

  Chapter 194 Going to Jia Ma

  Lin Xiu did not have to wait too long.

  About a week later, Xiao Yan sent someone to inform him that the team was ready and could set off.

  So Lin Xiu led Zi Yan, Lin Xiuya, and Yan Hao to leave the inner courtyard together.

  The meeting place was chosen to be Fengcheng.

  After arriving, in addition to Xiao Yan and Xiao Li, there were also Lin Yan and others. When they

  saw Lin Xiu, they came forward to greet him enthusiastically.

  Among the large group of people, there were three with particularly strong auras, which were out of tune with the others.

  They were a middle-aged man with a furious lion tattoo on his chest, a charming woman in revealing clothes, and an old man with a thin figure and white hair.

  "Tiewu from the Crazy Lion Gang..."

  "Su Mei from the Rakshasa Sect... "

  "Yingu Lao from the Tianyin Sect..."

  "Meet Elder Lin."

  When they came to Lin Xiu, the three took the initiative to introduce themselves and greeted him.

  Xiao Yan introduced Lin Xiu and said that he was the helper he invited.

  Lin Xiu was a little surprised, and when he came to his senses, he smiled and nodded in response to the three people, which was considered a greeting.

  Seeing this scene, the people around whispered, their eyes full of surprise.

  After some preparation, Lin Xiu finished chatting with the three people, and the team boarded the flying magic beast and headed for the Jia Ma Empire.

  After a long journey, a majestic pass appeared in front of the sight.

  The city wall was towering, and it was covered with mottled breath left by the years.

  "Zhen Gui Pass..."

  A flash of memory flashed in his eyes, and Lin Xiu remembered the scene when he followed the team to leave here.

  At that time, he was not even a fighter.

  Lin Xiu turned around and waved to another flying magic beast. Then a figure spread out purple wings and flew over.


  Landing on the back of the magic beast, Xiao Yan showed a puzzled look in his eyes.

  "I have to deal with some things. I won't go with you next time. I will meet you at Yunlan Mountain."

  Lin Xiu practiced the Guiyuan Jue, and at this moment, the sixth-level magic core has not been replaced.

  Before, near the academy, it was not that he couldn't find the magic beasts, but he was worried that excessive killing would provoke the group of magic beasts to gather together.

  The sixth-level magic beast is not only powerful, but also has a spiritual intelligence close to that of an adult.

  Therefore, Lin Xiu plans to take advantage of this opportunity to come to the Jia Ma Empire and solve the problem in the Magic Beast Mountain Range.

  No one here knows him, and if the magic beasts want to stick together, they can't find a direction to retaliate.

  "Do you need help, senior?"

  Xiao Yan was not angry at all for Lin Xiu's sudden departure.

  He asked the senior to come to the Yunlan Sect to hold the line, not to lead the battle. As long as the senior can come to the Yunlan Sect before the battle begins, it will be fine.

  In the face of Xiao Yan's kindness, Lin Xiu smiled and refused, and only planned to take Zi Yan away.

  After a brief explanation, Lin Xiu and Zi Yan left the magic beast.

  The others were a little surprised to see this scene, but they found that Xiao Yan returned to the previous magic beast with a calm face, and did not ask.

  Flying over the Ghost-Suppressing Pass, a mountain range can be seen not far away. This is one end of the Magic Beast Mountain Range.

  "How many spiritual medicines you can find depends entirely on your ability."

  Lin Xiu lowered his head slightly and raised his hand to press Zi Yan's head.

  "Are you sure you are not afraid of a seventh-level magic beast?"

  Zi Yan asked again with some concern. Seeing Lin Xiu nod, she stopped worrying.

  Both of them were strong, and entering the Magic Beast Mountain Range was no different from going home.

  In just three days, Lin Xiu collected all the magic cores of the seven Yuanqiao.

  One Yuanqiao represents a sixth-level magic core, which is equivalent to a Douhuang power.

  "Now I am almost in my strongest state."

  Feeling the abundant power in his body, Lin Xiu clenched his fist and exhaled.

  At this time, a small figure in the distance approached quickly like a bullet.

  Behind her, followed a huge magic beast.   

  Without waiting for Zi Yan to speak, Lin Xiu rushed forward and took the initiative to meet him.

