

  Chapter 185: In the air, half-step Dou Zong.

  The crowd around Han Feng pointed at Lin Xiu and whispered to the people next to them.

  They were not optimistic.

  Han Yue held Zi Yan in her arms and heard those people's discussion, her face was slightly cold.

  "A bunch of short-sighted guys, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, have no idea how big the gap between a true genius and an ordinary person is. If they knew that Lin Xiu could suppress Yin Lao alone, I'm afraid they wouldn't think so."

  She murmured in her heart, and couldn't help but look forward to it.

  When the junior brother shows his strength, these people will definitely be shocked.

  The discussion did not last long. As Lin Xiu made a move, he disappeared without a trace.

  Chi Chi!

  Lightning flashed, carrying Lin Xiu's figure, as if teleporting, and appeared in front of Han Feng in the blink of an eye.


  There was a burst of surprise around, obviously shocked by Lin Xiu's speed.

  This speed is already comparable to Dou Zong.

  Sometimes, the speed advantage will also be particularly important, and even affect the balance of victory and defeat.

  Everyone's heart was lifted, and they looked at Han Feng.

  With such a fast speed, could he react?

  "If I had known that you had practiced the Three Thousand Thunder Movements, would I not have been prepared?"

  Han Feng's face was not panicked at all. When he saw Lin Xiu appear, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  "Glorious Seal!"

  A dazzling beam of light lit up from Han Feng's head, and a huge handprint emerged from it, falling straight towards Lin Xiu.

  The handprint was like a flare falling from the sky, carrying a terrible energy.


  Lin Xiu's body was covered by the handprint, and he fell vertically, making a loud noise after touching the ground.

  "He lost too quickly."

  "He couldn't even survive a single move from the Medicine King, how can this kid have the nerve to shout."

  "Just now, when I just watched the handprint from a distance, I felt my chest blocked and my breathing was not smooth."

  The crowd of onlookers whispered endlessly.

  After all, this is Fengcheng, which belongs to Han Feng's territory. Everyone's fear and respect for Han Feng is from the bottom of their hearts.

  What's more, the strength of both sides is there. If they were hit at close range, Lin Xiu would have to have the physique of a monster.

  Otherwise, he would definitely get hurt, even seriously.


  After a whisper, these people found that Medicine Emperor Han Feng did not become relaxed, but on the contrary, he was still nervous.

  After noticing this, many people felt strange.

  Because many people could feel the power of the handprint just now from a distance. How could a newly promoted Dou Huang be hit at such a close distance and remain unscathed?

  In mid-air, Han Feng suddenly moved sideways for a distance, and the next moment he moved, a flash of lightning quickly passed by.

  The wind brought by the extremely fast speed blew Han Feng's robes.

  And Han Feng just dodged and felt a pressure coming from the side.

  With a glance, a clenched fist appeared and was smashing towards his face.

  The sea-blue Dou Qi covered Han Feng's whole body like sea water. He crossed his arms and blocked the fist that hit his face.


  The ground shook again, making a loud noise.

  But this time, the figure that stopped in the air was replaced by a young man.

  The wings behind him were mainly cyan with silver lines, and there was wind all around, and lightning could be seen jumping on them.

  It was very different from the sea-blue wings of Dou Qi.

  Before everyone had time to marvel, they saw the young man leaning down.


  There seemed to be a dragon roar in their ears, and a thunder dragon fell from the sky and smashed into the bamboo courtyard.

  The energy was excited, and the soil flew.

  Large areas of bamboo forests were broken into pieces, and shot in all directions.

  On the roof, a large number of figures leaned back and fell to the ground to avoid.

  After the noise died down, everyone climbed onto the eaves carefully.

  "What a strong attack!"   

  "As expected of a Canaan Academy student, his fighting skills are so terrifying."

  "Will Han Feng really be defeated by a newly promoted Dou Huang?"

  Everyone looked at the dusty area. The dust was dispersing, revealing a mess inside.

  "Han Feng is at least a peak Dou Huang, he shouldn't be killed by Lin Xiu's punch."

  An elder looked at Su Qian with an inquiring tone.

  "His breath is a little weakened, and he is injured, but not particularly serious."

  With the perception of the Dou Zong realm, Su Qian could sense the movement below.

  He whispered softly, "How come Lin Xiu's strength is getting stronger and stronger? It seems that as his strength increases, his strength is also getting stronger. Starlight Body Casting doesn't seem to have this feature."

  Without seeing Lin Xiu's battle with Yin Lao in person, Su Qian was only half-understood about Lin Xiu's fighting power.

  This time, he had some understanding.

  He couldn't help but sigh.

  "The temperature has risen. Is it the strange fire? Han Feng seems to be serious."

  Suddenly, Su Qian sensed that the heat in the air was rising and retracted his thoughts.

  Lin Xiu had the Flame Soul Separation Technique, so he was not worried about how much trouble the strange fire could cause Lin Xiu.

  At this moment, Su Qian's eyes suddenly condensed, and his expression became focused.

  The people around him also noticed something and held their breath.

  I saw a large piece of blue flame rising from the smoke and spreading outward, constantly undulating like waves.

  Above the waves, a figure stood.

  The fighting spirit wings behind him slowly dissipated, and his feet were stepping on the void, and his figure did not fall.

  "Lin Xiu, you can force me to show my strength completely, which is really good. As a reward, I will personally end your life!"

  Han Feng said lightly.

  "Lin Xiu..."

  Su Qian's eyes flashed with a trace of worry. Just as he said a name, he saw Lin Xiu raised a palm towards him.

  "Don't worry, Great Elder, a half-step Dou Zong is still not a Dou Zong. I can kill him!"

  Lin Xiu kept his eyes on Han Feng, but there was no panic on his face.

  After all.

  Compared with Medusa, Han Feng's half-step Dou Zong is much less threatening.

  The crowd couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard Lin Xiu's words, wondering if this young man really understood the gap between Dou Zong and Dou Huang.

  This is not just about the realm of strength.

  More importantly, after Dou Zong, one can walk in the void as if on flat ground. Whether it is agility or reaction speed, it is far from relying on Dou Qi wings.

  "Look down on half-step Dou Zong? At least it's enough to deal with you. I hope you can still be so stubborn later, little bastard."

  Han Feng flipped his palm, and a ball of Dou Qi energy gathered in his palm.

  The terrible energy seeped out, causing the surrounding space to tremble faintly.

  The crowd nearby silently pulled away a little, and the elders of the academy also frowned.

  This energy is much stronger than Dou Huang, and it is also higher than the so-called Silver Elder.


  The sound of waves hitting the coast was heard, and Han Feng dragged a piece of ocean to cover Lin Xiu.

  The flames overlapped, one wave after another.

  In the area near the center of Fengcheng, the moisture in the air seemed to be drained.

  Some people were sweating profusely, their mouths were dry, and when they breathed, their lungs felt like they were on fire, filled with a dry pain.

  Lin Xiu did not dodge, and a stream of flames surged out, covering his body.

  The flame was faint, and almost no color could be seen.

  "Fallen Heart Flame?"

  Han Feng's pupils shrank, and then a lot of joy surged. This kid was so lucky that he actually got the Fallen Heart Flame?


  As long as he was dealt with, he wouldn't have to go to the academy to search for the Fallen Heart Flame.