
Chapter 9 These noodles..._1

Translator: 549690339

As soon as Wu Gang heard, he burst into laughter, "Little bunny, you think you can stick with me if I shake you off? One, two, three, off you go!"

As Wu Gang spoke, he yanked the rabbit's ear with force, pulling the rabbit down, then lifted his hand and threw it, "Roll away!"

All that could be seen was the rabbit flying out with a pale cyan-colored ribbon trailing behind!

Watching the ribbon, Wu Gang suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, followed by a cold swoosh around his groin. He looked down to see his trousers had fallen to his shins, no wonder his balls felt so breezy...

Then, Wu Gang's angry roar erupted from the woods, "Damn rabbit, give me back my Qiankun One Qi Belt!"

On the other side of the woods, a rabbit, like a golf ball, crashed into the ground, rolled several times, and ended up stuck in a hole with its butt in the air.

After a moment, its little tail twitched, its hind legs kicked forcefully, and it pulled its head out of the hole, mouth full of sand, dirt, and grass roots, about to spit them out.

Then Qin Shou thought for a moment and mumbled, "A mosquito leg is still meat, it's already in my mouth, spitting it out is a waste of energy, might as well just eat it..."

So, Qin Shou chewed on the dirt, sand, and grass roots in his mouth...

As a result, he found a surge of Yuan Qi entering his throat, straight into his lungs and heart. He trembled in place, like an old engine that hadn't been electrified in many years, with every bone in his body clicking, every cell as if howling...

Then he howled along with them.

"Awesome!" Qin Shou really felt great, so much Yuan Qi entering his body, it was like being reborn, feeling refreshed and clear-headed from head to toe, even his mind felt much sharper.

"Which grass roots have so much Yuan Qi?" Qin Shou quickly bent down to look, only to see a green strip of cloth on the ground, the other end still in his mouth...

Qin Shou was astounded, "Where did this strip of cloth come from?"

No sooner had he spoken when a memory flashed through his mind. The moment Wu Gang threw him, he was powerless to resist, unable to hold on, so he bit down on Wu Gang's belt, which then broke, and he flew away...

"Hey, so much for an Immortal! Even using a belt is so shoddy, it broke with one bite, definitely not from a regular factory," Qin Shou said disdainfully as he started to pull out the belt...

Just then, a rush of hurried footsteps sounded, along with a shout, "Stop! No, I mean, stop biting!"

Qin Shou turned to look and saw Wu Gang holding his waist with both hands, rushing out of the woods!

Before Qin Shou could react, Wu Gang had already reached him, looking at his Qiankun One Qi Belt, his eyes almost brimming with tears, he reached out for it.

Seeing this, Qin Shou's brain flashed like lightning, instinctively dodging backward, he shouted, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? Give me back my belt!" Wu Gang, agitated, reached out with his other hand, then felt his trousers starting to slip. His heart tightened, and he quickly grasped at his pants.

Qin Shou, seeing this, raised an eyebrow and immediately laughed, tossing the belt behind him, "Why should I give it back? You dumped me here without any compensation or apology, and on top of that, you threw me! I'm taking this belt as interest! For the rest, I'll find you another day! Besides, I, the Rabbit Lord, snatched it fair and square, why should I give it to you?"

"Hey, you little bunny scamp, I've been nice and tried to reason with you, that's because I respect you. If you won't return it, don't think I won't snatch it back!" Wu Gang said, reaching out to grab it!

Qin Shou turned to run, but stepped on the belt and tumbled to the ground.

Seeing this, Wu Gang laughed heartily, reaching for the belt.

Qin Shou yelled, "Underestimating me? Take this!"

Qin Shou sucked hard, and just like slurping noodles, he sucked up a length of the belt into his mouth in one swift motion, leaving Wu Gang grabbing at thin air.

Just as Qin Shou was about to take a second breath, he found his mouth was full, and reluctantly started chewing and swallowing into his belly. Then his eyes suddenly lit up!

The belt entered his stomach and instantly transformed into countless Yuan Qi, filling his entire body!

"So it's this thing!" Qin Shou had a sudden epiphany!

Wu Gang watched as another piece of his waistband was eaten, his heart aching to death, and he reached out to grab it again.

Qin Shou took another strong inhale, and a segment of the waistband entered his mouth, leaving Wu Gang grabbing at thin air once more.

Not waiting for Wu Gang to react, Qin Shou scrambled up and took off running! This sprint gave Qin Shou a fright himself, for after topping up a bit of Yuan Qi, he was running as if on cheats, as fast as flying!

Wu Gang just couldn't catch up to him all of a sudden!

Qin Shou ran and inhaled simultaneously, the waistband quickly disappearing into his mouth...

Wu Gang, frantic, started yelling, striding with his big feet in hot pursuit, shouting as he ran, "Damn rabbit, stop right there!"

Qin Shou: "Slurp..."

Wu Gang: "Damn rabbit, that waistband is what I use to wipe my ass after shitting, you eating that crap, ain't it disgusting?"

Qin Shou: "Slurp... *gag*..."

"That's right, spit it out!" Wu Gang cheered inwardly.

But Qin Shou gritted his teeth: "Slurp!"

Wu Gang cursed loudly: "Crap! How can you be so disgusting!"

Qin Shou continued: "Slurp!"


Eventually, Wu Gang caught up with Qin Shou, who lay sprawled on the ground, rubbing his belly, burping contentedly, "Belch... I'm stuffed, can't run anymore. Do whatever you want..."

"You, you damn rabbit, that is the Qiankun One Breath Belt! Spit it out!" Wu Gang rushed over in a rage, trying to pry Qin Shou's mouth open to dig the Qiankun One Breath Belt out, but alas, there was nothing...

Qin Shou said: "Don't bother, once it's in my territory, once it's in my stomach, it's all gas, there's not even a bit of residue when I take a dump."

As Wu Gang heard this, something seemed to dawn on him, and he gave up on his final digging efforts, plopping down beside Qin Shou, teeth itching with irritation, he said: "I really want to slap you dead!"

The rabbit turned over, burping satisfiedly, and let out a flatulent sound before saying, "Even if I die, it's worth it, at least I'm a ghost who died full!"

Wu Gang: "..."

Looking at Qin Shou, who was acting as if a dead rabbit didn't fear boiling water, Wu Gang eventually sighed, got up, and said, "It's just my bad luck, eh... You better watch yourself from now on. Although the Qiankun One Breath Belt is a magic treasure, it's not top-tier. Eating it can top up a certain amount of Yuan Qi, but your current fullness is an illusion. Your Yuan Qi deficiency runs deep, and it's not as simple to replenish as just eating your fill. You may feel full now, but soon you'll be starving... and when you starve to death, I'll stew you up, and it won't count as killing."

Having said this, Wu Gang walked away.

Watching Wu Gang's retreating back, Qin Shou's eyes twirled, and he asked, "You can't kill? Also, it seems like you don't have much mana, huh?"

Wu Gang grunted twice and said, "If I had any mana, could you still escape? That damn Emperor Yan, he has sealed my mana..."

PS: A new week has started, begging for recommendation votes, clicks, and favorites wah wah wah...

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