

  Chapter 219: Buddy, help me!

  Not far away.

  Yun Yun looked at Zi Yan, "Can you contact Medusa? She is also a Dou Zong, maybe she can help Lin Xiu."

  Zi Yan shook her head, "No need."

  Lin Xiu's strength can no longer be distinguished by realm. Since coming to the Jia Ma Empire, she has never seen Lin Xiu use fighting skills.

  He has several fighting skills at the earth level.

  "Three Dou Zongs are no problem?"

  Yun Yun was a little skeptical, mainly because she had fought with Lin Xiu on a regular basis, and she knew that the other party had given in to her.

  But, Lin Xiu wouldn't have used even one-tenth of his strength, right?

  I am the leader of the Yun Lan Sect after all...

  The evil spirit is formed by multiple souls devouring each other and finally condensing. The aura is mainly violent and chaotic.

  Watching from a distance, you will be unconsciously affected, and your inner emotions will become agitated.

  Now that the evil spirit appears in front of you, that feeling is getting stronger.

  Lin Xiu's right arm is burning with flames, and his skin gradually becomes transparent, with a crystal feeling.

  He punched out and collided with the fist of the evil spirit.


  The evil spirit shot back, but Lin Xiu did not move at all.

  The blood-colored figure kept flashing.

  The body of the Dharma Protector Xuan trembled, and his throat rolled, as if he had pressed something back.

  His eyes were full of shock, "This guy's power is stronger than before, why? Is it because of the cultivation method? He has only been promoted to a one-star Dou Zong, but why does he feel stronger than the peak of a nine-star Dou Zong?"

  Lin Xiu shook his right hand and was about to move, but suddenly stopped.

  "Lin Xiu, can you leave that evil spirit to me?"

  The voice of the Skyfire Venerable suddenly sounded in his ears.

  The evil spirit is composed of souls, which is an excellent supplement for souls like him.

  Perhaps worried about being rejected, he immediately added: "You seem to value that evil poison body very much. I have made friends with the evil poison body before. She is in a bad situation now. She can only hold on for half a year at most, and may be backfired. I have a way to seal it and help her extend her life by two to three years."

  "Can you seal the evil poison body?"

  Lin Xiu was a little surprised. He did know that there were hidden dangers in the evil poison body of the Little Medical Fairy, after all, he had read the book.

  But it was indeed unexpected that the Skyfire Venerable could deal with it.


  Skyfire Venerable responded immediately.

  "Okay, you want to deal with the evil spirit, what do you need me to do?"

  Lin Xiu's pursuit of the power of the poison will not stop. The more power he replenishes, the stronger the power in his body will be.

  "Just grab it."

  Skyfire Venerable replied.

  So simple?

  Lin Xiu thought about it, and his figure appeared directly next to the evil spirit. When

  Xuan Hufa and the other two saw Lin Xiu's figure, their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

  This speed is almost the same as teleportation. Generally, only when you reach Dou Zun and have a deep understanding of space perception can you move short distances.

  "Stop, what are you going to do?!"

  As soon as he came to his senses, Xuan Hufa found that Lin Xiu pointed his five fingers at the evil spirit. He was shocked and ignored the abnormality in his body and immediately controlled it.

  This evil spirit is connected to his consciousness. Once an accident occurs, not only will his accumulation over the years be destroyed, but even his own strength will be implicated by the accident of the evil spirit.

  However, Xuan Hufa's reaction was slow after all.

  As soon as he controlled the evil spirit, he felt a suction force that kept pulling the evil spirit.

  "Brother, help!"

  Xuan Protector shouted hurriedly.

  Hearing the voice, Tie Protector was startled. He was planning to sacrifice all the people from the Poison Sect and the Golden Goose Sect present to create a fierce spirit similar to Xuan Protector.

  Now the formation has just been set up and has not yet started.

  At this moment, he was a little bit unbelievable.

  No, we have just started fighting and you have already made one or two moves. Why are you asking for help?

