, "

" But that's too dangerous, Sensei, "Sakura protested.

"Yeah, you couldn't even dodge that chalk eraser!" Naruto said, chuckling.

"In society, those who don't have many abilities tend to complain more, "Kakashi Sensei said.

" Just ignore the guy with the lowest score. We're going to start after I say, 'Ready, start, "Angrily and without thinking, Naruto pulled out his kunai and went rushing at Kakashi. But not much to the surprise of others, he was stopped by Kakashi, who twisted him around and held the kunai against the back of the blond's head.

"Don't get so hasty," Kakashi Sensei said.

"I didn't say 'start yet," Myra stepped back to stare at him.

"But it looks like you have the will to kill to me now. We're going to start now, ready, start,

"And with that, Myra, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke jumped away. Well, that's what Myra thought for a moment as she landed on a tree branch, crouching low. Sakura and Sasuke had hid themselves in the bushes but Naruto ... He was out in the open.

"Let's have a match fair and square!" Naruto shouted.

Myra slapped her forehead, shaking her head at him as she muttered Idiot 'under her breath.

"Hey, aren't you a little weird compared to the rest?" Kakashi Sensei asked bluntly.

Myra snorted as she moved behind the branches, half-sinking into the tree itself with her Wood Style.

"What's weird is your hairstyle," Naruto retorted. He went running towards Kakashi Sensei but stopped when he noticed the Jonin getting something out of his pouch.

"Ninja tactic know-how number one, Taijutsu, I'll teach you that first," Kakashi Sensei said.

Myra watched with bated breath to see what he was going to fight them with so that she could decide what to do instead of a weapon, Kakashi Sensei pulled out a novel from the Icha-Icha series.

"What's the matter? Come and get me,"

"But, um, um .. Why did you take out a book?" Naruto asked. Myra stared at their teacher as well, wondering what in the world was up with him now. Icha-Icha Paradise?

"Why? I got curious to how the story is going to develop," Kakashi Sensei replied, reading.

"Don't worry about it, it's the same whether I read this or not," That made Naruto rage as he clutched his hands into fists and went running towards their Sensei.

"I'm going to pound you!" Naruto shouted. He tried to punch him but was stopped then roundhouse kick and again stopped. Myra let out a defeated breath at her knucklehead best friend.

"Huh?" Naruto went to punch Kakashi Sensei but did not find him in front of himself but rather behind him.

"A ninja should not let the enemy get behind him multiple times, idiot," Kakashi Sensei told him. Myra noticed that Kakashi Sensei was holding his hands into a Tiger hand seal and wonder exactly what he planned to do against Naruto. A Fire release Ninjutsu ...

"Naruto, run, you're going to die!" Sakura suddenly shouted, startling Myra and confusing Naruto, who looked over. Myra rubbed her forehead.

"You're too late," Kakashi Sensei announced.

"Hidden village of Konoha's secret Taijutsu master art ...!" He hit the hand seal at Naruto's butt.

"A Thousand Years of Pain!" Myra's jaw dropped as the blond went flying.

"Oh, it wasn't a Ninjutsu ..." Myra muttered to herself. She sighed, wondering what kind of strange man they had gotten for their Sensei. There are two weirdo idiots on their team now ... Not to mention that Sasuke as well.

"Let's see ..." Kakashi Sensei went back to reading. Myra eyed the situation. They can't go against him ... He's too strong. Suddenly, two of Naruto's Shuriken came flying out of the water but were caught effortlessly by the Jonin.

"What's wrong? You won't get any lunch if you don't get a bell by noon,"

"I already know!" Naruto shouted, climbing out of the lake.

"You said you're going to exceed the Hokages, but your actions say otherwise," Kakashi Sensei told him.

Naruto's stomach groaned loudly.

"Damn it! Damn it! I can still fight even if I'm hungry!" Naruto shouted.

"I was just off guard a while ago! Damn it, I'm hungry so my powers are ..." Kakashi Sensei walked away.

