

  Chapter 187 Two guardians, Su Qian was injured.

  With the strong wind behind him, Han Feng didn't dare to stay.

  After using his strongest move, he didn't kill Lin Xiu. He knew that his methods couldn't kill him at all. As for the strange fire, Han Feng knew that it was a pipe dream to use his own sea heart flame to deal with Lin Xiu   after seeing

  Lin Xiu deal with the Fallen Heart Flame.

  "Xuan guardian!!" Han Feng had to ask for help again when he noticed Lin Xiu approaching.   "Don't struggle, that guy doesn't have time to take care of you now, just go with peace of mind."   Lin Xiu appeared behind Han Feng, raised his right fist, and his body was like a bow, accurately hitting Han Feng's vest.   Boom!   It was as if he was hit by a sixth-level monster.   Han Feng's fighting spirit armor collapsed, and the whole person was thrown out like a cannonball.   The houses along the five or six streets were all smashed.   Lin Xiu stepped on the lightning and flashed into the ruins again.   Fighting spirit was surging, and the wind was blowing.   The smoke and dust were quickly blown away, and Han Feng's miserable appearance covered in blood was revealed in a pile of rubble and bricks.   "I seem to be late..."   Just as Lin Xiu was about to finish off the opponent, another strange laugh sounded, and then a deep voice floated into Lin Xiu's ears. A   colorful light flashed before his eyes, and before Lin Xiu could react, a strong force was transmitted to his body, and his figure was thrown out.   Because this force did not enter his body, Lin Xiu did not resist and let his figure fly backwards.   Where he had stood before, Medusa stood quietly, raising her jade hand, holding a chain that flashed black light.   At the end of the chain was a ball of black mist, in which two red lights like human eyes could be faintly seen.   "Two Dou Zongs again?!"   "What sinful things did Han Feng do to deserve such retribution?"   "What kind of forces are these two? I've never heard of them in the Black Horn Region before. They must be famous for having two Dou Zongs."   Before the crowd had time to digest the fact that Han Feng was truly defeated, they suddenly saw two Dou Zongs joining the battle. Their moods were up and down and it was difficult to calm down.   "Guardian Wu, you can come later."   The tone of the guardian Xuan revealed a trace of resentment.   "It was agreed to be two months later, but you changed the time temporarily. I still have a lot of things to deal with in Jia Ma."   The two seemed to be of equal status, and the guardian Wu had no intention of pampering the other.   He said in a low voice, "It was agreed that we would only deal with Su Qian, so how come another Dou Zong appeared?"   "You ask me? Who should I ask?"   The guardian Xuan said angrily.   The person involved, Han Feng, is now in a coma and on the verge of life and death. He wanted to ask, but he couldn't find a chance.   "What do you say now?"   asked the guardian Wu.   It is not time for their Soul Palace to appear in a big way. Generally, they are not related to souls, so they cannot appear at will.   If they arouse the suspicion of those tribes and ruin the plan of the tribe leader, they will be punished by the Lord of the Palace when they return to the palace.   People from the Soul Palace usually only appear after the war or in places where souls exist.   Even in the chaotic land of Black Horn, they dare not kill people wantonly or plunder souls at will, but use the black storm as a cover.   "Take Han Feng back to the palace first."   Xuan, the guardian, naturally understood the rules of the palace and did not want to get too entangled with Su Qian.   The main reason is that his manpower is not complete yet, and he cannot create a large formation for the time being.   More importantly, the two Douhuang souls collected before have not been made.   Otherwise, he has the confidence to make a fierce soul and fight against Su Qian and another Dou Zong alone.   "Okay."   Wu, the guardian, agreed happily.   Not far away, Lin Xiu listened to the words of the two people without missing a word.   He always kept his promises, so how could he watch the two break his principles.   "Medusa, stop him for a while."   Lin Xiu ordered.   After he finished speaking, he rushed in the direction of Han Feng.   This guy...   

