

People are disappearing in the city of Mumbai, not a single person found. Inspector Vidyut Singh is called to investigate the matter. As clues and secrets unfold, he discovers something that threatens the very spiritual beliefs of the people he protects, and can change his viewing paradigm of the supernatural.

CallMeDarkAngel · Horror
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Raakshas - Part 2

Hey guys, I'm back with the 2nd part of Raakshas. Hope you guys enjoy it. Pls, give a review and your input in the comment section below. This story is purely fictional and does not support superstitions, or supernatural activities. This is mainly for entertainment purposes. Dear readers, I have compiled a playlist on Jiosaavn This will be laborious, but, worth your time. I can say, with full conviction, that it works. Another alternative is u guys can copy the link, paste it on ur browser and use it. The soundtracks are- Trial the Trail, Game of Shadows Ver 1, Show Some Light, Face Me Now Ver 1, Chasing The Trail, and This Ends Now.



(We had seen in the previous part, Inspector Vidyut Singh and Constable Neha Sawant captured Baba. He was rambling about 2 people who were actually Raakshasaas (Indian demons).

Vidyut -" Who are you talking about? Who are they?"

Baba-"Those two are Raakshasaas (Hindu Mythological Demons) . Demons. Asuras. The beasts of the underworld."

(Vidyut & Neha are shocked, but, shock gave way to anger. )

Vidyut -" Do you think i'm a fool??? To believe even a word you say. If those two are Raakshasaas, then, i'm their GOD!!! Answer me, who are they??"

Baba -" I'm telling the truth. They are back . They have returned. They are not humans, they are monsters. Along with the humans, Raakshasaas are born with them in every Yuga.// In Hinduism, the Yugas are very brief periods of time, used to describe the cycle of creation and destruction.// During the Sat Yug, Raakshasaas lived in a different world called 'Pataallok' (Hell, Underworld). During the Treta Yug, Raakshasaas lived in a different island separated from mankind. During the Dwapar Yug, Raakshasaas lived in a different region or city. During the Kali Yug, Raakshasaas reside in the minds and hearts of mankind. They waited earnestly for the Kali Yug , because in this age, they would eradicate mankind to the brink of extinction, and become immortal. They were humans, but, i made them see reason that they were not humans, but, demons. And it is my life purpose, to protect the Rakshasa clan. I too am immortal, i don't die."


[Outside the interrogation room]

Vidyut -"Neha, this old man has gone mad!! He keeps on rambling absurd theories and stories. I am immortal, those two are Raakshasaas."

Neha -" Sir, do you believe in God??"

Vidyut -" Of course!!!."

Neha -" Good and Evil are the two sides of the same coin."

Vidyut -"Meaning?"

Neha-" Sir, if God lives, Raakshasaas, Demons, Asuras, live too."

(Vidyut raises his eyebrows.)


[Inside Interrogation Room]

Neha -" Babaji, why are you wasting our time??Otherwise, we have other ways to make you speak."

Baba - "Believe me, those 2 are demons. In the morning, they choose their victim. And in the dark of the night, from humans, they shape-shift into Raakshasaas....(The next few words from Baba, ignited worry in their minds, and fear in their hearts.)..They are hungry.. for HUMAN FLESH!!!"..

Vidyut -(Hits upon a disturbing thought, that gnawed his gut)"What??Human Flesh?? Do you mean to say that these Raakshasaas have killed and ate these poor people who have gone missing??"

Baba -"YESSSS, you are right. Human flesh, because they are addicted to it. For many years, in this age, i was searching for them. With my divine power, i found that they resided here. Mumbai City. I ventured here and to every astrologer, to look for their horoscope... ..With which i could know that they were Raakshasaas. But, when i met them, they were all human, only vegetarian food, not a single habit of a Raakshas. I knew they had lodged themselves into normal human lives, i had to be the one to show them their true nature. So, i hypnotized them, took them to the forest. That is where i pulled them out of the misery of human life, and brought them to their home world. For many years, i taught them witchcraft, and necromancy for years, and i introduced them to their powers and strengths. And their biggest desire is ..Human Flesh. And when the Earth blocks the moon, and steps in between the Sun, at that phenomenon, they shall become complete Raakshasaas and rule over the world.


[Outside Interrogation Room]

Vidyut -"Neha, i have never seen or witnessed such a case in my career. Before the entire race of the poor people is eradicated, we have to stop them."

Neha -"Sir, maybe, let us call it a night, and tomorrow, investigate it full."

Vidyut -"Ya, I will also inform the head that we have caught a suspect. Let's go. Good Night."


[Vidyut's home]

(Vidyut is sleeping. Suddenly, his phone rings. Sleepy, Vidyut gets up and picks up the phone . It was from the Havildar of the Police Station, Ajay. He answers the call.)

Vidyut-(yawns, sleepy)" Ajay??What happened?"

Ajay- "Sir, that baba has escaped from jail."

Vidyut -"What?? I'll be there immediately."(Quickly washes his face, starts the jeep, and races to the police station.)