"But I have to get a bell no matter what ... I can't ... I can't fail at a place like no matter what! I'm going to become a ninja! "Myra watched as about half a dozen of Naruto's clones jumped out of the water and toward Kakashi Sensei, who glanced over his shoulder at the blond. Naruto was already pumped,

" Security is your greatest enemy ! Now for my favorite Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, dattebayo! "The clones went rushing toward Kakashi from the front.

Myra was amazed at Naruto's ability to create such clones when he hadn't been able to create normal ones. Kakashi Sensei didn't seem much bothered by this, until one of the Narutos caught him from behind, shocking him.

"Ninja shouldn't let the enemy get behind them, right Kakashi Sensei?" Naruto said. Myra watched with bated breath to see if he would get one of the bells.

"Using the Shadow Clone Jutsu, I had one of them come from forward from the bottom of the river and sneak behind you!" All of Naruto's clones were now holding Kakashi Sensei in place. Myra furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why in the world Naruto was not snatching the bells off and instead thinking of attacking Kakashi Sensei only. Their main objective is to get those bells.

"Here's one for that attack on my butt earlier!" Naruto shouted as his clone descended upon the restrained Kakashi Sensei.

"Now .. Allow me to punch you!" He slammed his fist down but Kakashi had vanished from there, causing him to punch himself. Myra sighed, wanting to slam her head into the tree as she passed through it to the other branch. Maybe Naruto should've focused on less talking and more fighting ... She watched as the Naruto and his clones began to fight amongst each other, excusing one or the other for being the imposter. Finally, Naruto got the brilliant solution of disengaging the Jutsu and when he did so, there was no Kakashi Sensei or second Naruto left. Naruto himself stood in the middle of the training grounds; his face swollen from his own punches.

Myra sighed. How could he not see the Substitution Jutsu?

"A bell?" Naruto said suddenly, noticing a bell lying by the roots of a tree. Myra studied it and then noticed the trap laid beneath it.

"You must have been in a real hurry, you dropped one!" She almost shouted at him to not do it but Naruto rushed over to pick up the bell.

"What the heck is this ?!" Naruto had caught himself into a new trap as a rope sprang out from the ground and snatched his ankles to hang him upside down by the tree before his fingers could even graze the bell.

Myra didn't fell so good about this. Kakashi Sensei was quite skilful and fast.

"You have to think when using Jutsu," Kakashi Sensei said as he reappeared and claimed the bell from the ground.

"They can be used against you. Also ... Don't get caught in an obvious trap, you fool," Naruto glared.

"A Ninja must see through deception!"

"I know that, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted back at the Jonin, wiggling around as he still hung upside down from the tree. Myra frowned. That boy will never understand how to control his emotions sometimes . He was very exuberant.

"You know, I'm telling you because you don't get it," Kakashi Sensei pointed out. "Listen up! Your movement are wasteful! "Myra looked over and saw Sasuke send about half a dozen Shuriken toward Kakashi Sensei, which struck him immediately.

" No way! "Naruto screamed at what happened in front of his eyes.

" You jerk Sasuke! You overdid it! "But Kakashi Sensei's body turned into a block of wood. Myra sighed. So, he used the Substitution Jutsu again? Seems like they'll have to work harder ...

" You're still playing around? "Usajii's voice came through. Myra nodded in response and the elderly rabbit sighed. With him awakening, she could sense Sasuke and Sakura moving behind the plants. She could also sense Kakashi Sensei's movements.

"Good luck, Usahime," He fell asleep.

"Why .. "Myra groaned. As much as she appreciated the old rabbit sealed into her body,

Myra still could not understand why he refused to help her out during examinations and such events. He sealed himself into her, he is a part of her and she should be allowed to use his help. There was a loud scream that could only belong to Haruno Sakura.