  Medusa glanced at Lin Xiu and gave him another order. She always chose this critical occasion, leaving him no chance to refute. Medusa

  silently made another note, and fixed her eyes on the black fog. She moved and blocked the line between the black fog and Han Feng.

  "Medusa, do you want to make enemies with my Soul Palace?"

  The guardian Wu shouted angrily.

  Soul Palace? He actually knew my identity?

  Medusa was startled, and then frowned, "You are neither human nor ghost, and you are worthy of calling me by my name?!" As soon as she finished

  speaking, an iron chain shot out from the black fog.

  With her jade hand, a colorful snake sword fell into her palm, and Medusa raised her hand and swung it.


  There was a rapid collision, making a sound like metal colliding.

  On the other side, Lin Xiu came to Han Feng.

  He didn't say anything nonsense. With a thought, an invisible flame emerged and fell on Han Feng.

  The sea heart flame sensed that its master was in danger and automatically floated out of its body to protect its master.

  "Flame Soul Separation Technique!"

  Lin Xiu quickly pinched his fingers and fixed the Sea Heart Flame. The invisible flame successfully sank into Han Feng's body.


  The severe pain woke Han Feng up. He opened his eyes and saw Lin Xiu's cold face.

  The flames devoured his sight. Han Feng's last memory only stopped at Lin Xiu's face and a dark shadow that flashed vaguely on Lin Xiu's body.

  "Be careful! Lin Xiu!"

  After burning most of Han Feng's body, Lin Xiu drove the flames to Han Feng's head.

  Suddenly, the elders and Su Qian's exclamations rang in his ears.

  He saw the void next to him twisted, and a ghost stretched out, attacking him with fangs and claws. The

  ghost's face was twisted, and the red light in his eyes was bright. The fingers stretched out had sharp nails, half a foot long, and the color was as black as jade.

  The claws seemed to carry some kind of aura, and they crossed the void, making the air sticky.

  Seeing that there was no escape, starlight appeared on Lin Xiu's body, ready to take it head-on.

  At this moment, the void in front of him twisted, and then a black-robed figure emerged.

  Su Qian, with white hair and beard, looked stern and directly helped him block the blow.

  When the claws touched his skin, his face twitched slightly, and there was almost no change.

  But then the color of his face quickly turned dark.

  "Great Elder!"

  Lin Xiu came back to his senses and was shocked.

  It was a long story, but it actually happened very quickly.

  "Don't worry, it's nothing serious."

  Gently pressing Lin Xiu's shoulders, Su Qian took him and moved seven or eight meters sideways.


  A chain fell to the position where they were before, and a big hole exploded in the ground.

  "Although my evil spirit has not been completely condensed, the evil spirit in it cannot be ignored. Originally, I might have killed him.

  But now... Su Qian, you have been hit by my evil spirit. How much of your strength can you exert?

  You can protect him once, can you protect him a second time?"

  In the black fog, Xuan, the guardian, laughed "jiejie", full of arrogance and pride.

  Obviously, he did not expect that Su Qian, a Dou Zong, would be willing to get hurt for a Dou Huang student.

  In fact, Lin Xiu didn't react at all.

  When he saw Su Qian's face darken, he couldn't help but feel angry.

  But because his shoulder was held down by Su Qian, Lin Xiu couldn't move easily.

  Is there any way to kill that guy? !

  Lin Xiu began to think quickly in his heart, add points? Or summon the Skyfire Venerable? Or fuse the strange fire to make a fire lotus?

  The higher the realm, the greater the gap between each level.

  This is the first time that Lin Xiu has felt the powerlessness of fighting across levels.

  The gap between Dou Huang and Dou Zong is not so easy to make up.

  "As soon as I make a move, you run! Run to the academy! Remember, you have a good talent, but you are too young. As long as you are alive, you will have a bright future. Don't waste your life here!"

  Su Qian whispered calmly.