
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Shut Up

Izuku has found himself to get more pissed off as days go by. Maybe all of the junk he's had to put up with was getting to him? July 14th rolled around again and Izuku turned 14 years old but it wasn't a momentous occasion. The kids always do the same thing every year. They all think, "Oh, why don't we give the birthday boy a little surprise?"

Ha. In all honesty, Izuku doesn't care for his birthdays anymore. Even when Inko celebrates it he knows it's all an act. Her actions at night are enough to prove that and it just leaves Izuku feeling bitter and dull inside.

He tries, he truly does. Izuku tries to be happy but it gets harder and cutting is more prominent. His dreams of being a hero the only thing besides Quirkless Pals that truly make Izuku smile.

Something was off today though. Starting the cool October morning shocking awake by the sound of a pan falling in the kitchen. Izuku could have sworn that his mother snapped and decided to start morning beatings as well.

Of course, he got overly excited about a villain battle on the way to school. The man he talked with was so kind but when Mount Lady showed up, effectively stealing the show, the gross reporters basically trampled Izuku. By the time he had all his belongings gathered Izuku had to run to make it to school on time. In the rush, he stepped in a puddle caused by last night's rain.

Izuku Midoriya was late to class for the first time since he was four on October 5th, 2019.

Of course, OF COURSE, his teacher had to call him out in front of the class for wanting to attend UA. They all laughed and mocked him and needless to say, Kacchan was not pleased.

As the bell rang signaling the end of the day Izuku pulled out his notebook to record the villain battle when Kacchan ripped it out if his hands.


His lackeys laughed loudly pointing at it. "Hero Analysis: For The Future!?!"

"Number 13!?!"

Izuku reached for it. "J-just give i-it back!"


Kacchan put the notebook between his palms and made an explosion.

"WAHHH!? W-what was that for!?" Izuku stumbled over his words.

Kacchan scoffed and tossed it from the window and Izuku looked after it in despair.

Why? Why is it always me? What did I do?

He wasn't listening to anything Kacchan was saying anymore but the final comment cut through the fog in his mind.

"If you want a quirk THAT badly, take a swan dive off the roof and hope for one in your next life!"

They left laughing.

Stupid Kacchan, thought Izuku. What if I actually did it?

He was holding his burnt, dripping notebook under the underpass of a bridge when a bang came from behind Izuku. The greenette barely had time to turn around before he was engulfed and suffocating in the clutches a slime-covered being.

A lot of things led to this point and Izuku could do nothing but stand in shock on that rooftop facing his deflated idol, All Might, who had saved him from the slime being.

"Can someone be a hero without a quirk? No, I can't confidently say they can. It's good to dream kid but make sure your dreams are reachable."

He grunted and stood, making his way to the roof door.

"Policemen get a lot of guff for only containing the villain's heroes bring in but it's still an admirable line of work."

All Might left Izuku on that rooftop without another word.

"Oh..." The wind blew, his hair that reached past his shoulder blades now lifted softly. Something in him broke. Oh, it was his heart.

Izukus head turned to the railing.

"Take a swan dive off the roof"

His feet moved and he looked over the railing.

"Swan dive off the roof"

He bent down to untie his shoes.

"Off the roo-" *BOOM*

Izukus eyes turned towards the sound at the opposite side of the building. Whether out of instinct or habit, he quickly ran to the source. Izuku's heart stopped when he saw Kacchan stuck in the slime being's grasps. He gagged remembering that suffocation.

How did this happen?

Izuku remembered hanging off All Might in the air.


He couldn't help feeling as though the blonde deserved this but when red eyes met green, Izukus body moved on its own.

Why am I doing this?

He swung his bag.

He made my life hell!

The villain let go.

Why can't I stop!?

He clawed at the slimy texture.

"DEKU!? What the *bleep* are you doing?"

With watery eyes and a broken voice, Izuku looked at his tormentor.

"You looked like you needed help."

All Might stepped in and saved Izuku for the second time that day and saved Kacchan too. Izuku couldn't bring himself to look at the Number 1 hero that he so adored, that crushed his dreams.

While Katsuki Bakugou got praised for his powerful quirk and bravery, the only child, the quirkless nobody, the only one who had the guts to step forward, Izuku Midoriya got promptly chewed out.

Shut up...


Izuku was, slowly, walking down his street after the villain fight. Kacchan had come to give his peace.

"I never asked for your help, Nerd! Don't think I'd ever be indebted to a useless Deku like you!"


Izuku was so, so drained. How could everything go so wrong in the spand of just 24 hours? He wanted to cry.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!" Izuku practically jumped out of his skin when the muscle form of All Might bolted out from behind the corner ahead.

"I-" he deflated.

Uhhh... then spit out blood.

"Ahhh! All Might!!!"

The man in question held up his hand, "I am quite alright, Shounen. I have been looking for you!"

"F-for me?" Izuku tilted his head confused.

"Yes! Young man, I've come to thank you and to apologize! If it weren't for you, I would have not had been spurred into action and been able to save that boy. Shounen, the best heroes always have stories of how they started."

Izukus breathing was growing ragged and his eyes started to water.

"Their bodies moved before their minds."

Izukus knees hit the pavement as he clutches his chest.

"This happened to you, am I right? Young Midoriya," All Might extended a hand forward, "you CAN become a hero!"

Izukus tears fell freely.

"I deem you worthy of my power. Izuku Midoriya, inherit my quirk!"

He choked. What? Izuku lifted his head confused.

"My quirk, One For All, has been passed on from generation to generation like a sacred torch, each holder cultivating its power more through each use. Only those with the pure hearts of a hero wield One For All! Will you accept?"

Oh, thought Izuku as he lowered his head again, I get it now. I can become a hero but I still need a quirk. I can't be a hero a just me, huh?

"No." His voice was measured and cold.

"What?" All Mights faced showed nothing but confusion. Izuku lifted his head and the blonde was shocked to meet the stone eyes with his own blue.

"I should have known," chuckled Izuku. "Actually, I've known all along, I've just been in denial. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Every harsh reminder, every cut, every burn, every laugh," Izuku began one of his signature rants, built on escalating anger. "All the junk I've gone through! This world just hates me, doesn't it? That's the only explanation for why I've had such a jacked-up life!"

He got to his feet and pointed an accusatory figure at All Might.

"And YOU!" Izuku was yelling at this point. "YOU, Number One hero, the great All Might! YOU took all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations and threw them out like TRASH!"

All Might took a step forward, hands in front of his in a gesture to try to placate the angered Midoriya. "Calm down, Young Mido-"

"Don't you DARE call me that like we're close! Calm down? Calm down!?"

He stomped forward. "I will not calm down."

Izuku reached forward and took All Mights collar in his grasp, pulling the lanky man to eye level.

"Screw quirks. Screw you. And screw this world."

Izuku pushed the man away and walked passed him. He stopped and looked over his shoulder at the shocked form of All Might.

"Deku. Remember that name, Jerk."

Izuku walked off.


Yagi Toshinori looked after Young Midoriya. Shock and intimidation still fresh in his system. Yagi's frail body hit the floor.

"What have I done?"