Myra moved through the trees as she rushed towards the direction of the scream, hoping to catch Kakashi Sensei and fight him. She found Sakura fainted but there was no one else with her. Genjutsu, huh ..?

"I'm different from them," Sasuke's voice said. Myra came to a halt on the tree branch and crouched low to watch as she moved inside the tree. Sasuke was standing in the middle of the field while Kakashi Sensei leaned against the tree, still reading that obscene novel Icha-Icha Paradise.

"Why don't you say that after you get a bell ... Sasuke-Kun?" Kakashi Sensei commented as he pushed himself forward and walked over to face Sasuke. The two of them were silent and Myra wondered if she should join the battle. Two against one would make a good one, wouldn't it? Sasuke attacked Kakashi Sensei first, who had put away his Icha- Icha novel, and dodged the Shuriken by the younger boy.

Kakashi Sensei jumped back and Sasuke pursued him, using Taijutsu to try and subdue the Jonin but Kakashi Sensei was able to deflect him (though with a bit of struggle). Myra watched in surprise as Sasuke's finger touched the bell but Kakashi Sensei immediately threw him off before he could take it from him.

Now, Myra wanted one for herself desperately. If Sasuke can touch one on a Jonin, then she should be able to snatch it effectively. She has to.

"Well! I'll acknowledge that you're different from others," Kakashi Sensei said. Myra watched as Sasuke went through a series of Hand Seals (Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse and Tiger) and she figured out he was using Fire Style: Great Fire Jutsu a second before the fireball erupted.

Once more, Kakashi Sensei had managed to vanish out of sight. Myra looked around quickly and saw that he was beneath Sasuke, she could feel him there and she turned out to be correct when he appeared out and used Earth Style: Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu. Only Sasuke's head was visible now.

"Shinobi Battle Skill # 3: Ninjutsu," Kakashi Sensei commented as he crouched down next to Sasuke's head.

"How's that? You can't move, huh?" Sasuke looked away. "Although you're just starting, you've already started to make your mark," Myra pulled out her Kunai from her pouch and readied it before jumping out of the tree and attacking Kakashi Sensei. The Jonin turned around just in time to grab her wrist and push it away before it could strike him.

Myra kicked him the stomach before his hand could reach for it. If there was one thing that Myra was sure no one could stand against her for long, it was her legs. Having a rabbit beast inside of you made your legs naturally more powerful and quick. And Kakashi Sensei seemed to have felt the brunt of her Chakra-infused kick.

Myra jumped immediately to appear behind him and Kakashi Sensei moved to avoid her as she tried to kick him again. She smiled slightly, Kakashi Sensei was fast, a little bit faster than her. But that only meant that she could improve her Jonin-level speed to greater levels over time.

Quite immediately, Myra found herself locked in a Taijutsu battle with Kakashi Sensei, trying to get to the bells. She didn't like that he was putting in more work to stop her than Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. She wanted those bells and she wanted to have lunch.

"Usa!" Myra said as she used Water Style: Hand of Waves at Kakashi Sensei while simultaneously using Water Style: Hiding in Water Jutsu to travel with the water toward Kakashi Sensei. She appeared out of the water a second before it hit Kakashi Sensei.

Kakashi Sensei immediately pushed her away from himself just as her fingers touched the bells, using the momentum to get away from her as well.

Myra frowned and pulled out her origami bird, sending it flying needle straight at Kakashi Sensei to grab the bells but the Jonin grabbed it.

"It blows up, Usa!" Myra shouted and Kakashi Sensei's eyes widened as she threw the origami bird away from himself. The bird swelled up before blowing apart with a boom.

Myra's frown deepened. She had put a lot of Chakra into that. But she also didn't actually want to hurt him. But she wanted that bell .. Why is this so tough? Myra was about to go back into attacking when the bell rang in the distant.

Everyone froze and Myra let out a loud wail of annoyance as Kakashi Sensei vanished off from there and back to the front of the training grounds. Myra gave Sasuke a look before walking off from there, annoyed.

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