

  Chapter 215: The body of the poisonous body? You will die today!

  The woman's words seemed to have awakened the most terrifying memory in their minds. The faces of the man in gold and the three old men changed dramatically, and a strong fear emerged.

  Even some people around them had their pupils trembling slightly, revealing a hint of fear.

  Take in this scene.

  A trace of curiosity and doubt flashed in the woman's gray-purple eyes.

  What kind of Dou Huang is it? Just mentioning it can make the top masters of the three major sects feel fear.

  In addition.

  Since Luo Yantian and the three elders of Mulan are so afraid, why do they want to win over me and ask for justice from that person?

  "Master, when you meet him later, don't be fooled by his young appearance. He is really terrible, very strong, and very fast. If you want to take him down, you must strike first and kill him with one blow!"

  An elder of the Poison Sect said with a serious face.

  "Yes, Master Poison, please believe us, even if you don't believe that birdman, you must believe us."

  An old man among the three elders of Mulan also expressed with a heavy expression.

  "I'll try my best."

  The woman looked at their reactions and felt a little uncertain for a moment.

  If she hadn't been the sect master and had to consider the sect, she actually didn't intend to wade into this muddy water.

  Along the way, she heard them emphasize more than once.

  In addition to some worries, she was also a little expectant. When did such a young man appear in a place like the Jia Ma Empire?

  In her memory, the last time she met that guy was in Qingshan Town.

  He seemed to have completed his revenge on the Yun Lan Sect, and she didn't know where he went.

  Will I have a chance to see him again before my poison pill explodes?

  The team was flying. The Jia Ma Empire seemed to have greeted them in advance. They encountered almost no obstacles and successfully arrived near the imperial capital.

  A towering mountain came into view.

  "Go down!"

  With a low shout, the entire team began to descend in altitude, and everything on the top of the mountain became clearly visible.

  Large areas of the courtyard were vacant, and the training equipment was placed in a mess on the square, and there was no trace of the disciples.

  The entire mountain, from the houses to the square, exuded a bleak smell.

  "The Yunlan Sect was once the most prestigious sect in our northwest region. I never thought that one day it would end up like this."

  The three elders of Mulan sighed.

  "I have always emphasized in the sect that we should root out the grass. This is the result of leaving troubles behind. If they had been more ruthless, they would have directly slaughtered the Xiao family in Wutan City. How could they be avenged?"

  Luo Yantian sneered, and did not feel any sympathy for the fate of the Yunlan Sect.

  Instead, he felt that all this was the result of the Yunlan Sect's own fault.

  Fortunately, this time, it was not only us who came, but also three adults behind us.

  Otherwise, I would not dare to offend that kid.

  Thinking secretly in his heart, Luo Yantian's mind flashed the scene of himself being hit by a hammer.

  Just one blow, he lay down for two months before he could barely recover and walk on the ground.

  As the master of a dignified sect, it makes people feel ridiculous to say it out.

  "Master Luo has a very insightful opinion. I am learning from it."

  Suddenly, Luo Yantian heard the woman on Lan Ying's back chuckle. Seeing her looking at him with a smile, his skin under his clothes couldn't help but get goose bumps.

  "No, no, I dare not teach you."

  Luo Yantian didn't know how he had offended this person, and hurriedly smiled to apologize.

  The poison of the Poison Sect was terrible, and the poison of the master in front of him was even more deadly.

  Before she appeared, the Poison Sect was considered a force, but it was not worthy of the Golden Goose Sect's attention, until this person suddenly appeared.

  "Watch out, that kid is coming out!"   

  A low shout shifted everyone's attention.

  Three figures walked out of the door of a hall one after another, with two women on the left and right.

  One woman was dressed in white and had a cold temperament, and the other woman looked younger with purple hair.

  The young man between the two seemed to have some kind of magic power, which attracted everyone's attention.

  "Luo Yantian, Elder Mulan, you have made such a big scene, are you bringing some treasure to present to me?"

  Looking at the crowd of figures, Lin Xiu looked calm and chuckled, as if they were not people, but a large cloud.

  "Lin Xiu! Don't be so proud. You broke into my sect and took away my sect's top-secret skills. Today we are here to settle accounts with you."

  With a trembling face, Luo Yantian forced himself to act calmly.

  "Give it back!"

  "If you know what's good for you, don't wait for us to make a move. This time, the elites of our three sects are all out. If you take the initiative to return it now and apologize, you still have room to maneuver."

  "That's right! The Poison Sect Master is here too. I advise you not to taste her poison, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

  The three elders of Mulan sank into their dantians, and their voices rolled out like thunder, echoing in the sky.

  "Poison Sect Master..."

  Lin Xiu looked up and locked his eyes on the figure on the blue eagle.

  For some reason, when she was swept by his gaze, the woman always felt that the look in the other person's eyes was a little strange.

  It was like seeing a friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

  When did I meet him?

  The woman recalled secretly in her heart, but she couldn't find any impression of Lin Xiu's face.

  "It's a pity that I didn't see you last time I went to the Poison Sect."

  Lin Xiu sighed lightly, and his tone didn't sound fake at all.

  This voice fell into the ears of others, and they couldn't help but reveal a little surprise.

  There are still people who want to find the Poison Sect Master specifically? What are you doing? Are you tired of living and want to die?

  The poison of the Poison Sect Master is so strong that not only the whole Poison Sect knows it, but also the Golden Goose Sect and Mulan Valley are also very clear about it.

  It is for this reason that even though Luo Yantian is a two-star Dou Zong, he dare not underestimate the Poison Sect Master.

  This woman is full of poison, and it is a great trouble to touch her. He can't even hide in time, but someone wants to take the initiative to get close to her.

  Luo Yantian was surprised in his heart. If he hadn't seen the Poison Sect Master frowning, he would have almost suspected that the two knew each other.

  "Are you looking for me? Have we met before?"

  The woman couldn't help but asked the question in her heart.

  Living in Qingshan Town since childhood, he doesn't have many friends. It seems that Xiao Yan is the only good friend.

  "I haven't seen it."

  Lin Xiuxin said, but I have read the book and know who you are. He said frankly, "I am very interested in your evil poison body. I want to try the legendary evil poison body. How terrible is it."

  Wow! As

  soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar in the sky.

  "Poisonous body?"

  "Isn't this the rumored disaster?"

  "No wonder she broke through Dou Zong at such a young age. It turns out that she has the Poisonous body. As long as she takes toxins, she can continuously improve her strength. No wonder the poison is so terrible."

  "Get away quickly. The Poisonous body does not distinguish between friend and foe. There was once a book recording that a person with the Poisonous body had an outbreak of poison that killed an entire city."

  When everyone learned that the woman was actually a Poisonous body, even the people from the Poison Sect quietly distanced themselves from her, as if they were afraid and trying to avoid her.

  On the eagle's back, although the woman's face was covered, her gray-purple eyes still conveyed a terrifying murderous intent.

  The Poisonous body has always been the biggest secret in her heart. Except for telling Xiao Yan about this, she has never told anyone else.

  And at this moment, this guy not only saw it, but even took the initiative to expose it.

  The woman's cold voice seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth, "You will die today!"