

  Chapter 211 Hidden Medusa

  "Do you have anything else that's worth my deceiving?"

  Lin Xiu asked back.

  If it wasn't for saving time, and Yun Yun was at least a Dou Huang, who could barely serve as his sparring partner, he wouldn't bother to talk nonsense with her.

  This woman was obviously the leader of the Yun Lan Sect, but because of some interactions in the Warcraft Mountain Range, she actually let Xiao Yan go, causing the Yun Lan Sect to almost be destroyed.

  Isn't she just in love?

  Moreover, her temperament is very cold, which is a bit worse than Medusa.

  "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

  After a heavy knock, Yun Yun's frown finally loosened a little, and the big stone in her heart was completely put down.

  Afterwards, Yun Yun took him to the Yun Lan Sect's treasure house and some hidden secret rooms.

  These secret rooms are hidden in the mountain of Yun Lan Mountain and are very hidden.

  Fortunately, Yun Yun was once the leader of the sect. Before Yun Shan went into seclusion, she was also worried that her life would run out and die, so she told him about some places in advance.

  After a search, Lin Xiu gained a lot.

  In addition to some precious medicinal materials, two low-level earth-level skills and three low-level earth-level fighting skills, what satisfied Lin Xiu the most was a unique metal.

  It was a black ore, two meters high and more than one meter wide.

  The stone was heavy, but very hard.

  Even if Lin Xiu punched it, only a few cracks appeared on the surface.

  You know, Lin Xiu's punch is basically equivalent to a blow from a seventh-level monster, and the power should not be underestimated.

  "This is just the beginning. When I condense it with strange fire, the hardness will definitely increase."

  Since the long sword broke, Lin Xiu has not had a handy weapon in his hand.

  Although he has reached the point where his body becomes a soldier, he always feels that something is missing when he doesn't hold something in his hand.

  What's more, weapons can also increase the lethality.

  "Such a large piece can be used to refine a hammer."

  Lin Xiu used Yan Hao's hammer before and felt it was pretty good. It happened that the hammer-type weapon could be combined with the power he was good at.

  "Refine weapons?"

  After hearing Lin Xiu's request, Yun Yun's pretty face showed some difficulty, "There were indeed elders in the sect who were good at refining weapons before, but they died in the previous war." The

  Nine Forests and Hundred Soul Devourers of the Wu Guardian absorbed the souls of many elders at once, and the elder who refined weapons was one of them.

  She observed Lin Xiu's expression and saw his brows frown. She hurriedly said: "If you want to find someone to refine, you can consider the snake people."


  Lin Xiu looked at her in confusion.

  "The snake people have never liked to contact humans, but there are also some who are willing to trade with humans. Among them, weapons are part of their trade, and those weapons are very good."

  Yun Yun glanced at the shelf near the corner and waved her hand. A long sword flew over and fell into her palm.


  With a crisp sound, the sword body came out of the hole three fingers, revealing a cold and sharp blade.

  The light shone on it, reflecting the faces of the two people.

  Lin Xiu took it and looked at it, and nodded slightly, "It is indeed a good sword. Is it made by the snake people?"

  Yun Yun nodded.

  "Okay, then I'll go to the snake tribe."

  Lin Xiu said without hesitation. Medusa hadn't fulfilled her promise yet, so he couldn't let her get away.

  "Mr. Lin Xiu, you're not bringing the materials?"

  Looking at Lin Xiu's back, Yun Yun shouted, followed his gaze, and pointed at the boulder.

  Since he wanted the snake tribe to build it, how could he not bring the materials?

  "No need."   

  Lightning flashed under Lin Xiu's feet, and his figure disappeared directly. The terrifying speed scared Yun Yun, and the long sword in her hand fell to the ground without being clenched tightly.

  Looking at the place where Lin Xiu disappeared, Yun Yun was a little absent-minded, "What kind of fighting skill is this? The wind attribute fighting spirit I practiced is not even one-tenth of his speed."

  They are both Dou Huang, why is there such a big gap between them? They

  rushed all the way, and the lightning flashed.

  With the perfect fighting skill of six thousand thunders, under the urging of Lin Xiu, his figure seemed to teleport, and every time he appeared, he was a thousand meters away.

  Soon, the outline of the temple of the snake people appeared in front of the field of vision.


  The voice was like rolling thunder, falling from the sky.

  In the city, all the snake people stopped their actions and looked up.

  Among them, the guards on the city wall clenched their weapons, ready to attack at any time, as if they wanted to kill the guy who called the queen's name directly.

  But when they saw the face of the figure slowly falling, the guards lowered their heads and pretended that nothing had happened.

  It is said that the past of the Snake People has been seen by this man. What's wrong with calling the Queen's name twice?

  Don't mess with her!

  Hua She'er and his men came up to meet him. When they learned that Lin Xiu wanted to find the Queen, they told him directly that the Queen was not there.

  "Not there? Where did she go?"

  Hearing this, Lin Xiu was a little surprised, and at the same time a little unbelieving. He used his soul power to scan the city.

  Although it could not cover the entire city, it was still no problem to cover some core areas.

  After checking, he found that Queen Medusa was indeed not there.

  Hiding? I want to see how long you can hide.

  Lin Xiu was a little proud that he could make such a proud Medusa take the initiative to hide, and he told Hua She'er about his own affairs.

  Refining weapons belonged to the Yanshe tribe. Hua She'er immediately called Yan Ci, who was the leader of the Yanshe tribe and the person with the highest level of weapon refining.

  Originally thought that he was helping with the refining of weapons, Yan Ci was ready, but he learned that Lin Xiu wanted some of his own experience and insights.

  He was stunned for a long time.

  Compared with the foundation of the Snake People, a piece of experience is obviously not worth mentioning.

  After getting the things, Lin Xiu planned to leave.

  After that, Lin Xiu returned to Yunlan Sect. He spent some time and successfully refined the stone into a hammer, which was similar in size to Thor's hammer.

  Three magic cores were inlaid on it, which were wind, thunder and fire, and they were all sixth-level magic cores.

  This was also the highest-level magic core that Lin Xiu could produce.

  After the weapon issue was resolved, Lin Xiu stayed in Yunlan Sect directly and concentrated on honing his fighting skills to gain experience and obtain attribute points.

  Because he had the Fallen Heart Flame, he did not need to return to the academy to enjoy the bonus of training speed.

  On the fifth day after the Yunlan Sect battle, Lin Xiuya, Yan Hao and others came to say goodbye to Lin Xiu. They received the elixir reward promised by Xiao Yan and prepared to return to the academy.

  Lin Xiu stood on the cliff and watched them go away, but did not go back with them.

  "After taking down the Yunlan Sect, there is no reason to miss the neighboring Poison Sect, Jinyan Sect, and Mulan Valley. After dealing with them, I will almost break through to the Dou Zong level, and then I can go to Zhongzhou."

  While making plans, Lin Xiu's eyes flashed with yearning. The truly wonderful place in the Douqi Continent is Zhongzhou.

  There, Douhuangs are as numerous as dogs, and Dou Zongs are everywhere. It is

  much stronger than this place in the Northwest Region.

  "To refine the body, you need three kinds of strange fire. Maybe I can go to Fenyan Valley to borrow fire."

  Lin Xiu remembered that the young master of Fenyan Valley had an accident when refining the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Fire, and it was Xiao Yan who helped solve the problem.

  He can solve the problem of strange fire by himself. It's just borrowing, not taking it away, so there must be no big problem.