  You are not that weak, right?

  Tie Protector complained in his heart, but his hands were not slow. He changed the hand seals with both hands, and the black fog was surging around. A chain with a sharp hook made a "swish" sound and suddenly shot towards Lin Xiu.

  "Thor Finger!"

  Lin Xiu glanced over, raised his other hand, and pointed his index finger at the chain.   

  Lightning flashed in the void. The environment, which was originally shrouded in black fog and was a little dim, suddenly became as bright as day.

  The surging lightning gathered into a hand, and the fingertips stretched out.


  As soon as it touched, the chain broke as expected, and the finger condensed by the thunder still fell towards the Iron Guardian.

  "Damn it! This is definitely not an ordinary earth-level fighting skill!"

  Looking at the lightning coming, the Iron Guardian was immediately furious, his hair stood up, and his heart was cold.

  These chains are carefully crafted, and they will not collapse even against Dou Zong.

  He did not dare to underestimate it, and a large amount of black fog surged out of his body.

  "I will help you."

  Another person flashed and appeared beside the Iron Guardian. He drew his hands in the air and condensed a black prism.

  At this time, the Thunder God Finger fell.


  The mirror surface rippled, like the surface of water, and actually sucked the entire Thunder God Finger in.

  The prism kept trembling, as if it could break at any time.

  The man's face changed drastically, and he was shocked by the power contained in the Thunder God Finger.

  His eyes fixed, and the seals of his hands changed. Then the prism spit out the Thunder God Finger again, but the direction was towards Lin Xiu's position.

  "Rebound attack?"

  Lin Xiu saw his attack coming, his eyes turned, and he raised his hand to throw the evil spirit away.


  Xuan Guardian's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't intervene at all.

  The two touched, and a shocking energy fluctuation broke out, and circles of ripples spread from the center.

  Lin Xiu stepped on the lightning, flashed to the middle, and grabbed the evil spirit away.

  At this moment, the evil spirit looked depressed and devastated.

  I saw the ring on Lin Xiu's finger light up, like a whirlpool, and easily sucked the evil spirit in.


  Xuan Guardian's body shook, his chest rose and fell violently, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

  His breath was declining at a very fast speed.

  A pair of eyes filled with red light, the light in them seemed to have weakened a lot.

  Almost at the moment when the evil spirit disappeared, he found that the connection between him and the evil spirit was broken.

  This killing weapon that took him many years of hard work to condense, was gone after the first use.

  His heart seemed to be cut by a knife, bleeding and twitching constantly. The murderous intent in Xuan's eyes when he looked at Lin Xiu was almost condensed into substance.

  "There is something fishy about him. I seemed to smell the scent of soul just now."

  Tie's face was gloomy.

  The Soul Palace has special sensing skills for soul power. The evil spirit disappeared just now, and it was obvious that there was a soul power at work.

  "That evil soul is already at the Dou Zong level, which means that he has at least a Dou Zong soul."

  The guardian's eyes became hot, "This time I really picked up a treasure. Not only can I get a good soul, but I also got an unexpected gain."

  "Not only that, he also has strange fire, and the Sea Heart Flame is also in his hand."

  Tie understood the meaning of his words and licked his lips.

  "Even if we don't find out the cause of the death of the guardian Wu, as long as we bring him back, it will be a great achievement."

  The guardian nodded, his tone became heavy, "Don't worry about the others for now, you and I will join forces and try to take him down."

  "And me!"

  The guardian Xuan wiped his mouth, and when he saw the two people's eyes sweeping over him, he showed a fierce look in his eyes, "I won't hold you back."

  As he said, he looked at Lin Xiu, "You are blocking my way by taking my evil soul. Today you will definitely pay a heavy price for what you have done."

  "What a joke, just use whatever moves you have. Since I started practicing, I am invincible in the same realm, and the same is true for Dou Zong!"

  Lin Xiu laughed confidently and glanced at the three people indifferently. He was not afraid at all, but was filled with strong excitement.