[Police Station]

(He reaches there , and asks the Havildar what happened.)

Havildar -" He asked me for some water, i went to give it . When i came back, a guard was lying on the ground and the lock was open. Then, I informed you all. This happened about some time back."

Vidyut -" Then, He's not gone too far. He must still be close . Gather all the guards , and search the perimeter in all directions. Let's move out, now."

Play Game of Shadows Ver 1 from Jiosaavn.

(Vidyut and all the guards move out. Vidyut asks a beggar on the side of the road, if he had seen a Baba moving out of the Police Station. The beggar points to the East. Vidyut gives some money as a thanks reward, and then, takes the East side, and starts running, looking everywhere. But, no sign of Baba. He moves ahead, running hurriedly. He sees a shadow , moving . He runs behind the shadow , when the shadow is none other than Baba. Vidyut quickens his pace and so does Baba. Vidyut is almost upon Baba, when the Aghori suddenly turns , while simultaneously grabbing some dust and throws it in Vidyut's eyes. Vidyut is blinded temporarily ,rubs his eyes and looks ahead, Baba was running away, Vidyut wipes his eyes and runs after Baba. Baba quickens his running and is out of sight . Vidyut looks everywhere and sees some Hindi letters. Which were carved out of blood on the side of the road. He pulls out his phone and takes 2 photos. When he is about to take the 3rd photo, Suddenly, a loud bang resounds and he feels a real stinging pain on the back of his head. His ears ring. Vidyut collapses, he touches the back of his head and he sees he is bleeding. He is rapidly losing consciousness, when, in his blurred vision, he sees a van move ahead, and some time later, a few policemen sight Vidyut bleeding and unconscious, 2 policemen run and hold Vidyut as one calls for an Ambulance. 10 minutes later, an ambulance arrives, and people stream out of the ambulance carrying him on a stretcher. He leaves in the ambulance, towards the hospital.)

Stop the Music



(Everyone is waiting outside the hospital room, when the Doctor comes out.)

Neha -" Sir, is he okay??"

Doctor -" He has suffered a Grade 3 Concussion, a severe one. But, he is stable for now. He has suffered an almost fatal blow that could have killed him. It's good you brought him here in the nick of time."

Neha -"Doctor, can I go and visit him?"

Doctor-"All right."

( Inspector Vidyut is lying on a bed, conscious, his breathing ragged. Neha sees Vidyut breathe.)

Neha -" Sir, how are you feeling ??"

Vidyut -" I'm not feeling good, i also feel a really painful wound on the back of my head."

Neha -" The Doctor said you have been affected by a Grade 3 concussion. You'll be better in ,maybe like 2-3 weeks."

Vidyut -"Are you serious ?I can't take a vacation that long. (He winces and touches his head) There's so much work to be done. Baba has escaped from us. We need to find him and those two people he was talking about."

Neha-" Sir, if you work too much with this head injury, you will die. And the police can't afford to lose you. You will be of no use to us if you die. Please understand, Sir."

Vidyut -(As much as he would like to disagree, he knew Neha had a point, sighs)" Fine, but, let me tell you this , the spot where i fell unconscious...

Neha -"It has been cordoned off for investigation."

Vidyut -" Wait, my phone.. (checks pockets for his phone , but, he doesn't find it) ..Ugh! Must have fallen on the crime scene. Listen, when you reach the area...

Neha -"It might have been taken by the investigators to the lab."

Vidyut -"Then, head to the station, go to the lab, get my phone and ask someone to repair it, please, be sure to ask the forensic photographer Rohan to share the photos of that area. Take them, analyze them with the help of the Forensic Analyst Anjali, and if you find any clue, report to me."

Neha -" Sir, my nephew Aaditya will be coming tomorrow to stay for a few weeks. I will be busy with him, but, i'll find time and do the instructed work. You take rest. "

Vidyut -"Ya."

Neha -"Sir..(Vidyut looks up)Get well soon."(Vidyut smiles)


{2 weeks later}

(Vidyut is better and his injury is gone. He is watching the news, with this , he sees the kidnappings have risen up. Vidyut knows who is well behind the kidnappings. But, his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the calling bell. He goes and opens the door to find.. Neha and her nephew.)

Vidyut -" Neha. How are you?"

Neha -"I am good, Sir. How are you feeling now?"

Vidyut -"Better."

Neha -"This is Aadi."

Aaditya -" Hi, Sir."

Vidyut -"You can call me Uncle, Aadi. So, Neha , what is it?"

Neha -" Sir, your phone(She gives him his phone, he takes it and puts it in his pocket)

Vidyut -"Thanks."

Neha-" Sir, I came to discuss about the photos."

Vidyut -" What happened??Did you find a clue??"

Neha -"I did, not one but, three clues."

Vidyut -"What?!!!!"

(Vidyut is shocked. What are the clues Neha has figured out? How will Vidyut and team catch Baba and the Raakshasaas? Questions linger in the mind, Where are the Raakshasaas? How will they catch them? But, most importantly, Who are they?. To find out, wait with bated breath , for Raakshas PART 3.)