  He clenched his right fist, and his body was like a fully drawn bow.


  The air was rippled by the huge force and collided with the monster.

  The next second, the huge monster exploded directly.

  Lin Xiu stretched out one hand, and a magic core fell into his palm. The scorching heat surged from his body, evaporating the blood mist.

  Except for the roar echoing in the mountains and forests, there was no sign of the death of a sixth-level monster.

  "Are you really not a monster?"

  Walking to Lin Xiu, Zi Yan stretched out a finger and poked him.

  This was the question she had asked countless times in the past three days.

  Zi Yan never thought that the human body could be so abnormal that it could use physical strength to defeat a sixth-level monster head-on.

  It was even stronger than her own strength.

  "Let's go, the collection of medicinal materials is almost done. Next, I can get a recipe for the Transformation Pill and help you refine the pill."

  Lin Xiu did not answer her, but just stretched out his hand to mess up Zi Yan's purple hair.

  When the Transformation Pill was mentioned, Zi Yan's attention was immediately diverted.

  "The Transformation Pill is a seventh-grade pill. Can you really make it? Lin Xiu."

  She was a little excited.

  Ever since she ate the Transformation Grass, her body has remained in the shape of a child, and she can't even change back to her original body.

  And there are only two ways to change her original body.

  One is to take the Transformation Pill, and the other is to improve her realm to Douhuang.

  Over the years, she has taken a lot of precious medicines, but unfortunately her strength is still growing very slowly.

  "Of course."

  Lin Xiu nodded lightly.

  "Do you know where I can get the pill formula?"

  Zi Yan trusted Lin Xiu very much. Seeing him nod, she asked another question.

  "The Yunlan Sect should have it."

  Lin Xiu replied.

  The Pill King Gu He has been famous for a long time. He is a sixth-grade alchemist and has a high status in the Jiama Empire. Maybe he has a seventh-grade pill formula.

  Of course, if there is no pill formula, it doesn't matter. As long as the Yunlan Sect is taken down, with the sect's foundation, she can completely refine some pills to help her accelerate her breakthrough to the sixth level.

  "Then what are you waiting for, go, go!"

  Zi Yan took Lin Xiu's hand, wishing she could teleport directly to Yunlan Mountain.

  The two of them first came out of the forest and went to a nearby city to inquire about the news.

  Xiao Yan's return was a big deal. After all, he brought so many people with him, it was hard not to attract attention. There

  was almost no need to ask actively, and all kinds of news came one after another.

  "Two years ago, Xiao Yan ascended to the Yun Lan Sect and defeated the young leader Nalan Yanran. Later, he was hunted down by the Yun Lan Sect. Now he has returned with great strength. I am afraid he will fight with the Yun Lan Sect."

  "The news that the Yun Lan Sect has issued a nationwide wanted list for the Xiao family is well known to everyone. Xiao Yan brought so many people back. It must not be just to show off."

  "I heard that Xiao Yan already has the strength of a Dou Wang. He killed the elder of the Yun Lan Sect with one move at the Ghost Pass. It has only been two years. The speed of progress is too terrifying. If Yun Shan got the news, he might regret it."

  "Yun Shan? He is just a lunatic. He first issued a wanted list for the Xiao family, and then confronted the imperial royal family. Some time ago, he also attacked the snake people. Now the Yun Lan Sect is surrounded by enemies. If he was not a Dou Zong, the Yun Lan Sect would have been gone long ago."

  "He is indeed anxious. The queen of the snake people has broken through to the Dou Zong. He is provoking a strong enemy for no reason."

  Lin Xiu heard every word. Except for the flash of surprise in his eyes, there was not much change in his expression.

  Why would the Yun Lan Sect attack the snake people?

  Could it be that Yunshan is really crazy?

  Maybe Yunshan was promoted to Dou Zong earlier than Medusa, but one is a human and the other is a demon beast, so they are totally incomparable.

  Moreover, the environment in the deep desert is harsh and there is no profit to be made.

  After Zi Yan finished eating, Lin Xiu pulled her out of the restaurant.

  "Wait, Lin Xiu, this is not the way to Yunlan Mountain."

  After leaving the city, Zi Yan looked at a stretch of yellow sand.